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"c'mon [first name]-chan! just toss the ball to me and i'll bump it back! pleaseee!"

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"c'mon [first name]-chan! just toss the ball to me and i'll bump it back! pleaseee!"

you gazed down at your smaller childlike hands, what was this? a dream? but then how were you sentient? lucid dreaming wasn't a common occurrence for you. the both of you seemed to be at your old junior high school, so you could assume the fact this took place when you were a child. (plus, hinata looked even smaller.)

"well, i don't know.." you answered. hinata was volleyball-obsessed, so you wouldn't be surprised if that was what he was talking about, but you felt uneasy.

upturning his bottom lip, hinata pouted as he stared at you with puppy dog eyes, "please? it will only be for a short while!" he pleaded with you.

it was a nostalgic feeling, as hinata always did this when you were children. so for old time's sake, you reluctantly nodded, "okay, fine. but only for a little while!" you compromised.

grinning ecstatically, the orange haired boy jumped up and down in joy, "yes! thank you!" he thanked you, grabbing the volleyball that was by his feet and handing it you for you to throw to him.

the two of you got in position, as you threw the ball and watched him dive to bump it. however, he missed by an inch, resulting in the ball flopping on the ground beside him. you couldn't help but giggle at his misfortune, while he pouted some more, "again!"

"fine, fine!" you sighed, grabbing the ball and throwing it to him once he was ready. unlike last time, he actually hit it! ..right into your nose.

you stumbled back, grabbing your nose in pain. it was hinata's turn to laugh at you, and even though the injury hurt, you found yourself laughing along with him. after a short minute of laughter, hinata walked over to you and patted your head, "sorry! i didn't mean to do that.. it was kind of funny though.."

and while he may have whispered that last part, you heard everything. bonking him on the head, you pursed your lips as you pouted at him for a change.

hinata rubbed the part of his head that you hit, "i'm sorry [first name]-chan! i'll never do it again, in fact, i-i'll always protect you! just don't hit me!" he childishly whined.

protect you? that's weird. because he didn't do that while your own body was trying to kill you. wait- why were you thinking that? even if this was just a dream, it was the first time you had actually felt happy, why were you trying to sabotage it? in fact, you felt so happy that you wished you could just stay in this dream forever. hinata and you as children for eternity, the only worry you would have was if you forgot your chores. you wanted to stay..

"[first name]-chan! you have to wake up now!" hinata broke you out of your thoughts as you looked up at him, "the me in the real world misses you, and wants to apologise. but i promise we'll see each other again!"


"bye bye!"

your eyes fluttered open, immediately blinded by the bright lights that sat above you. "..what happened?" you mumbled, trying to sit yourself up. doing so, a sharp pain ran throughout your ribs, and you winced at the unexpected pain.

"[first name]-chan? you're awake!" a very familiar voice called out, causing you to look up. surprise, surprise, it was hinata. he stood a few metres away from the bed you were in, like he was afraid he would catch an illness if he was next to you.

rubbing your eyes, you yawned a little before speaking up, "what's going on?"

"well.. you're at the hospital. after you passed out at school, tsukishima called 119. they brought you here, and you got surgery!" hinata explained the situation as you tried to recall the events of what happened.

your eyes widened as the memories flooded into your mind, "you.. kissed yachi.."

seeing his cheeks heat up, he stammered, "yes, well.. we were practising for yachi's confession! she has a crush on shimizu-senpai, and she asked me to help practise. i don't have like her like that!"

you furrowed your eyebrows, "..what about when i asked you, and you avoided the question?"

"see, i wanted to make it seem like i liked her.. so you didn't know i liked you," he blushed as he bashfully rubbed the back of his neck, "i see now that it was the wrong decision, and [first name], i'm so sorry for the hurt i've caused you."

he bowed in a 90° angle, his apology sincerely genuine. "please, shoyo, stand up.." you asked, looking at his form that obviously trembled with regret. "i don't know if this is the right choice, but, i want to try it with you. even if technically my love for you were removed, i-i have a feeling that we're meant to be."

hinata instantly stood back up, looking at you with hope-filled eyes, "r-really?"

you nodded with a soft smile, glad that the suffering you endured wasn't for nothing. in the end, you didn't leave him, just like you had promised. grabbing his hand, you pulled him closer to you as you clutched his hand in both of yours. after all this pain, you were ready for a happy ending.

and your dream of a happy ending was coming true.

wish i were her [hinata x reader x tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now