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     As soon as they were out of the infirmary, Leo's expression changed from giggling about the earrings to serious.

     "What are you doing Leo-" Leo kept dragging Will past the cabin and into the woods behind a larger tree. "I thought you wanted to look at the earrings what's up with you?"

    "Who hell did this you?" Leo held Wills arm up for both of them to see, five finger print bruises wrapped around his forearm.

     "I didn't even know those were there..."

     "Did Blake do it?"

     "I didn't know they were-"


     "They didn't mean tooo." Will pulled his arm back from Leo, rubbing where the bruises were.

     "What was happening for them to not mean to grab your arm hard enough for bruises to show up?"

    "We just had a disagreement.. it wasn't anything big they just pulled me into a cabin to talk." Will was avoiding eye contact, Leo was getting frustrated, his hands in fists.

   "Should i actually believe that?"


    "What did Blake do?"

"I don't know It's awkward-"

"You don't have to tell me but if Blake's leaving bruises on you i want to be able to do something about it." Will nodded, still avoiding eye contact.

"Can we just, i don't know.. can we just go to your bunker and hang out for a bit?" Leo deflated slightly, still concerned, but nodded.

"Yeah, come on let's hurry it's starting to rain and the trees aren't gonna hold it out very long."

They jogged to Leo's place, not being too far, and shook the water off them. Will went over to Leo's bed and wrapped himself up in the blanket, staring up at the ceiling.

"Dammit i forgot to restock the KT tape." He groaned, rubbing his eyes, but not moving to get up.

"Its fineee you can do it later or tomorrow, i doubt anyone's going to crawl into the infirmary dying from shin splints right this moment."

"Yeah yeah, it's still annoying i didn't get it done though."

Leo patted his head and walked over to his table, picking up the clock he was supposed to finish earlier. He sighed, still worried, but picked up a screw driver and started tightening the pieces he'd added earlier.

Around an hour passed, Leo picking up and working on all the little projects he had lying around, looking up every once in a while to see Will still laying silently and staring up.

Another half hour went by, Will deciding to speak after sitting up, still wrapped up.

"Ok- i'll tell you. Basically... ugh it feels awkward you won't be weird right?"

"No of course not." Leo shook his head, turning to give his full attention.

"Ok.. earlier Blake was getting really touchy and stuff, and said they want to get closer, like, you know. And i didn't, just really really not ready. I know i'm 17 and their 18 i was just not ready at all. But they still wanted to do stuff..."


     "I didn't even really realize what Blake was doing at first, thought they were just grabbing my hand to go somewhere else. But i guess i was wrong, and they were holding onto me tight enough i couldn't get away before they went too far."

    "Blake is fucking dead." Leo stood up, Will groaning and leaning back.

    "Leo it was probably just miscommunication on my part or something it's ok just really awkward.."

     "Stop saying it's fucking, awkward. Your a doctor, what would you say if someone walked in and told you what you just told me?"

   "I don't know..."

    "What if i told you it?"


    "You'd call it what it is Will.  Rape. Now stay here while i go burn the face off of that piece of shit." Leo grabbed his jacket and started towards the bunker door.

     Will nodded, tears starting to drip onto the wood floors. Leo squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, not wanting to see his friend like this. Walked away from the door, softly sitting down next to him. Rubbing his back, Leo sat silently for a minute, letting Will lean into him and continue crying.

     "Are there more bruises?" Will nodded, sniffing and sitting up a bit straighter.

   "Yeah- stuff hurts. I already treated them though, i don't want you to see." Leo nodded, standing up slowly again.

   "That's ok, I'm gonna go commit murder now, please don't leave i don't want you near them. I'll send Nico and Mika over here, i won't tell them anything, i'll leave whatever you want to say up to you." Will nodded, eyes still pointed to the floor, before looking up and watching Leo walk out.


"There you are Leo! Did Will agree to do your ear?" Mika up, trying to look for new editions to Leo's ears.

"No, hey can you go back to my bunkers and hang out with Will for a bit i'll be back." Leo was almost shaking, Nico looked him up and down, suspicious, but didn't say anything.

"Uhh, yeah sure, where you going?"

"Oh nothing you know just committing murder." Mika scoffed at this but rolled his eyes and started off towards the woods.

"Alright whatever you want, have funnn!" He grabbed Nicos hand and pulled him alone towards the bunker.

"Why was he acting so weird?" Mika swung their arms back and forth as they walked.

   "Yeah he did... Do you think Will's ok?"

   "He seemed fine when we were just talking, i don't know though."

    Once they reached Leo's place they went straight for Leo's bedroom, knowing Will liked taking naps there.

    "Whats up doc.?" Mika held up a peace sign, Will turned to see who came in and smiled.

    "Currently you cause i'm down here."

   "Wowww true. Hey why is Leo so mad? He literally looked like he was about to shake apart." Will shifted around, trying to think how to answer.

   "Uhh, i don't know, probably just playing around or something."

    "He looked pissed.  Whoever he was looking for is gonna be a burnt marshmallow." Nico smirked but stopped when he saw Will looked incredibly uncomfortable. "Hey you ok?" He glanced over to Mika, making eye contact and slightly frowning.

    "I'm okkk, don't wanna go over it. Buttttt, Leo might be murdering Blake as we speak so i guess i should i just break up with them." Nico stood up at this.

    "What the hell did they do? I'll personally deliver them to the gates if i need to."

    "Nooo no no no. I already said i'm not gonna go over it with you, Leo's got it, just stay here."

     Nico sat back down, looking read to fight.

     Mika stayed quiet, extremely concerned about Will, he didn't want to intrude about anything but really wanted to know if he was ok. "Do you want me to go grab something for you to eat? You guys were here for over an hour  and you were working before that your probably hungry." He stood up, planning to shadow travel to the pavilion.

    "Sure, just grab an orange or something i'm not super hungry."

   "Okay, anything you want Nico?"

   "Not really."

   "Ok orange for Will and sandwich for Nico, I'll be back!" Mika turned and melted into wall, Nico rolling his eyes at where he was standing.

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