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THANKS SO MUCH FOR 8K MWAH ILY GUYSSSS ( also do y'all want more style things like Nicos or Leo's? i might even if no one responds cause it's kinda fun lmao)

     "We gonna adress that- orrrr i can go get us shaved ice?" Will stared at the two sitting across from him, Nico looking like he was trying to hold back a grin, Mika with his head in his hands trying to figure out what to do next.

     "Will, how long until my mom picks me up?"

     "Uhhh two months and like five days."

      "Shi- thanks Will. Nico... Leo's right, I do like you I just don't know what to do really. When you- my, mom picks me up, if anything happens between us, we won't be able to see each other for a long time... I don't want to hurt you or anything."

    "Mika- I- I know there's not much longer until you have to leave camp, but it's not like your moving countries, Ill visit you all the time! And while your still at camp i'll spend as much time with you as possible, i don't know if it's possible to spend more than we already are- but you know what i mean." Nico was grinning, Mika nodded smiling back.

    "Yeah, your right.."

     "Sooo.. Ima go get shaved ice, and leave you kids alone." Will stood up to walk away.

      "Will i'm over eighty years old, who's the kid here?" Nico cocked an eye brow, smirking, but let Will walk away without more teasing.

"Nico..." Mika was freaking out inside not knowing what to do, tell Nico nothing? Or explain why he didn't want to grow even closer. He knew he couldn't, Nico would rage to his father and just make things worse before he had to go.

       "Yeah?" Nico looked like the sun had given him its light.

      "Never mind i forgot! What should we do?" Mika shrugged off his thoughts and smiles back.

    "Actually I've had an idea for a few days i kinda wanted to do with you.."

    "Alright what is it?"

    "Come on!" Nico pulled Mika up and walked over to the area shed and grabbed two shovels, and bucket, and gloves.

      "Did you kill someone.. I'm not helping you bury a body, your dad already would know anyways dumba-"

     "Mika! You'll find out soon dont be dumb yourself." Nicos grin hadn't left his face the entire time and now he was trying to be pretend serious but was failing immensely.

      When he finally stopped Mika looked around and realized they were a clearing, that clearing. The ground the same charred black color and the broken jar pieces scattered around, jagged and sticking in and out of the ground. "So.. what are you wanting to do?"

     "Well, grab a shovel, help me get the glass into the bucket, then we'll put dirt over all of this, and then plant these!" Nico pulled seed packets out of his pocket. Mika read the labels and smiles and real smile this time.

    "Poppies.. and Asphodel. Our fathers symbols right?"

     "Yeah! I thought we should get rid of this place finally and I shouldn't do it alone because we've both spent... time, here. And the flowers will make it beautiful instead of this.. Let's get to work!" Nico threw Mika some gloves and a shovel and they started scooping the glass into the bucket in silence.

"How much do you talk with your dad? Or father, Hades, I don't know what you call him sorry." Mika was shoveling slowly, visibly deep in thought.

"I call him whatever, it doesn't matter to me, and I rarely talk to him unless he calls me down, or he's been a fucking asshole, which is a lot. Why do you ask?" Nico was scooping the glass up in a completely opposite way from Mika, he was eager to get it all clean and cover the painful clearing up.

"Just thinking what my dads like.. the god of peaceful death, like falling asleep. Do you think he's kind then? Or just quiet. Do you think he'll get me?"

"Get you?"

"When I die, whenever that is-" Mika panicked for a minute inside, "Do you think he'll pick up his own son? How do I get to the underworld?" Nico looked over at him with a slight frown but didn't say anything of concern.

"My dad hasn't talked much about him. But I know he's gentle, and will bring you down when the time the fates have given you is up. Which won't be for decades of course, dying of old age is peaceful, my dads said many don't even realize they'd died until they get to the gates to be judged."

"Hmm." Mika nodded and kept shoveling the glass.

When they had gotten all the glass they could find off the ground, they started walking over to other trees and bringing dirt over to cover the charred and blackened ground. "You can't even tell it's different from the rest of the woods now! Here take the poppies and put them wherever you want." Nico handed over Mikas flowers and pulled out his own seed packet. They both crouched down and started digging little holes and sprinkling seeds in until the bags were empty. Nico pulled out a water bottle and handed it to Mika. He watered the dirt and they both sat back against a tree to admire the new, fresh soil covering the past.

"We've done well Mika. Really well."

"Yeah... we have." Mika closed his eyes and tilted his head against the tree, trying to keep himself from thinking of the closer traveling date that would rip them apart.

"Ahh damn, we missed a whole section of glass, the grounds fine over here though, don't get up I'll get it." Nico went to throw the last few pieces in the bucket and as he was dropping them from one hand, one caught his opposite arm and sliced him enough to start bleeding freely. "Shit and after we already did all this work." Nico kept cursing under his breath and sat back down squeezing his eyes shut and trying to keep the blood from dripping to the group.

"Nico... look." Nico slowly opened his eyes, trying not to look at his arm, knowing his own triggers. But looked down to the ground, some blood had made it's way down to his hand and dropped off, hitting the ground, but nothing happened. The dirt stayed normal, no blackening or charring. Nico stared at it, in shock.

"Mika, I- no we- we really are ok now aren't we." He was smiling even thought tears were streaming down his face and his left arm covered in blood. "It was an accident, but I don't want more." He wrapped his hand around the accidental cut from the glass and laid down staring at the sky and continuing to let his tears out. Mika stayed where he was sitting for a minute, he knew the guilt would only keep growing. He eventually laid next to Nico wrapping an arm around his shoulder and letting him cry into his own.

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