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his hand enveloping your's, you bumbling behind him. he's warm. your heart is warm. everything that once hurt you is now healing you. but what is this? no, something isn't quite right.

"hey, [first name]-chan, let's eat lunch together!"

why does this sentence feel foreign?

"jeez, it feels like we haven't hung out in forever!"

oh, that's right. you had been ignoring him since your doctor's visit.

"but i'm so happy to have you here by my side, y'know?"

and yet here you were, following behind him as his hand was latched onto your's while he lead you to god knows where. your attempts at ignoring him had been failures as proven by the fluttering in your stomach at the mere touch of his hands holding yours.

the two of you wandered throughout the halls of the school before hinata stopped in front of an empty classroom, "[first name]-chan, lets sit here!" he grinned at you, opening the door and leading you inside.

"i'm coming, hold on.." you grumbled, and yet you couldn't help the small smile making it's way onto your face.

sitting in two empty desks that were beside each other, you and the redheaded boy pulled out your lunches, hinata whining slightly, "awe, my mom just made a bologna sandwich! man, i was hoping for a bento box.."

you looked down at your own lunch before looking back up at him, "well.. you could try some of mine.. if you wanted."

with stars in his eyes, he leaned over towards you, "really?! do you mean it?" his tone full of cheer as you nodded, and he grabbed the pair of chopsticks and plucked a sushi roll in his mouth, "yum! wow [first name]-chan, you're really good at making these!"

your heart fluttered at the fact he remembered that you always make your own lunch, and you smiled softly at the compliment, "thank you shoyo.."

a comfortable silence filled the air as you ate your lunch and hinata ate his, (while occasionally stealing from yours), before hinata broke the silence, "it's been awhile since we last hung out, just the two of us, right?"

his surprisingly serious tone of voice had shocked you a bit, but you brushed over it and hummed in agreement, "yeah, you're right.. you just seem to be quite busy with yachi-san, i suppose."

"yeah, but--!" he stopped midway his sentence, a flush growing on his cheeks, "isn't yachi-san really cool? she's super smart, and she helps me with my homework! i admire her, a lot."

yeah, but i could help you more than she could. why don't you see that?

woah, where did such a dark thought come from? that wasn't like you at all. however, you just swallowed the bitter feelings and smiled at him a bit, "yeah, she's really admirable, isn't she?"

"yeah! we should all hang out sometime, like you, yachi-san and i--!" you cut him off.

"say, shoyo, do you perhaps.. like yachi-san?"

a pause filled the air as the tension grew thicker, hinata staring at you with a face full of obliviousness and naivety. "like? w-well, i don't know.. jeez, [first name]-chan, that's so unlike you to ask a question like that! it's almost unsettling."

however, to you, this seemed like answer enough. the familiar tickling sensation made it's way up your throat as light coughs made their way out of your system, the flowers trying to escape from the prison of your lungs.

"[first name]-chan, are you okay? are you choking?" the small boy beside you asked with a tone full of concern, but for the first time in your life, you no longer wanted to hear is voice.

standing up, you quickly packed up your things while you flashed him a weak smile, "y-yes, i'm fine shoyo-kun.. i just realized i'm not feeling very well, so i'll.. see you around, 'kay?"

and before he had the chance to reply, you zoomed out of the classroom, desperately trying to get away from hinata. oh how you wished you could just escape from the flowers that grew and climbed around your lungs. how desperately you wished you could just rip out your heart, never to feel this pain again.

you ran through the halls, tears spilling from your eyes as you coughed. the flowers were eager to make their escape out of your body, and hearing hinata basically confirm he had feelings for yachi-san hit you harder tha you hoped.

"p-please, shoyo-kun, i'm sorry.." you whispered as you arrived at the restroom.

quickly rushing in, you practically rammed yourself into one of the stall doors. as it flew open, you bent yourself over the toilet as you hacked up the flowers. forcing yourself to vomit a little, you emptied out the contents of your stomach as more plants fled from your throat.

"why? why was it me? why did i have to fall for you? why did you fall for her? why was i the one to get this curse?"

thoughts ran through your mind as so did the blood that trickled from your mouth.

"i hope you can forgive me.."

the warmth had disappeared.

wish i were her [hinata x reader x tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now