Chapter 3

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Most people got used to my car by now. The reactions were less shocked. They were more in awe by now. Not many people were gawking over it like they did yesterday. I noticed a few jocks staring and drooling in my direction as I was getting out of the car. I rolled my eyes and locked the car as I walked into the school. I walked down the almost empty hallways and met up with Denver in the courtyard. He embraced me and kissed me on the forehead. It was very cute and sweet. I gladly wrapped my cold fingers around the warm coffee cup he gave me. I took a sip and sighed. We sat on the bench silently as we warmed ourselves with our coffee and each other. I leaned against him heavily. The lack of sleep from the night before finally caught up to me. The courtyard progressively got a little more crowded than it had been yesterday. A few guys from lunch were there. They smiled and watched as Denver and I talked and laughed. Denver brought up the cookies from yesterday. His face glowed as he recalled the warm cookies. I couldn't help but to laugh at his child-like expression. I only laughed harder when he pulled the container of cookies out of his bag. I took a bite of the cookie he held out for me. I laughed when he ate the rest of the cookies. He had finished all five in one sitting before the bell rang. I made a mental note to tell Heather about that later. Our courtyard time came to an end when the bell for first period rang. We walked hand in hand out of the courtyard and into our first period. I suddenly felt a cool chill run down my spine. I could feel someone glaring daggers into my back. I turned to find my suspicions to be true. Claire was holding a steady glare directed towards me. She was standing with her weight on her right foot. Her arms were folded and her hair was tucked behind her ear. I turned back to Denver.

"I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable about this," I whispered under my breath low enough so only he would hear. He held a confused expression on his face. "Claire... Claire hates me, and I think it has something to do with you. Every since I started going out with you, she's been wishing I was dead." He smiled and shook his head.

"I highly doubt that Amber," he laughed. "I don't think she wants you dead. She might be a little jealous of you. But who wouldn't be? You're beautiful, funny, compassionate, brave, a great friend, and a great girlfriend." He finished by kissing my cheek.

"That's all?" I joked. He laughed. My heart melted when he laughed. It wasn't deep and husky, but it wasn't as high pitched as a bell chiming. It was simply perfect. We walked in our classroom after the tardy bell rang. The teacher kindly excused us, but warned to never let it happen again. After our four period, we went to lunch. The people at the table were unusually quiet. Most were eating in silence. I looked around until I finally snapped.

"What's going on?" I asked frustrated. Eyes looked up at me and back down to their food. Denver was just as oblivious as I was, so there was no point in trying to ask him. Only one set of eyes stayed up. Nick waited a second before opening his mouth.

"Claire... she's in... one of her moods. I would try and bother her if you don't want in get in the line of fire. Not if you don't want to get hurt," he said. The way he said it made me feel uncomfortable; like it was meant to be a warning. I swallowed and sifted in my chair. Denver's hand tightened a bit around mine. I looked at him. His expression shocked me. It was one of anger and rage. His jaw was locked. His eyes were shooting across the table towards Nick. Nick returned the glare. I squeezed his hand briefly. He looked at me. His expression softened as he saw the worry in my face. He stood. Nick watched his back. I looked at the others around the table once more before I followed Denver. I jogged down the hallways. I found him in the courtyard, pacing back and forth. I hesitated before I opened the door and went to him. I gently placed my hand on his arm. I sat him down and rubbed him arm. He sighed and dropped his head in his hands. I placed my hand on his back. I wasn't going to press him to tell me anything... yet. After a few minutes I leaned my head over on his shoulder. He raised his head and looked at me. He had definitely calmed down.

"I'm sorry," he stated in a husky voice. I gave a sad smile. "I didn't mean to act absurdly angry. It just... got to me."

"What happened in there?" I asked unsurely. I placed me hand on his arm. He sighed and looked forward.

"Nick just... got under my skin. Remember what you said about Claire earlier. She and I... have a complicated...relationship history," he started to explain. My heart sank. So that's why she hated me; he was hers first. "She's been my best friend since the first grade. I love her like a sister, but she wanted to be more. Things got messed up and she started dating Nick to make me jealous." He stopped here and gave a humorless chuckle at the memory.

"What happened then?" I asked a little impatiently. He smiled at my response.

"It didn't work... and then I met you," his smile widened as he looked forward. He finally turned his head to look at me. I laughed.

"A little cheesy, but it was sweet," I smiled.

"Nick likes her though. He knows that she likes me, so he gets very... protective over her when it comes to me," he explained. I nodded. I understood now. He laughed and kissed my cheek. I gave a small smile. I quickly frowned. I felt them again; the daggers. I turned slightly to see Claire. She was watching. She probably saw the whole thing. My breathing suddenly became choppy. I struggled to calm myself. Denver noticed and became worried.

"Behind us," I breathed. He looked. He became tense and aware.

"I see," he whispered. "I'll go talk to her." He stood without another word and walked brusquely to Claire. I saw them talk a bit before the voices became louder. I flinched when Claire hand came up and across Denver's face. He didn't slap her back, but he said one more thing to her. It was too low for me to make out. He came back and started pacing again. I slumped against the glass.

"I'm sorry; I shouldn't have said anything," I apologized. "Are you okay?" He shook his head and looked at me. I was really worried. Like before, his expression softened when he looked at me.

"You were right," he said in a tense voice. "She hates you." I understood now. I stood and decided to leave; to give him space to think. He stood as I did. He looked confused. I gave a sad smile and walked out of the door. My hair flipped to my shoulder as I turned. I played with a strand as I walked nervously to the girl's restroom to compose myself. I wet my hands and let the water splash on my face. I looked up and saw Claire from the mirror. I froze.

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