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     "I'm never letting Mika shadow travel me again. I would rather drive a car."
     "Leo you don't have a license."
     "Exactly I would rather hit a squirrel and somehow end up in Peru than shadow travel with Mika again."
    Mika threw his granola bar at Leo, pulling up his hoodie and flopping onto the bed with exhaustion.
    "You woke me up last night Nico, I could fall back asleep. You owe me coffee or some form of caffeine otherwise I might fall asleep on our way to Peru."
     Nico rolled his eyes but pulled out the wallet they had brought to buy any food out and looked inside. "First we are not going to Peru, but we have like thirty bucks left so if we find a gas station you can grab a coffee or something. I'm not paying fifteen dollars for an iced caramel latte with whipped foam and light ice sorry."
    "Well lucky for you I just like black coffee."
    "Are you forty five who the fuck likes black coffee?"
    Leo sighed as loudly as possible, standing up and slinging his backpack on. "Grandpas. Shut it. The hotel has free breakfast which we haven't gone to this entire time,  I want waffles, and Mika can just grab coffee there. Let's go." He nodded to himself and walked out the door, Mika and Nico scrambling to grab anything they'd need for the day."

    After breakfast and grabbing a random map to find something to do, they ended up at an amusement park just outside the city.
     "Is it illegal to shadow travel inside, cause we don't have fifteen dollars per person, five for children under the age of two, ten for seniors."
     "Leo why did you have to say- come on idiot." They all melted in and back out near a steep roller coaster with rickety tracks. Mika ogled at it before pulling the other two towards the entrance.
    "I haven't been on a roller coaster in years oh my god. I'm scared. Never mind this is the most excited I've ever be-" he screeched as the cart jolted into motion as soon as they were clipped in. They went fast towards and hill and halfway up they slowed down and creeped over the edge before zooming down. "Oh my god Nico we're gonna die!" Mika put his head down screaming, while Nico was yelling just as loudly, hugging the bar that held them in place. Leo was right behind them having the time of his life, laughing at the two screaming their heads off. The obviously went five more times before heading to a new ride.
   After about two hours of roller coasters, they made their way into the water area of the park. They all squeezed into a changing room, thankful they brought swimming suits.
    "Oh my god I almost threw up on the purple one I guarantee you a psychopath designed that thing." Leo shuddered at the thought of it, digging through his bag. They all quickly changed, eager to get to the water rides.
     "Let's go! Nico, Mika come on!" He bounced up and down in anticipation.

     "Nico..." Mika stood in the corner, holding his shirt. Nico turned quickly, hearing the odd tone in his voice. All of Mika's scars, on his arms, on his back and chest, were all exposed. He took another step back before putting his shirt back on. "It's a little cold anyways, I'll just watch you guys and keep our bags safe." Nico sighed, and nodded slowly.
    "We can just get going, an hour of sitting by yourself can't be fun." Leo took his bag off, ready to change back into his jeans and sweatshirt.
    "Leo, you go ahead and go on the water rides, I'll stay with Mika, we'll meet you by Dinosaurs fountain in an hour?" Leo frowned a bit, trying to remember the fountain but then put a thumbs up and skipped out, waving behind him with an excited look on his face. "Let's get you some food, we've been running around all day and haven't eaten."
     "Are you a grandma or something, always trying to get me to eat more."
   "Cause you have no meat on your bones! Let's find burgers." Nico grabbed Mika's hand and they scrambled though the crowd until they found a restaurant.
    "This park has everything oh my god, this place looks like an old diner!" Mika cheered quickly, walking around looking at the decoration of the restaurant, completely freaking out over the juke box.
    They sat down after getting their food, Mika started eating immediately taking a huge bite out of his burger. Nico took off his bun, picking out all the onions, throwing them into Mika's basket. He picked one up, looking disgusted but held it up, making a little halo above his head.
    "Ha, a child of death is an angel now, I see. The onion does match your hair though." Nico laughed as Mika looked up, the onion matching perfectly with his white hair.
    "Get me some wings and my look will be complete."
     "You dont need wings, you already have shadow travel. Boom, Mika the onion angel!" They finished their food, grabbing some food to go for Leo and rushed out quickly, realizing it had already been an hour and five minutes, the fountain being across the park from where they were.
   "Shit come on Mika, also no lunch tomorrow on the way back we're out of money."
     "Dang it! At least we found out there's a free hotel breakfast. After four days of you making me eat three granola bars before you decided I ate enough." Nico scoffed, before looking back at his watch and grabbing Mika's sleeve, the two rushing back across the park, a soggy Leo waiting for them, shivering and regretting going on water rides in 60° weather.

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