I'm am worthless what are you?

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My name is Selena. My best friend Justin, He makes me smile. I'm insanely in love with him but, I don't know if he is in love with me so were just best friends.

One night I was sitting in my room, Texting Justin and smiling and my mom came in; she hasn't been that great since my dad died.

"Why are you smiling; Theres no smiling in this house" She said 

She pulled my hair and pulled me off the bed and started kicking me.

"You are worthless." She said 

I started crying 

She kept on kicking me then she when out of the room 

I went on my bed and cried myself to sleep

I woke up around 4 in the morning and snuck out of the house and when to the park and sat down on the ground

I laid down in the grass I felt someone behind me

I looked back it was Justin

"Selena? What are you doing here?" He asked 

"M-my mom has been bb-beating me-e"  I said while crying 

"Selena why didnt you just tell me?" He asked 

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