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     "So do you guys just have a bonfire every night? But no songs or anything? That's so boring!" Mika sat with the two others boys by the fire, most people were either chatting, or just sitting, doing nothing. "Let's start a song!" Mika started singing a random song he was sure most people would know. People were surprised at first but joined in.

     "10 drachmas he gets beat up by some annoyed Aries kids later." Leo leaned over, not joining in and whispered into Nico's ear.

     Nico just shrugged. "15 Athena kid snaps first, tell me who wins, I'm going on a walk." He stood up abruptly and speed walked into the woods.

     Mika noticed after a few minutes the absence and went to find him after telling Leo. "Nico? Where did you go?" He walked down the path for a good ten minutes before sitting down on a rock. "Huh, I wonder..." he closed his eyes and focused hard on the odd feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was weird, but after a few minutes he could sense the 'darkness' around Nico. He opened his eyes, shocked, but focused this time on where the 'darkness' was. He melted into the shadow and ended up sitting against a tree with Nico.

     "How did you?" Nick turned quickly and crawled back in brief panic.

      "I-I could tell where you were? And then I followed you. Holyshitineedtositdown." Mika was shaking head to toe, he was still getting used to shadow travel and had already been tired before he started looking for Nico. "W-wy are you in the m-middle of the woods? How do even see?"

      "With a flashlight."

      "That was my second question, do you know how c-conversations wo-"

      "Yes I do. Look if you want." Nico pulled a flashlight out of his pocket and handed it over. Mika turned it on and shone it around, he gasped and then just started. The ground around them was black and looked almost charred. There was broken glass everywhere and the only safe spot to potentially walk was exactly where the two boys were sitting.

     "W-what is this?" Mika whispered, hands shaking slightly worse than before.

      "I'll tell you tomorrow. Let's get you back. Stand up, I'll travel us both."

      "N-no, I c-can do it, I got it." Mika slowly stood up, supporting himself against the tree before sinking back down to his knees. Nico rolled his eyes and grabbed the collapsing boy around the waist and melted into the darkness.

    They reappeared right outside Cabin 9, Nico helped Mika to the door and knocked. Leo opened the door and cocked an eyebrow. "I'll take the child." Mika shoved Nico off himself and put his hands on his hips.

     "I'm not a child! We're the same age, and, I, Mika Ginnichio, am perfectly fine." He stormed past the two and found the bed he'd stayed in the night before, collapsing into it and disappearing under the covers. Leo and Nico exchanged looks and muffled their snorting before Leo sent Nico away.

    "Goodnight my baby Mika!"

    "Fuck you Valdez."

    "Wow! One day at the camp and he already loves me!" Leo laughed to himself and walked down the hall to the completely personalized bedroom that took up a good quarter of the cabin.


       "Okay, I want you to think of that flower in the winter. Shriveled, brown, crumpled-"


     "Er, yeah." Nico was trying to help Mika concentrate his "powers". Mika nodded and squeezed his eyes shut, holding the flower. After about three minutes, it turned black and into ash, starting from the bottom and working it's way to the petals. Mika yelled and threw it away from himself.

    "What did I just do- Oh my god..." He started pacing around and holding his head in his hands. Nico crouched down and looked at the now pile of ash on the ground.

     "You just killed the flower. Logic my guy. Good job, we can try with a whole bush now if you want." Mika sat on a rock and shook his head.

    "No, I just killed that. What if I kill someone accidentally? It only took me three minutes! What if I'm sitting next to someone I don't like and I accidentally kill them?! I don't want to kill!" He stood up on the rock, keeping his feet off the ground. "What if it gets strong enough that I kill everything I go near?" Nick sighed and pulled Mika down by his hand.

     "Because you'll learn control. And, it takes so much energy to use your abilities that you will use them sparingly. You will be fine and so will everyone your around, okay?" Mika nodded and rubbed his head.

     "Okay... just, control. Ah, your right about energy, my head hurts like hell."

     "Which part? Cause that could mean your head feels better than ever or it could mea-"

     "Nico, my head hurts.  All I was trying to say." Mika rolled his eyes and sighed. "We can keep going if your okay to keep teaching."

    "I'm all good, your the one working though, you alright still? I didn't see you eat breakfast other than black coffee."

     "Says you, Mr. Black Coffee Is The Only Food That Matters. And yes I'm fine still. What's next?" Mika brushes himself off and rolled up his sleeved, rubbing his hands together. Nico frowned, but cleared his throat before speaking.

     "U-um. One second first."


    Nico looked at him gently. "We don't have to talk about it, we can just keep going with training. But... are you ok?"

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