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'why am i coughing up flowers?'

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'why am i coughing up flowers?'

yes. you had actually looked it up.

although, you had no time to look into it more because a short orange haired boy had grabbed your attention again as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "[first name]-chan! sorry for taking so long, i had to take a poopy."

"don't worry about it shoyo, you.. don't need to explain the details." you sweatdropped, looking up from your phone as you shut it off.

at the moment, the two of you were at a festival together. it was a traditional thing the both of you did, ever since you first met at a festival like this when you were both nine-years old. he had just needed to use the restroom, so you took that time to look up what had happened that day.

unfortunately, shoyo had gotten out of the restroom quicker than you had anticipated, so you didn't have enough time to actually look into. alas, you were just happy to be able to spend time with him! it sure felt like it's been awhile since you have.

standing up from the bench you had been sitting on, you gave him a gentle smile as he returned it with a bigger smile. he grabbed your hand, intertwining it with his own fingers, "let's go find a spot where we can properly watch the fireworks!"

with flushed cheeks, you tried to keep up with him as he eagerly dragged you to the small hill where many others had already begun to set up their blankets so they could comfortably watch the colours that would explode like a symphony in the sky.

"[first name]-chan, let's go sit over there!" he bounced, pointing to a spot with a clear viewing of the sky. he dropped your hand as he quickly rushed over to the area he had selected, a proud grin sprouting on his lips as he gasped, "woah~! it's perfect!"

you smiled at his silly actions, as you pulled the blanket you brought out of the bag you had brang along. gently laying it down, you watched as he lay down on the red and white plaid blanket, one that you had been using since childhood.

patting the spot beside him, shoyo wordlessly urged you to sit down alongside him. you nodded and sat down, closing your eyes as you relished the moment you got to have with the orange haired boy. this whole week he had been distancing himself from you, all for yachi.

you had no distaste for yachi whatsoever, in fact, you thought she was super sweet! but the fact that she just.. showed up in shoyo's life bugged you. he had only known her for a week and a half, at the least, and he had already spent so much time with her! of course, you can't control who he associates himself with, but it almost felt like you were getting replaced.

"hey, [first name]-chan, what're you thinking about?" he stared at you, his big brown eyes not blinking as concern seeped in through his tone.

forcing a laugh, you continued to look up at the sky to avoid his gaze, "it's nothing really, i'm just thinking how fast the school year is going already."

a moment of silence stood between you before he spoke up again, "you don't actually expect me to believe that, do you?" he whined, "we're best friends [first name]-chan.. i can tell when you're lying."

it's not that you were being an open-book, but shoyo knew you too well.

"..it's kind of cold, huh? i wish i had brought a jacket." you avoided the topic.

eyeing you suspiciously, he let the conversation drop and continued to talk with you. "yeah, it is! wait, you didn't bring a sweater? does that mean i'm becoming the smart one?"

you flushed a bit at his teasing as a wave of embarrassment hit you, "not at all! i will always be the smart one you know!"

"yeah, yeah, i know! but how could you forget a jacket?! you knew we'd be out here for awhile!" he stuck out his tongue in a silly manner.

"i don't know! it just slipped my mind! i have other important things to think about, a jacket isn't my top priority!" you defended yourself, crossing you arms to make yourself appear more intimidating.

shoyo stared at you with an emotion you couldn't quite place your finger on, before he made an offer, "here, [first name]-chan, have my jacket! i'm not that cold anyways, so."

"w-what-? n-no, shoyo it's fine-!"

a warm feeling encased your body as he placed a comfortable black jacket over your shoulders. it smelled just like him, the scent of lavender and lemon filling your nose as he zipped up the jacket for you. your cheeks flushed a bit as you looked at him, "i.. i don't need this, shoyo, i don't want you to freeze!"

"no, i don't need it! i think it's pretty warm out," he grinned, "and besides.. i-i think it looks good on you!"

even more blood rushed to your cheeks as you stared at him with wide, open eyes. before you could even utter out a "thank you," you could feel that familiar tickling sensation make its way up your throat. it felt like you were about to throw up..

hastily standing up, you quickly muttered, "i'll be right back!" and before he could reply you rushed to the restroom.

opening the restroom door, you found yourself in one of the stalls, your body gagging trying to get the unwanted substance out of your system. repeatedly gagging, you finally threw up into the toilet bowl. instead of the usual single petal that it had always been, this time it was a whole flower.

droplets of red splattered on the toilet.

wish i were her [hinata x reader x tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now