Chapter 17

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I woke up to the familiar colors of my room. I looked around confused. When did I get home? Denver was sleeping in a chair next to my bed. I looked down at my stomach. I was in my pajamas. I twisted a little to assess the damage of my broken rib. Surprisingly, the pain never came. I pushed the covers off of me and swung my legs around to stand up. I wobbled uneasily on my legs. I held onto the wall and guided myself to the stairs. I heard arguing downstairs. I held onto the rail and tip-toed quietly halfway down the stairs. I sat on the middle step and listened.

"Scott, she's only 17. It's not like we were there to tell her," my mom argued. "I know that this is bad for your movie, but she's our little girl. She always comes first." I smiled sadly at my mom's dedication.

"So what! Amy, the movie is falling through now, and it's all because of Leana! She should've stayed here in Hollywood. Teddy would've been good for her. She wouldn't be knocked up right now. She should be Teddy's," he snapped. My mom sighed.

"Can't you see that's not what she wants? She loves Denver. Even when... even when he could've killed her, she kept him. Does that not mean anything to you?" she asked.

"No," he replied simply. "I don't want him near my daughter." I scooted down a little more and peek down at the scene. My dad was pacing the floor in front of the couch. I saw my mom's black hair flowing over the back of the couch.

"Scott, your being ridiculous; it was an accident," my mom tried to reason with him.

"He punched Teddy on purpose," my dad snapped back. He turned on his heels and faced her. "He beat Teddy up on purpose and then Leana got in the way." There was a brief silence as my mom sat back and took a sip of her water. My dad stared at her and waited.

"Who do you care more about; Leana or Teddy?" she asked a bit softer. He thought about that for a moment. The fact that he thought about it hurt me. Tears streamed down my face as I watched him debate the two options. After a good minute of him thinking, my mom interrupted him.

"You're unbelievable Scott," she muttered. "I'm going to go check on Leah." She stood and headed towards me. I didn't bother to move. It didn't matter. She looked shocked to see me sitting on the stairs. I know I looked pathetic. My face was streaked with tears that I couldn't stop. My eyes were red and puffy. My hair was a mess and I was clutching my knees in an upright fetal position in my pajamas. My mom's looked turned to one of sorrow.

"Leah," she said a bit shocked from seeing me. "Baby, how long have you been sitting there?" I knew her question was really 'how much did you hear?' I looked at her through my tears.

"A while," I replied softly. Dad joined my mom at the bottom of the stairs. He looked surprised to see me as well. "I've heard enough." I glared daggers into my dad. Wobbling and holding onto something for support, I walked back into my room. It was getting a little easier to walk. I went into the closet and dressed in some jeans and a comfortable t-shirt. I pulled a light jacket onto my shoulders and brushed through my hair. I looked at Denver's sleeping face beside my bed. I smiled sadly and sat down at the desk to write a note to him.

I'm sorry Denver. Me leaving is not your fault. Something happened and I am leaving. I don't know where yet and I don't know how I'm going to get there, but I have to go. I will call you every day. I love you, Denver. ~Leah

I set the note next to him on the bed. I kissed his forehead and whispered a goodbye. I stuffed a bag with my toothbrush and brush. I put enough clothes in there to last my a few days. I made sure that the jacket had a hood on it. I fixed my face and placed sunglasses on. I quietly went downstairs. After grabbing the keys to my car, I slipped out the door. I drove down various streets until I found a familiar house. I knocked on the door. Teddy answered a few moments later. He looked shocked to see me.

"Leah, what are you doing here?" he asked. I took off my glasses to reveal my red puffy eyes. He put his hand on my back and guided me inside. I sat on the couch as he poured me a glass of water. He handed me the water and sat next to me. "Leana, what happened?" He looked concerned. Sighing, I set down the water.

"I had to leave," I said not really explaining anything. "Dad and I... aren't really seeing eye to eye right now. Mom and Dad are fighting because of me. I needed to leave." He pulled me into him. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"What about Denver; does he know?" Teddy asked a bit unsurely. I shook my head.

"No, he was asleep when I left," I mumbled. "I just don't care anymore." He kissed my forehead and rubbed my arm. I suddenly had a desire for his kisses. I wanted the kiss that we shared on set. I wanted what almost happened in the hospital. Our eyes met. Before I realized what I was doing, my lips were pressed against his. My body was crushed against his. His mouth moved with mine.

"Leana," he muttered, not taking his lips away from mine. I forced my mouth to stop. What was I doing? I pulled away and looked down at my hands as my face turned bright red.

"I'm sorry," I said softly. I looked at him. He looked pleased.

"Sorry for what?" he smiled. I smiled and rolled my eyes. I playfully pushed his shoulder. He caught my hand and pulled me into him again. He kissed me again. As much as I enjoyed it, I knew it shouldn't be happening.

"Teddy, we shouldn't be doing this," I murmured into his lips. He lips still moved against mine.

"I know," he whispered against my mouth. "But I don't want to stop." His hand wrapped around to my back and pulled me closer to him.

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