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"welcome back, [last name]

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"welcome back, [last name]."

midoroya-san smiled at you as the two of you stood outside the x-ray room. currently it was 8:00 in the evening on a sunday, and you had taken midoriya-san's advice to get an x-ray. this would determine how urgently a surgery would be needed.

"thank you, midoriya-san." you bowed in a welcoming.

"okay, have your parents signed the papers?" he asked you.

your parents had, but you lied and said you suspected you had a fracture in your arm. your mom had offered to accompany you, but you had just smiled and told her you were fine.

"yep! all signed."

"wonderful," he smiles, "i'm going to bring a female doctor out so you can comfortably take off your shirt, alright? you'll need to for this exam."

swallowing down the nerves, you smiled back at him, "alright, thank you again midoriya-san."

nodding at you, he quickly left the hallway as you sat down on one of the chairs outside of the room. should you get the surgery? it felt like these feelings of love were apart of you, and it wouldn't be the same if you got rid of them. at the same time, it was incredibly painful.. and you were tired. so tired.

"hello, hello?" a feminine voice called out, causing you to look up to see a very beautiful woman, "my name is doctor kocho, i will be accompanying you today!" she smiled down at you.

standing up, you smiled softly back at her as you bowed in respect, "it's a pleasure to meet you kocho-san, thank you."

she grabbed your hands in her own, "i can assure you everything will be fine, alright? shall we head in?"

the both of you entered the room where you saw a big machine and a door that lead to another room where kocho would view the x-ray. the giant machine was giant, so you weren't going to lie and say it didn't intimidate you.

"okay, i'm going to need you to take off your shirt and bra so i can apply the radiation-safety oil!" the woman cheerfully smiled, urging you to do as she asked.

lifting up your shirt, you put it down beside you on a chair while she began to rub the oil on your ribs and chest area. it was cold, like the feeling of running through a sprinkler on a summer day. "all done!" she cheered, putting the oil in drawer that you had just noticed.

you nodded before she spoke again, "all you need to do is lay in that machine over there and make sure your eyes are closed, alright? i will turn off the machine and help you get out when it's time."

nodding once again to show you understood, she clasped her hands together and offered you another close-eyed smile, "wonderful! please put on these safety glasses, and lay down!"

taking the glasses she was handing you, you put them on and laid in the machine, preparing yourself. the top part closed down on your body and you could feel tingles on your upper-torso as the x-ray did it's job.

hearing the x-ray noises slowly come to a stop, you assumed it was over. "hello, hello?" kocho called out, opening the top part of the machine so you could get out. as she helped you put on your bra and shirt (the machine had numbed a bit of your body) you couldn't help but see a small frown on her face which you could only guess meant bad news.

she lead you out of the room and asked you to sit down in the chairs that were outside the door. while doing so, midoriya joined the two of you in the waiting area, and you could also see a light frown on his face, which didn't ease your nerves.

"[last name]," midoriya began, "we have unfortunate news. the flowers have begun growing faster than we expected, and you will need to get the surgery as soon as possible. we suggest you stay home from school, while you consider it." he looked away, pity in his eyes.

however, kocho looked you straight in the eyes, "we are estimating that you will have 5 days to live, at the most. you are a wonderful young lady, and we hope you can make the right decision."

wish i were her [hinata x reader x tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now