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tsukishima held you in his arms, not caring about the blood that was soaking into the shirt of his uniform

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tsukishima held you in his arms, not caring about the blood that was soaking into the shirt of his uniform. his voice trembled as he whispered prayers that he hoped would keep you alive, not caring that hinata was watching.

"what do we do?!" the orange haired boy panicked, confusion evident on his face as he tried to keep up.

stopping his prayer, tsukishima looked at him with the blankest expression he could muster, "are you kidding?"

hinata stares at him, taken aback by the question before retorting, "of course not! she's my best friend, and now she's covered in blood, unconscious, while you're holding her!"

"best friend my ass," the blond muttered angrily, before raising his voice, "if you were really her best friend, you would've noticed how much pain she was in! pain that you caused!"

eyes widening, hinata's body shook a little as he adverted his gaze to his hands, "pain that i caused..? how?! i didn't do anything.. how did i.. what?!"

hinata always called himself your best friend, but if tsukishima was right, and you really were in pain, then did he even have the right to do that? how hadn't he noticed? the more he thought about it, the more he realized that you had been acting weirder. always running to the restroom, or coughing when you didn't have a cold.

had he really been that negligent?

"you don't know how? i'm not surprised.. you were too busy fawning over yachi-chan to even pay attention! how foolish." tsukishima sneered in anger.

tears gathered in hinata's brown eyes, as he fell to his knees by you and tsukishima. he stared at your cold body, unable to process everything. had he really been ignoring you? to focus on yachi? god, how could he have done that? tsukishima was right, he didn't have the right to call himself your best friend.

"i'm sorry [first name]! please, the ambulance will be here soon, just hold on!" he wailed as he felt the blond's eyes on him.

"while you stared at yachi, [first name] stared at you. she has hanahaki." tsukishima muttered, breaking the uncomfortable silence between the two boys.


chuckling humorlessly, the blond answered, "hanahaki, a disease where flowers grow in your lungs because of one sided love. she loved you, and you broke her. do you know how many times she coughed up flowers in class while you didn't even spare her a glance? this is all your fault!"

choking on his tears, the shorter boy glared up at tsukishima, yelling, "i-i know that, okay?! i'm the bad guy here! i hurt [first name]! i know i did! how am i going to live with this?! the fact i might kill her!" he stumbled on his words, "how am i going to live with the fact that i might kill the girl who i grew up with?"


both boys stopped their argument to look down at you, seeing that your eyes were open. they could practically see the exhaustion, "please.. stop fighting. this is my fault, i shouldn't have gotten my hopes up."

"no! this isn't your fault [first name]," hinata sobbed, "this is mine! i'm sorry!"

all you could do is smile. you were far too weak to speak, it hurt too badly. so instead, you reached your hand up to the petite boy's face and cupped his cheek. he could practically see what you were trying to say, i'm sorry. your small guilty smile said it all.

"[first name], stop being an idiot and preserve your energy." tsukishima's deeper voice spoke, "help is on the way.."

your hand slowly dropped from hinata's face as it got harder to hold it up, and you snuggled yourself closer into tsukishima. it was getting colder, and harder to keep your eyes open, your body struggling to keep itself awake.

"keep your eyes open!"

who said that?

"the medics are here, [first name]!"

who is here?

"--i'm sorry!"

sorry for what?

it's cold.

wish i were her [hinata x reader x tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now