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"b-but [first name]-chan! what are we going to do?"

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"b-but [first name]-chan! what are we going to do?"

"shoyo, there's nothing that we can do."

you watched his brown eyes fill with tears, and you felt your heart crack a little. in his cupped hands was a small blackbird, who's life was swiftly fleeting. hinata was trying to desperately save it, but no matter what he did, there was just no hope for it.

as he knelt on the ground, whimpers left his mouth while he held the bird to his chest, praying for it. you stood beside him, looking at the bird with pity, yet you hadn't felt any tears come to your eyes.

resting a hand on his shoulder, you whispered, "i'm sorry," you sympathised, "but it was going to die anyways."

"no!" he looked back up at you, tears freely cascading down his cheeks, "no, i had to try! the bird doesn't deserve to go like this.." he adverted his gaze back down to the bird that he cradled, "i'm sorry.. i'm sorry.." his voice whispered.

you gaped at him and removed your hand from his shoulder, unable to comprehend how he could feel this much sympathy for something as small as a random bird they had found on the street.

hearing him gasp, you shook yourself out of your thoughts, only to see the bird in his hands wasn't moving and seemed to be lifeless. moving your gaze from the bird to the small boy in front of you, you could see the shock that was evident on his face. his usually joyful eyes were wide open and a shadow covered them as he sat in a state of shock.

before you knew it, you knelt down to his level and wrapped your arms around him. you cradled him as he balled the fabric of your shirt in his hands, sobbing into your chest. "i'm sorry i couldn't save you!" he cried, and you rubbed his back in hope you would reassure him.

"it's okay.. shoyo, there wasn't anything you could've done. you did good." ten-year-old you comforted him.

his sobs quieted until they were just small hiccups while you pet his head, "please don't leave [first name]! i like you! like a lot! so please don't go..!" hinata cried.

your cheeks flushed as you smiled a little, "i wouldn't dream of it shoyo."

waking up while struggling to breathe, you felt sweat drip from your forehead. you had just dreamt of the past, that was all. it was such a bittersweet memory in your opinion. on one hand, seeing hinata cry like that was painful for you. but on the other hand, he revealed his admiration for you, which filled you with joy.

"i like you! a lot!"

his words flashed in your mind and you felt a blush creep up your into your cheeks, before shaking yourself out of it. you were children for goodness sake! he probably doesn't even remember that!

sighing, you got up from your bed. coughing a little, a singular flower petal escaped from your throat. it was weird, because by now you were used to full-grown flowers. maybe they were starting to clog up in your lungs? at this point, who even knows?

but one thought plagued your mind: if you died, would hinata cry like he did for that bird?

wish i were her [hinata x reader x tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now