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weakly opening your eyes, you quickly realised that another pair of lips were connected with your's

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weakly opening your eyes, you quickly realised that another pair of lips were connected with your's. you had always dreamed of having this moment with hinata, but it certainly wasn't the orange haired boy that was kissing you.

tsukishima gently removed his lips from yours, his cheeks majorly flushing, "i-i was trying to save you!"

disregarding the kiss for the time being, you looked at him in confusion, "what's going on..? i can't remember a thing.. and holy shit my throat hurts.."

"you fainted right here in the hall, idiot. the ambulance is here and they wanted me to try and wake you up, just in case.." he replied, looking away from you.

"so, you tried.. kissing me?" you asked, not even in a mocking tone, just genuinely.. confused.

"sh-shut up! i just wasn't thinking, you idiot.."

coughing, you couldn't help but smile a little. you still felt like utter shit, but somehow you felt a little better. like the weight that had been on your chest was being slowly lifted. it was a relief.

you could hear people running towards you, and tsukishima slowly helped you stand. people in police uniforms and medic uniforms made their way closer to you. a man with dark hair that stood up looked at you, "we'd like to ask that you go on the stretcher while we take you to the hospital."

still feeling dazed, you stumbled over to the stretcher and flopped down. your breathing slowed a bit while you looked up at tsukishima, waving slowly to him and mouthing, "see you later."

the dark haired man and a few of the other doctors rolled you out to the ambulance, loading you into the back as you dazed in and out of conscience. you heard a few of the doctors calling out your name, but you were too tired for that. you let yourself fall back into the comforting darkness.




rubbing your eyes, they hazily opened only to be attacked by the brightness of the room, "hnng.. where am i?"

"you're in the hospital."

spinning your head over to the voice, you saw tsukishima standing on the left side of your hospital bed. you looked up at him, confusion clear on your face as you let your eyes wander around the room. how did you get here? you can't seem to remember.

"you almost died at school, but thankfully i was there to call 119," he smirked a little as he made a little joke, "seriously, i thought you said you weren't going to die, i wonder what happened to that?"

your eyes widened a tad, before you glared playfully at him, "jeez, i just woke up from my death bed and i'm already getting slandered, huh? and hey, why do you care so much?"

his small, triumphant smirk faltered as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink, "well, uh-- god, you're so lame.."

it was now your turn to give him a triumphant smirk, "so, i guess you really do care for me, huh? i mean, that kiss from earlier sure proves something.." you trailed off as you remembered his surprisingly soft lips on yours, and you began to fidget with your fingers a bit.

tsukishima's face turned red as he tried to look away from you, covering his face. "according to the doctors.. kissing you helped push away your feelings for hinata, and garner some.. for me. it apparently made the surgery a hell of a lot easier."

"wait, i had surgery?" you inquired, your mind having no memories of that.

"yes, they removed all the flowers," the blond looked back at you, "so you don't love shoyo anymore."

if you had imagined this scenario a few days ago, you would've felt pure sadness. but for some reason, you didn't. in fact, it almost felt like a weight lifted off your shoulders. however, the longer you stared at tsukishima, the more you felt your heart stammering and butterflies dancing in your belly.

"what? do i have something on my face-?"

"i think i like you."

"w-what-?" tsukishima took a step back, clearly surprised by your sudden confession as his cheeks reddened even more. (if it was possible!)

"well, i.. like you too. i guess."

smiling softly, you felt like you were able to breathe again. taking a deep breath in through your nose, you realized that you missed the feeling of air running in your lungs. and tsukishima made it all possible. he saved you.

"wait, i forgot to alert the nurse you were awake.."

and you finally got your happy ending.
you laughed joyfully.

wish i were her [hinata x reader x tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now