The new family member

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Selena's P.O.V

We are all eating my delicious green iced birthday cake, it precisely tasted just like heaven. It was perfection. And of course, the new husky puppy that hasn't been named yet, laid on my lap curled up in a ball asleep. As I got to the last bite of the green cake. I just sat there, because the puppy was still on my lap I didn't want to disturb her sleep. I starred at her laying there, I began petting her head lightly. You know I should name her now, But I have no idea what to name her. I'm guessing Ashley and Justin both read my mind and they look over at me watching me pet her, when Ashley spoke up and said

"You should name her Ashlena, you know after me and you?" She laughed and then winked at me

"Or, you could name her Lacey?" Justin also said 

I looked down at the asleep puppy in my lap then back up at Justin and Ashley

"Hum, Those are both good names. But, I don't know if I want to name it one of those names or another name. I just don't know" I said as I shrugged

"Why don't we just draw names?" Justin suggested

"Yeah, Okay, So we Just put Ashlena and Lacey a bunch of times on a piece a paper and will draw it from a bowl" I said 

We got some paper I did what I said, Wrote Ashlena and Lacey over and over and over again, So many times I said over three times. We then got a bowl, and then we put the papers with names on it in the bowl. shook the bowl a good couple of times. We didn't even take a piece of paper out, the paper just fell. I took a breath in and opened the crumbled piece of paper that had some name, a name that the new puppy would have, I look down at the paper I could tell Ashley wrote it, It said 'Ashlena ;)'  She must have got bored and put a winky face, only her.

"It's Ashlena!" I said out loud

"Haha! Yes!" Ashley cheered 

"Ashlena for the win!" Ashley said and high fived me

"Whoo whooo!!!" We both cheered 

"Only you two" Justin said and shook his head 

"Oh you love us, both" Ashley said 

I'm actually very surprise that Ashlena is actually still asleep, We are all screaming by now. Poor Ashlena.


I'm actually very proud about this chapter! It really was hard to pick Lacey or Ashlena, I don't know when I'm updating again though. I will try my best to do it soon though. Anyway, 




All the other good stuff

By the way i'm still on spring break 

Say beautiful my lovely ducklings ;D

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