Chapter 24

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I smiled the next morning when I saw Denver's smiling face. He was holding me close to him. I kissed him for a long time before I reluctantly pulled away. His lips lingered near mine.

"Good morning," he smiled. I moved so I was on top of him. I allowed my fingers to trace his chest.

"I could get used to this," I smiled. I started to kiss him again before someone cleared their throat. I looked up surprised to see Heather standing in the doorway. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I got off of Denver, but kissed him quickly.

"Heather, what are you doing here?" I asked annoyed. She laughed at me before she finally decided to answer.

"Baby-making patrol," she joked. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"You don't have to worry about that. Nothing happened... last night," I smiled slyly. She threw me a warning glance. I burst out laughing. "Calm down Heather; I was just kidding." She turned and left. Denver was laughing at her too. Denver stood and wrapped his arms around me. I twisted in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck. I tilted my head and smiled at him.

"I love you Leah," he whispered. I kissed him quickly.

"I love you too Denver," I smiled back. My expression turned serious. "I'm really sorry for what I did. I know it was wrong and I would take it back-" Denver interrupted with a kiss. When he finally pulled away, he was smiling.

"It's okay," he smiled. "I forgive you. You should go get dressed so we can go see Adalyn today." I smiled and nodded. I dressed quickly and we went to go see Adalyn. A month flew by this way. Teddy visited every week, but he kept our boundaries intact. Adalyn was growing every day. Her lungs were still too small, but she was still alive. Every night, I would crawl into Denver's bed. We didn't try anything, and Heather made sure of it every morning. We all started working on Adalyn's room. Mom didn't mind one bit to go shopping for all of Adalyn's clothes. Two months passed. I was starting to finally warm up to my dad again. The TV show Teddy and I starred in a while ago was starting to have a second season. After discussing it with everyone in the house, I decided to do the second season. They started the season off where I was away while I gave birth. The first thing I was supposed to do was kiss Teddy for the big return. Denver was okay with it now, and most people were surprised. The show shot for two months while Adalyn was still in NICU at the hospital. Finally, the doctor's released Adalyn from the hospital. They gave her to me in a little pink bundle. I held her in my arms carefully as I looked into her excited crystal gray eyes. She had eyes exactly like her father, but she looked like me. She didn't cry, as I had expected her to. A small pink cap covered her growing blonde hair. Her smile was addicting. I smiled down at my little Adalyn. I handed her carefully to Denver. He smiled and held her expertly. I went over it with him many times. He was a proud father. He handed her to my mother next. My mom's eyes filled with joy.

"I'm a grandmother," she smiled. She started baby talking to the Adalyn. "Hi, Lyn. Hi baby, are you smiling at me, huh? Say hi grand-mommy." I rolled my eyes and smiled. Heather saw her next. When she had gone around the circle, she was hungry. She cried loudly. Her face turned red as an apple. Everyone, except Heather, left while I breastfed her.

"She's beautiful," she smiled. I smiled back at her before I looked back down to Adalyn. "Are you sure that you're ready to take care of her?"

"Is anybody ever ready," I shrugged. She left it at that. After I was finished, the doctor checked on Adalyn one more time before they finally released her. Paparazzi were waiting for us outside. They snapped pictures of us on the way out. I was happily holding Adalyn. We finally made our way back to the house. Adalyn was easily amused. She stared at me the whole time. I looked down at her lovingly. Teddy walked in while I was sitting on the couch rocking Adalyn. His face was composed into a fake smile. He looked down at her and his face lit up. I carefully placed her in his arms. He rocked her back and forth. He baby talked to her as well. He turned his attention back to me.

"She looks just like you," he commented. I smiled and nodded. He held her longer than I thought he would. When he finally gave her back to me, I was calmed to have her back in my arms. "I... should go." Teddy pecked me on the cheek before he headed out the door. I stood up and took Teddy's place in the room. I bounced her gently. Denver's arms slipped around me. He rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Teddy's taking this really hard," I said. Denver kissed my cheek and placed his head back on my shoulder.

"That's only because I'm the father. It would be different if..." he trailed off. He didn't need to finish the sentence, I knew what he meant. A question popped into my head from something Denver did earlier.

"Why did you ask Teddy to stay?" I asked. He sighed and kissed my shoulder. "Tell me please." I asked. He sighed again.

"Because I know how much he means to you," Denver finally answered. He let go of me and left. I sighed and watched him leave. I was hurting him. I looked back down at Adalyn. Her tiny fists stretched into the air. Her mouth opened in a yawn. I smiled and made my way upstairs. I changed her diaper and put her in an onesie. After I rocked her to sleep, I placed her in my bed. I sat up on my elbow on the other side and watched her peaceful sleeping face. The back of my finger touched her small cheek. I fell asleep next to her in a matter of minutes.

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