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this was the first time hinata had bailed on you

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this was the first time hinata had bailed on you.

in the whole 6 years you had known him, he had always come to hang out with you no matter what, with a few exceptions. but today? he had gone to do something else. and if you were to be honest, it kind of hurt your feelings.

sunshine baby <3

im sorryyyyy [first name]-chan!!!!

i promis ill eat lunch w u tmr!!


don't worry about it! i know you need to study, dummy.

have fun with yachi-san.

sunshine baby <3

thx so much!!!

u rock :D

a sigh escaped your mouth as you shut off your phone, opting to sit on the roof for lunch while you were alone. sitting on the bench, you looked down at the bento box you held in your hands. while it looked delectable, you no longer had the appetite to desire it.

it had been a week since yachi had began tutoring hinata, and you couldn't deny the small pit of jealousy in your stomach. it was like a demon, lurking over your shoulder anytime hinata spoke with yachi. it made you want to throw up.

and that hadn't been the only thing that made you want to throw up.

it seemed that whenever you thought of hinata, a tickling sensation would make it's way up your lungs into your throat, but you always managed to swallow it down. but now that hinata had ditched you for yachi? it hurt.

you had to tell yourself, it's okay, they're just studying, but something about it still didn't sit right with you. the more you tried to reassure yourself, the more you felt the urge to cough.

and cough you did.

you clutched your chest as it started off with just a little one, but they started getting louder, and soon it felt like you were going to hack up a lung. they just kept coming, almost as if there was something stuck in your system that your body was trying to remove.

with one last cough, you could feel something land on your tongue with a bitter taste to it. regardless of the queasy feeling in your stomach, you plucked the soft object off your tongue, and brought it to eye-level.

a small yellow petal. one that belonged to a hyacinth.

"hey, what are you doing?"

the sudden voice startled you out of your thoughts as you quickly looked up to see who had spoken to you.

a very tall blond boy stood in front of your bent over body, a confused yet irritated expression on his face as he stared down at you.

wish i were her [hinata x reader x tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now