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walking behind the doctor, you followed him to his office

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walking behind the doctor, you followed him to his office. you watched his fluffy green hair bounce with every step as he opened the door into his office, and he motioned for you to sit down in one of the patient chairs. he, on the other hand, grabbed a pen and paper as he grabbed everything before sitting down in his office chair.

giving you a soft smile, he asked a question, "so, you're [last name] [first name]?"

"yes, that's me." you nodded.

"and how old are you?"

"i'm fifteen."

"okay, cool." he wrote something down on his paper, presumably your name and age.

"so," he began, keeping his soft smile on his face, "please tell me all of your symptoms, i won't judge."

clearing your throat, you felt a little anxiety pile in your stomach. sure, he did say he wouldn't judge but.. how could you know for sure? "well.. lately i've been coughing up.. flowers. but it's gotten worse, and i've began throwing them up. occasionally there's blood, too."

you saw his green eyes widen a bit as he looked down at his paper, writing something down as you both sat in silence. after a short minute, he nodded, "alright, and how long has this been going on?"

"about.. two weeks now."

"i see.." he frowned a bit, writing another thing down before looking back up at you, "is there blood when you cough them up?"

"there wasn't any in the beginning," you sighed, "but as it's gotten worse, there has been blood."

"hm," he hummed, "okay. i think i may have an idea of what you are suffering with."

handing you the paper he had been writing on, you saw the average information such as your name, age and date of birth at the top. but as your eyes wandered down the paper, you saw in the doctor's notes, 'patient [last name] is suspected of having hanahaki disease.'

"you seem to have all the symptoms of hanahaki disease," midoriya-san frowned once again, looking at you with pity in his eyes, "the disease occurs if you love someone and they do not return those feelings."

a dark feeling crept up your spine as you stared at him in disbelief, "w-what?! that can't be right, i don't love anyone-!"

orange. the colour orange filled your mind. your heart knew. your mind knew. you loved hinata shoyo, and you couldn't deny it. his voice, his eyes, his soul, his being, you loved it all! ..but this also meant that he didn't return your strong feelings towards him.

"i'm sorry," his frown deepened a tad, "the bad news is that from the way you've described it, it seems to be pretty far along."

you gulped.

"the good news is, there is a surgery. we can remove the flowers from your lungs, and you will not hold any romantic feelings towards them."

you let out a sigh of relief, before you actually thought about it. did you want to get rid of your feelings? you knew it was the logical answer and yet.. a part of you was reluctant.

"..if you do not get the surgery, there is a very high chance you may die."

"wait, what?!" you gasped as you looked back up at him, broken from your train of thought.

"unfortunately, if we do not get the flowers out, it could be fatal," he sighed grimly, "but at the end of the day it is your choice. it's highly recommended, but we can't force you. if there is another time that you can come by, we can do an X-ray to see how far along the flowers are blooming!"

the pity in his eyes was evident and you appreciated the fact that he was trying to lighten the room's atmosphere a bit. it didn't really work but.. it's the thought that counts.

he stood up, motioning you to stand up as well. "you're free to go, [last name]."

as you stood up as well, you walked over to the door, but before you walked out, the male behind you called out something to you.

"wait, [last name]," he stopped you for a short moment, "remember, no amount of love is worth your pain. don't die for someone who won't even notice."

wish i were her [hinata x reader x tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now