Chapter 15

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I was shocked. How long had he loved me? He looked back to me quickly before he turned and left. I was still. I couldn't move. I was frozen. I wanted to follow him, but I knew that would be the wrong move. All eyes were on me, but my eyes trailed after Teddy. The director scattered the crowd and everyone except Denver and I left. I stayed frozen, my eyes still at the door he walked out of. Denver touched my arm gently. I shook out of my shocked-state and turned to face Denver. He led me out of the studio and into the car. My cheeks flushed with red. I looked down at my hands as he started the car. There was tension in the car. When we reached the house, he turned the car off, but he didn't get out. I avoided his steady gaze towards me.

"You thought about it, didn't you?" he asked a bit angrily.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I replied softly. I could tell that he wasn't buying it.

"Leana, you love him too," he said a bit sadly. I shook my head and looked into his gray eyes.

"You don't honestly believe that; do you Denver?" I asked shocked. He smiled sarcastically.

"I saw you. You wanted to go with him. It was obvious," he said. He sighed and got out of the car. I stared after him shocked. After a second or two, I went into the house as well. Heather looked at me curiously.

"Denver looked pissed," she said. I nodded.

"Teddy," I replied. That was all the explanation I gave. That was all the explanation she needed. I walked past the living room and went up to Denver's room. I knocked and entered. He looked at me and back to the ceiling. I sighed and sat next to him on the bed. I looked at him worried.

"I'm fine," he said after he examined me.

"Denver you, of all people, should know better," I said softly. "Remember the Summit and the first day of school, the first time you ever kissed me. I remember everything, and I will for the rest of my life. No one can ever take those memories away from me. No one can take you away from me. Yes, I watched Teddy leave; I was in shock, what else could I do? I couldn't move because I didn't know he felt that way. You obviously knew, but I was a little bit slower on the draw. His feelings for me don't matter. I love you, and you know that. With the baby coming and everything, the less drama, the better. I won't dare try anything. Plus, I love Teddy like a brother; nothing more. I'm offended that you would even think that." He looked ashamed of himself. I sighed and looked away.

"I'm sorry. Teddy just... he just gets under my skin. He won't stop until he gets what he wants. I know," he sighed and continued explaining. "It's like Claire was... That's like my side of this with Teddy." I nodded. I understood what he meant.

"Let's move back to Ohio," I suggested after a few moments. I daydreamed of it. Denver, Adalyn, and I would all be together. I tried to picture Adalyn. With gray eyes like Denver's and pale skin. She would look like me, but have light brown hair. I wondered if she could inherit my dad's blue eyes. That would be pretty too. I tried to picture her with almond-shaped eyes and curly hair. I smiled to myself.

"No," Denver replied softly. My smile vanished into the atmosphere. I looked at him as my bottom lip poked out. My arms crossed across my chest. He laughed at my childish pout. "Let me finish explaining. It seems like you like it here. And you love it when Heather and your parents are all together. I don't want to take you away from something you love so much." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"But I love you," I smiled. "And I would like to move to Ohio to start our family. Think about it; Adalyn wouldn't have to grow up like I did. She wouldn't have cameras constantly in her face. She would grow up normal." I said the last part quietly. He watched me carefully.

"Fine then, but only after she turns one," he agreed. "The media will want to hear something about her, and probably won't stop till they do. That does sound good." he gave in. I smiled and kissed him softly. "Sorry about... earlier. I know I've been a bit... protective lately. I guess I just snapped at the way every guy has been looking at you since we got here." He explained. I looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused. He smiled and shook his head.

"Leana, you're so oblivious," he smiled. "Almost every guy has been looking at you with... desire in their eyes; pregnant or not. Nick looked at you the same way in Ohio, as well as John and Mick. You're... a hot topic; I guess that's how to put it." I tried to blink back my surprise. People wanted me? He chuckled softly and shook his head. He kissed my forehead, still laughing. We sat quietly for a minute. I giggled and stood up.

"What are we doing?" I smiled, rolling my eyes. I kissed him quickly and went back downstairs. Heather was sitting on the couch, working on something. She looked happy to see me smiling.

"Everything okay?" she asked. I nodded and walked around to the other side of her to see what was occupying her hands. I saw a small pink dress. I smiled and rolled my eyes. She saw my exaggerated look and shrugged. "What? I'm excited. I can't wait for little Adalyn to arrive." She put her hand on my stomach and looked at it lovingly. I sighed contently and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and decided on a strawberry smoothie. I noticed that my mom remembered that I was allergic to bananas. I heard someone talking with Heather. I shook the smoothie and walked back into the living room. Teddy was standing there. My hand automatically stopped.

"Teddy," I managed to say softly. He gave me a sad smile. His eyes were red rimmed and puffy. He'd been crying.

"Hey," he mumbled. "I just came... to say goodbye. I-I'm leaving soon; tomorrow actually. I'm moving to New York. My parents... thought it was best." I stumbled backwards and landed on the couch. I shook my head.

"No... no... you can't," I said barely above a whisper. "Don't..." He gave me a sad smile and put his hands in his jean pockets.

"I can't stay here," he said. "It's in... everyone's best interest that I leave." His eyes glanced quickly at the stairs. I understood. I nodded, despite the tears that were suddenly blurring my vision. He walked closer. I stood uneasily. His arms wrapped around me in a hug. A few tears fell down my cheeks. Why did I care if he stayed or not? Was Denver right; did I love Teddy? I knew the answer was yes, but I would deny it... to Denver anyway. His arms tightened around me as a sob escaped my lips. He rubbed my arm and kissed my forehead with his smooth and soft lips.

"What about the show?" I asked softly. He shrugged.

"We'll have to stop it for a moment," he replied. His lips brushed my forehead again as he held me in a tight embrace. "I love you." He said softly. I nodded. Heather sat on the couch silently. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs as Teddy's lips kissed my cheek. The footsteps stopped. I wiped my tears quickly, but Teddy didn't release me. I didn't want him to. I could hear Denver as he drew in a sharp breath. He was frozen on the stairs. I didn't care at this moment. I just wanted to be with Teddy until he left.

"I'm going to miss you Leah," he mumbled into my hair. I tried to force back the fresh tears that were welling up in my eyes. He obviously hadn't heard or seen Denver yet. Either that or he just didn't care. I heard Heather shift on the couch.

"Don't," I heard Heather command sternly. "Denver stop!" Teddy was yanked from me. Denver punched Teddy repeatedly his face and his chest. Teddy staggered to the ground. Denver didn't stop. I found myself screaming at Denver. Tears streaked my face. Teddy started to bleed. Denver pulled his fist back. I could see all his strength collecting into this one punch. Before I knew what I was doing, I was in front of Teddy. The force of Denver's punch hit me in the stomach. I gasped as the force exploded in my stomach. I heard a sickening crack and realized that it came from inside of me. I clutched my stomach as I struggled to breath. The room started to spin as I fell on to the floor. Heather was kneeling over me.

"Oh God! Denver, call the doctor now!" Heather instructed. She turned back to me. "Leana, Leah? Leah, stay with me. Stay awake as long as you can." I tried to listen to her pleas, but I was about ready to pass out. I briefly saw Teddy's limp body next to me on the floor. I looked at Heather's face briefly before I finally lost consciousness.

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