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"what was that?"

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"what was that?"

you looked up, only to see a tall blond towering over you. his aura was intimidating and you almost felt the need to bow your head in respect while you were in his presence.

"..i don't know." you whispered.

a scoff escaped his lips as he crossed his arms, his expression showing he was not impressed, "well, you just coughed up a flower petal, that seems pretty weird. you probably need the nurse or something."

"i don't think i need the nurse," you countered, "i can just google the symptoms, it'll probably be more help than the nurse."

"please, what're you going to google? 'i just coughed up a flower, what does it mean?' google won't help you there, y'know." he gazed down at you with that same annoyed look of his, and it just seemed to spark a flame in your system.

"oh, and is the nurse going to be even more of a help?! she'll just call me crazy and send me to therapy!" you shouted, your lips tugged into a frown as you stared at him with an angered expression.

his honey eyes softened, before he smirked a bit, "touché. however, you should still tell someone about this," the blond paused, "then again, what does someone like me know about this~? it's not every day you cough up a flower."

at this point, was this boy just trying to anger you? every word that fell from his lips seemed to be a coal that made the once dainty flame inside you rage. or maybe you were just taking out your anger on him?

"no one would understand! nobody does.. i don't get it! what did i do?!" you cried out, tears beginning to form in the corners of your eyes as you angrily balled your fists.

he was a bit taken aback, unable to think of a response as he watched your hunched over figure tremble as sobs wracked through your body. instead of speaking, he just sat down on the bench beside you as you cried. it was like his silent way of reassuring you.

finally, you calmed down, grabbing a tissue from your school bag, you wiped any leftover tears off your agitated skin as you collected yourself. sighing, you looked over at him, "i'm sorry for exploding at you, i just needed to get that out of my system.." you apologised guiltily.

"it's alright." he nodded at you, before looking straight ahead with a vacant look on his face.

the two of you sat in a comforting silence, waiting for the bell to ring so you could both get back to your classes. normally, another presence that wasn't hinata's would've bothered you, but you couldn't lie that you felt comfortable with this mysterious boy.

"tsukishima kei."

"[last name] [first name]."

it was a silent exchange.

but neither of you minded.

wish i were her [hinata x reader x tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now