Should I?

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Okay so I'm on my phone and I'm bored the next time I will upload will be either Thursday or Friday. But don't get your hopes up if I don't upload. This is my 3rd time upload so  


Selena's p.o.v

Here I am crying into Justin's chest. Probably going into a mental break down. But should I tell him? Should I? Maybe he'll make it better? But what if he look at my differently?  

Then I was interrupted by Justin telling me to look up at him. But I didn't what he asked and looked at him. He slowly wiped the tears that where rushing down my cheeks. You know he shouldn't deal with this. He sould deal with he's girlfriend crying at who know at time in the morning. He should deal with someone's life that's a living hell. He shouldn't deal with me......he should just forget about me and let me suffer and maybe even die. Why should he care in the first place. Why would he even talk to me? Then I realized Justin asked me what was wrong I looked at him.  

Probably with sorrow.  

Probably filled with sadly.  

But I did look at him.  

But I said nothing.  

I just looked. I couldn't see much cause I was still crying. 

But I was still looking at him.  

But should I tell him that my life is a living hell? Should I tell him that he'll be better without me. Should I tell him that that I just wanna lose the war and die?  

I finally got the courage to talk but all I could put out was  


"Why what?" He said with worry in he voice as he kept on starring at me.  

"Why do you stay with me even though the littlest thing makes me cry? That even though my life is a living hell why you are still with me? That even though everyone hates me you are still me? But more importantly why are you with me even though I'm ugly? Or more importantly why are you even with me?" I said fading out the last part and still crying 

Justin p.o.v  

I just starred looking at her shock trying to comprehend what just happened. Then I finally reposed with  

"You know why I do?... Because to show someone why they are here..why they are born, why they are beautiful. And you know how that is? It's you. You are beautiful. Your life might be a living hell right now but years from now you'll look back and realize all the stuff you did that made you better. That you'll realize how strong you are now. But that won't happen unless you try. That you'll try to get out of that living hell. All you need to do is try. I will get better. I said almost in tear she really breaks my heart

"I..I-I just don't know I really don't I've been in a living hell since I entered pre-k and kids were calling me names and now I'm still in it but worse . I don't even know why I didn't give up a while ago. " she said with a sigh  

"You'll understand one day why. I love to the moon and back I love you so much a infinite cause it never stops. Just get some rest. Please I love you." I said with I sigh as I go tired

We laid back down as I heard Selena whisper " I love you too"

As I woke up I look over to see Selena sleep to peacefully it made me smile.

It crept out of bed so Selena wouldn't awake as I walk down stairs to get breakfast 


Comment tell me how I did and I whatever you want! What do you thinks gonna happen! And haha cliff hanger haha! Well stay beautiful my lovely ducklings ;D

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