I can't sleep

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Hai so I'm back I was a this school camping trip thing. It's was fun and I'm tired. Anyway may I continue this story.

Here it is...


We pulled away from that kiss.

"Selena.." He said but I cut him of

"Yes?" I wanted to know what he wanted

"Your birthday" he said as I looked him

"What about it?" I stated

"It's this Thursday. July 22, 2012" he said he pulled a piece of hair and he knew the date I was born

"Yes. I know I'm aware. This Thursday." I said

We where just talking out how he gets lost when he looks into my eyes. Now where talking about my birthday what?

"I'm planning on doing something big for you. But, the rest is a surprise." He winked has he replied

"Oh..okay. That's seems fun" I put a hand through my hair and I got up to fix some lunch.

I love it how he's doing this. I just don't see the use of it. It's nothing special. It's just me, not the queen of England.

I got out the bread and made me a sandwich.

"Hey, jay you want me to make you and sandwich!?" I yelled as I put the bread on the meat.

"Nah! I just get up and make it myself." He yelled back I walked into the living room.

I sat in the living room I ate my sandwich.

I still can't believe justin going to throw my a surprise party. Even though I don't see why.

I ate my sandwich in quiet. Me or Justin wasn't talking. It was to quite.

I need to make a move.

"Hey, Justin guess what?"

"Humm?" He responded

"I like pie" I said out of the blue

"No you don't. You are allergic" he answer

"I know. I just didn't have anything to talk about and I wanted to talk to you." She said as I finished my sandwich I turned around and said

"Hey, when I come back can we play just dance?" I said as I staired at him.

"Umm sure, yeah" he said as he staired at me

I waked into the kitchen. I throw away my plate I walked back into the living room.

"LET'S DO THIS THING!" I screamed in excitement

I jumped over the couch like a mad man...and almost hit my head on the tv and almost broke it.

I was like two inches away from smashing my head into it

"OH MY GOD SELENA! ARE YOU OKAY" Justin screamed and ran over to me

I stood up

"Yeah! I'm good! I just have run burn..lets do this thing...again!" I said as I grabbed the wii remote.

We played a few rounds

I won baby ohh yeah!!

*later that night*

We where laying in bed and my thoughts have gone to my head again.


"You're never gonna be good enough"

"You are not the daughter I wanted"

"You are nothing special for the human race, cause your an filthy animal"

They all just come in my head at once.

They need to stop

I will get justin

"Hey justin" I shook him lightly

"Humm?" He groaned

"I can't go to sleep can you sing me to sleep?" I quietly said

He turned over and wrapped he arms around me

"Yeah sure" he played with my hair

"Humm let's see here...umm..oh I got one." He said

"If I can take your pain away to see a better day baby I would, baby I would" he sung so quiet.

It actual did make me tired oh how I love he's voice.


Okay sorry I haven't upload this chapter actual took me two weeks. I started right when I left camp till now. Anyway I'm sorry this is short. To make it up this next one is going to be a very good chapter. I don't know when I will upload. But yes another cliff hanger. ;D I'm terrible. Anyway stay beautiful my lovely ducklings. ;D



And all that good stuff

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