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      Mika and Nico stayed for a while together, side by side, next to the newly planted ground. Mika had never seen Nico let his emotions take over so much before, he'd cried for a while but made sure Mika knew he wasn't sad, just relieved. He fell asleep after a while, exhausted from letting everything out. Mika sat, watching over him, looking peaceful as he rested.

      He squeezed his eyes shut not even knowing if this would work, maybe it would if he thought hard enough. He'd done it once to get out of the underworld after escaping Tartarus. If he was on the brink of death then, he could definitely do it now. He felt himself grow heavy start sinking. When the feeling stopped he slowly stood up, almost scared to open his eyes, when he did he was greeted with the astonished face of a ghost resembling what he'd always thought Michelangelo would've looked like.

   "H-hi, how far am I from Hade's palace?" He brushed himself off, surprisingly not dirty from sinking down into the underworld. The ghost stared for a good minute, before point behind Mika and floating away. He turned and almost face palmed, a door to the palace was less than ten feet behind him. He sped-walked over and rushed in. "Hades!"

    The tall, serious figure of Hades walked into the room looking Mika up and down.
"Did you really try again, couldn't have waited the eight weeks you have left- kid seriously i'm tempted to throw you back into Tartarus and let someone else deal with you." He smirked at the scared face Mika made when he said this. Mika shook his head vigorously, showing his arms to prove he'd done nothing.

    "No no no, I came the same way i left when i got back from that place you morbid fucker." He smirked this time, seeing Hades try and hide the shock that he'd call him something like that. "Anyways i don't have much time to talk, Nicos sleeping and i need to ask you something. I need him to forget me, i know there's no way to extend the three months, but if he forgets me it would make everything easier, i can't break his heart like that, he freaks out every time i get up in the middle of the night cause he's scared i'll do something bad. Please, Hades i don't even care if you throw me in Tartarus. Just please help me take care of Nico." Mikas eyes had filled with tears that he violently rubbed away before Hades saw.

     "You want Nico to forget you- you realize i'm not an all powerful god, i have my skills, Zeus has his, I cant erase memory. And even if i could, erasing his memory of you will make things worse. You'd die alone, when you've just finally found someone who loves you, i said id let you live three more months so you can enjoy that, i like seeing my son happy, even if he hates me." Mika started to look visibly distressed, picking at his knuckle.

    "Maybe- after i leave he could forget, i'll make sure leave the camp before i die, my mom will come get me, and i can leave, and he'll forget?"

     "Mika, i already said, i can't erase memories, and i'm not going to get anyone to do that to my son. I'm sorry that this is happening, but like i've already said, if i was as forgiving as i already have been i'd have a much better record than i do currently. Nico never takes long naps, I'll send you back up so you don't fade from exhaustion. Again, I'm sorry kid." As Mika felt his vision fade as he was sent back, he thought he caught a glimpse of something resembling sympathy on Hades' face."

    He opened his eyes to Nico stirring, staring to wake up, when he sat up Mika grabbed him around the shoulders and pulled him into a hug. Nico didn't even know what was happening as he was usually in a completely different dimension for a solid five minutes when he woke up. Mika felt Nico melt into him, laying his head on his shoulder.

     "Mika what's wrong..." He tried to lift his head but Mika pushed it back, wanting to stay like this as long he could.

    "Nothing, just stay for a while Nico."

    They embraced each other in silence as the sun started setting in the distance, having stayed there nearly the whole day.

   Mika took a deep breathe, ready to talk now. "Nico i really like you, probably too much for only knowing you a few months, but i'm really scared i might hurt you. I already have, and i'm scared that i will more. I'm not safe with myself and i don't want to affect you with my own actions against myself. But i really like you and i want to be around you as much as possible, you make me feel like everything's going to be okay and that nothing bad will ever happen. I'm sorry i really am, i can't even figure out my own feelings, i'm just really scared and i don't know how to tell you any other way."

    Nico pulled away, Mika couldn't read his face to see how he felt.

    "Mika nothing you've ever done has hurt
me, youve scared me before, straight up terrified. But it's because I don't want to lose you and i almost have before. But you could never hurt me. I understand if you don't want anything with me, i'm ok with being friends, i mean we already are, but thanks for sharing your feelings.. I'm glad you were at least comfortable enough to tell me all that..." He looked down, waiting for Mikas response. When it didn't come he looked up.

    Mika scooted forwards, and put a hand behind Nicos head, at the base of his neck. Before Nico could question what was happening he was pulled into a kiss. Mikas heart was racing, he didn't even know what he was doing, he'd never kissed anyone before, he was silently freaking out and was about to pull away  and apologize, when he realized Nico was smiling into the kiss. He started smiling also and they eventually pulled away, both of them laughing for no reason. Nico suddenly straightened up, pretending to be serious.

   He cupped Mikas face in his hands and stared into his eyes for a while. "You ok with this? I don't want you doing this to make me happy when your scared."

   Mika smiled, nodding, Nico grinning, still cupping his face, brought him in again and gave him a quick kiss before pulling him to his feet. "Then let's go feed you, I have almost no cheek to squish. I want to be able to squish your face around." They both laughed and started walking back to the main camp area. Mika felt genuinely happy, he was still nervous in the back of his mind. But he'd decided if he'd have to leave eventually, he wanted to make sure Nico felt as loved as possible. He knew it would hurt him, but he knew he shouldn't distance himself and hurt him even more.

     "What you thinking about? How good of a kisser i am? An eighty year old is bound to have skill." Nico looked over cockily. Mika rolled his eyes and grinned at him.

    "I was thinking about how funny it would be if i did this."

   "Did wha-" Mika ran into Nico and he fell sideways into the nearest bush. He stood back up running after Mika, who had started sprinting as soon as he got his balance from ramming into the other boy. "YOU FUCKER, IM NEVER KISSING YOU AGAIN IF THIS IS HOW IM TREATED." He ran past the Apollo cabin, and several campers including a grinning Will and Leo. They had high fived when they heard Nicos yelling. "Why don't we carry around cameras, we gotta film shit like this Will."

     "Do you wanna die- you remember those things called monsters that like eating demigods."

    "It's worth it."


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