Chapter 18

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"Teddy, wait," I said a bit unsurely. He reluctantly stopped and looked at me a bit confused.

"I'm sorry," he said. He stood and put him hands through his hair. His hands went down his face and finally hung loosely at his sides. He turned and faced me again. "I'm sorry Leah, I got... carried away. I'll just be upstairs in my room." He turned and sprinted up the stairs. I sighed and leaned back on the couch. My phone started ringing. It was Denver. I answered it.

"Leana, where the hell are you!?" he asked frantically. It was obvious that he was worried.

"I can't tell you," I said softly. I wasn't surprised at the tone in his voice at all.

"Are you okay?" he asked. His voice was a little more leveled.

"Yes, I-I'm fine," I replied. There was a short silence between us. There was a conversation being held on the other line. I strained to hear what was being said, but I could only hear mumbling.

"Your, umm... you dad wants to talk to you," Denver said a little unsurely. I heard the phone being handed to him.

"Leana, I'm so sor-" he started. I rudely hung up the phone. I sighed heavily and dropped my phone in my lap. My phone rang again. This time, it was Heather. I answered it gratefully.

"Heather," I sighed a relief.

"I know you ran to somewhere, and I think I know where you are," she started, getting straight to the point. I stayed quiet and let her continue. "I'm not around your family. I'm actually at my house, but they called me and told me they couldn't find you. I'm going to keep my mouth shut, but you should really think about what grief you're putting on Denver and your mom."

"But Dad-" I argued.

"Screw your dad," she interrupted. "If he likes his movie and Teddy better than his own daughter, then he needs to see a shrink. The fact of the matter is, I love you, your mom loves you, and Denver loves you. Teddy even loves you. That boy would do anything for you. He talks to me every day to make sure you're okay." I sent a thoughtful look up the stairs. I waited for Heather to continue, but she didn't.

"I might be having second thoughts Heather," I said softly. She sighed on the other end of the line.

"You're having second thoughts about coming back, or about Teddy and Denver?" she asked. I stood and ran my hand through my hair. I looked up the stairs and bit my lip. The pause said enough to her.

"Oh no," she said. "The last think you need is more drama. You can't fall for Teddy now! It won't help anything. Think about Denver. Think about what all he's sacrificed to be here with you. Think about Adalyn. Think about the consequences of your choice. Think of the benefits. I can't tell you who to choose, but please please think about what you're about to do."

"Okay Heather, I will. Thanks," I smiled.

"You're welcome sweetie," she said a bit happier. I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket. I decided to watch Hollywood News. I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily as a picture of me flashed on to the screen.

"Only a few hours ago, Leana Michelson fled her Hollywood home," Nina started to explain the story behind her black top desk. "No one knows exactly where she went or where she is at the moment. All that the Michelson's told us was that a fight, between her and someone in the house, caused her to leave. They are prepared to-" I roughly turned the TV off and threw the remote beside me on the couch. I leaned forward so that my head rested in my hands.

"That bad, huh?" I heard Teddy said from the stairs. I turned and looked at him leaning against the wall next to the stairs. I nodded my head. He walked to the couch and looked into my eyes. I found myself lost in his baby blues. He smiled sadly.

"You should go," he reluctantly said. I frowned and shook my head.

"I can't right now," I said looking down at my hands. "Not now. Give it a few days." He shook his head and sat next to me.

"Leah, they're worried about you. They put the story on freaking Hollywood News," he argued. I looked away from him. He sighed and held my hand in both of his. "Tell you what. If it's your dad that you're worried about, we can swing up to his workplace tomorrow and give him a chance to explain or apologized." After considering this, I nodded.

"I guess that would be okay," I finally agreed. He hesitantly kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and leaned into him. He sighed sadly. "What's wrong?" I asked keeping my eyes closed. I rested my hand on his chest.

"You're killing me," he breathed. I sat up and looked at him. What did he mean? He saw that and closed his eyes. "I'm trying to... respect Denver, but you're making it really hard." I blushed and looked down.

"Sorry," I muttered. He smiled slyly and pecked my cheek.

"It's okay. The fact that you make it so easy is actually helping me do it," he chuckled. This only made me blush even harder. He kissed my forehead and stood up. "My parents are pulling an all-nighter at the studio for the night scenes. I'm pretty sure you don't want to stay in my room, so you can bunk in the guest room or the pool house. It's your choice." He smiled. I stood as well and grabbed my bag.

"No, I don't mind your room," I smiled. His grin widened. Maybe I was pushing it. "On second thought, I'll stay in the guest room tonight, and if I stay again, I'll sleep in your room. Your parents can't know I'm here. The first thing they'll do is call my parents." We walked upstairs and stopped in between our rooms. I hugged him for a long moment before finally pulling away.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning. Don't forget we're going to your dad's office," he smiled. I pulled back a little but his hands stayed on my hips.

"Thank you for everything, Teddy," I smiled. "I owe you big time." He winked and kissed my forehead before walking into his room. I made myself comfortable in the guest room. It wasn't hard for me to go to sleep after the long day. Something told me that tomorrow was going to be even longer.

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