Chapter 22

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"Denver what's wrong?" I asked hesitantly. He shrugged and moved to the window. "Denver, I know you saw us. Please just talk to me." He sighed and pushed his hands in his jean pockets.

"Do you love him?" he sighed. I looked down at my hands. He watched me for a moment. "That's what I thought." He moved for the door.

"Denver you don't understand," I practically yelled. He turned to me. I started crying. I shook my head. "Yes, I love him, but I wish I didn't. I don't know how to make you understand. I love him, but just enough to want him to stay. But I'm madly in love with you. I wouldn't have done anything I did if I didn't. I just had your child for God's sake. Teddy... Teddy's like my security blanket. He's always been there." Denver sighed and paced back and forth. He looked as if he was about to yell at me before he quickly glanced at the door and back to me. He looked into my eyes.

"I'm losing you," he mumbled before he left. The door slammed behind him. I sat stunned. Heather walked in a few moments later.

"You really messed up this time Leana," she said biting her lip. I rolled my eyes and slumped into my bed.

"Thanks Heather," I said sarcastically. She sighed and moved to the side of my bed. "I need to see Adalyn." Sighing, she pressed the button for the nurse. The nurse checked my vital signs and asked me to walk around the room. I started off a little wobbly, but eventually got the hang of it. The nurse cleared me before she unhooked my heart monitor. Heather helped me into the bathroom where a fresh pair of clothes were waiting for me. I smiled when I saw the clothes. No more maternity clothes. I quickly showered and put the clothes on. My stomach was still very sore though. Heather met me back in the room. The nurse led me to a dim room. I had to sanitize and put on scrubs. I moved into a different room. I gasped when I saw Adalyn. She was in a incubator. She looked so fragile and breakable, but she was still my little girl. Doctors were standing by to monitor her.

"Adalyn Taylor Terrie," I smiled. I watched her happily. She was hooked up to many chords and machines, but she was still beautiful. I watched her for about an hour when I felt hands slip around my waist.

"Beautiful, isn't she," Denver's familiar voice mumbled into my ear. I sighed gratefully and leaned into him. "I knew you loved Teddy from the start. I was just... jealous. I do still love you, and Adalyn is still our baby. I'm sorry."

"It's my fault," I argued. "I knew where to cross the line and I pushed it too far." He kissed my cheek.

"Let's get out of here," he whispered. I reluctantly left my fragile little girl. We took off our scrubs and made our way to my room. I fell asleep shortly after.


The next morning we made our way to the registry. After I was checked out, we all packed up to leave. We would have to leave Adalyn at the hospital, but I planned to visit her at least twice a day. The car ride back was a quiet one. I watched the hospital for as long as I could. The quiet was calm, but uneasy. I rested my hand on my stomach. The scar was faint now. It was almost completely gone. My flat stomach grumbled. I laughed.

"I think I'm hungry," I laughed. The others joined in. When we got home, Heather went to make dinner. I was surprised to see the two people sitting on the couch. One made me happy, while one made me furious. I smiled and ran into Teddy's arms.

"I thought you left for New York," I said. He held me tightly to him.

"Denver asked me to stay," he explained. I turned to Denver. He smiled. I released Teddy and went to Denver.

"Why?" I smiled. He shrugged and smiled. I kissed him and turned my attention back to the other person on the couch. I tensed until I felt Denver's arms slid around me. It felt like he did it more to restrain me than comfort me.

"What is he doing here?" I asked angrily. I closed my eyes and silently wished him away.

"Amy, umm... your mom took me back," my dad explained. I watched him stand and walk towards me. Denver's grip tightened around me. "I was hoping you could too." He stopped a safe distance away. His hand reached out to me. My jaw tensed. My fist balled up.

"I will never... call you my father again," I said through clenched teeth. He sighed and dropped his hand. I wiggled out of Denver's grasped and pushed past my dad. I stomped up the stairs and went to my room. I slammed the door with so much force that the door frame shook. I laid face down on my bed and screamed into the pillow. I heard a knock at my door five minutes later.

"I'm dead," I yelled. Denver walked in laughing.

"He makes you that mad?" Denver smiled. I nodded. "What he did was bad, but everyone deserves a second chance."

"So you're taking his side now?" I asked a bit angrily. He shook his head in disagreement. His hands went up as if to protect himself from me.

"No, I'm just saying. Where would we be if no one got a second chance?" he said. He lifted one eyebrow in amusement. "I gave you a second chance... many times." I quickly looked down and blushed.

"That's not the same," I said quietly.

"It's almost exactly the same," he argued. "Except I knew about your affair and did nothing about it." He sat down next to my and lifted my chin so I was looking right into his crystal gray eyes.

"I never had an affair with Teddy... Fine, I'll give him a second chance," I whispered reluctantly. He smiled and kissed me. I deepened the kiss hungrily. His arm slipped around my waist and pulled me to him. My hands slid up his neck and tangled themselves into his hair. He pushed against me until my back was against my bed. My knee came up on either sides of his waist. His lips traveled down to my neck. He kissed it roughly. A loud moan escaped my lips. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand. He laughed into my neck. I moved from underneath him with my hand still on my mouth. He chuckled and kissed me back down. I sat up again. He smiled when I stood up.

"Denver," I whispered. I looked around nervously. "Not here and not now. My parents, Heather, and Teddy are all down there, and what I just did was loud enough for all of California and Arizona to hear." He chuckled and sat up on his elbow.

"Okay... not here, not now," he repeated. "But can I still kiss you?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head. I crossed my arms and walked closer to him.

"No. One of us will get carried away," I joked. He sat on the bed in front of me and placed his hands on my hips. I frowned and readjusted my crossed arms.

"What's wrong Leah?" he asked.

"I have baby fat," I whined. He laughed and kissed my belly button.

"You're still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," He kissed me quickly. I sighed and decided to go back downstairs. Denver went up to his room for bed. I wanted to eat first. I joined them in the dining room. Heather was smug. She winked at me. I blushed and looked down at my food.

"Only five minutes for another baby?" Teddy joked. My blush deepened and I started toying with my food.

"We're not trying for another baby," I muttered. Everyone laughed. I ate my steak, happy for a distraction. I wished they would change the subject. Thankfully, they did. After what seemed like a long and perilous dinner, it was finally over.

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