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Seven days. Mika was stressed, as one would be knowing their death date was drawing so close he could almost touch it. He was barely sleeping, trying to spend as much time as possible with all of the people he valued at the camp. He was even trying to spend time with people he didn't know well. Him and Percy had spent almost an entire afternoon together, racing up the rock wall, Mika beating him almost every time.

    He was lying at the beach with Nico, i was getting pretty cold so they brought blankets and weren't even thinking about swimming. Nico had brought a thermos of coffee so they were cuddled up and sipping on the warm drink.

    "Hey Nico?"


    "If you had... 24 hours to live what would you do?"

    "Damn your taking after your dad you know other topics exist other than death-" Nico said this lightheartedly giggling with the sentence.

   "Yeah yeahh buttt what would you do?"

    "Probably binge the entire Harry Potter movie series with you."

    "Wow that's such a  romantic and sentimental way to spend your last day."

    "I know right, what about you? Probably learn how to gather the entire worlds supply of cotton candy and eat it all."

    "Yo thats a good idea let's do it."

    "Yeah well we gotta wait like eighty years til we're boutta die."

     "Ahh... Of course yeah." Mika scrunched his face up, slightly. Nico looked over to him, frowning.

   "Did i say something wrong?"

    "Nope, just cold!" Mika hugged Nico with the blanket around himself and curled up. "We should start collecting cotton candy now so we have enough later." Nico grinned and wrapped his arms around Mika. He kissed the top of his head and started running his hands through Mikas hair.

     Nico looked down at him, Mikas eyes shut, looking more relaxed than he had in a while. "You look really tired, maybe we should get some caffeinated cotton candy for you."

    "Yeahh well haven't really slept in a couple days, i've been overthinking stupid stuff. But its ok i don't feel really tired, i just look like parent with five toddlers who hasn't gotten their starbucks yet."

      "Ahh, well, take a nap we don't really have anything else to do today."

     "Again, i don't really feel that tired it's alright. Oh but hey, we should go hang out with Leo, i think he's kinda lonley with Will and Blake hanging out more."

    "Yeahh, i think he's been at his bunker all day, wanna go hang out with him now if you don't feel like resting?" Mika nodded and smiled, Nico hopped up and held out a hand.

They walked through woods in the direction of the bunker, planning to go back for the blankets later.

"Leoooo." Mika knocked on the door before letting himself and Nico in.


     "Where is that bitch. LEO!" Mika yelled for him, looking through all the doors. "He's
probably sleeping dammit." He walked over to Leo's bedroom door and peaked in. "Hah i was right, Leoooo wake uppp."

    Leo was under a pile of blankets, sleeping hard enough Mika had to go over and shake him awake.

    "The hell- oh- wait what are you two doing i though you were on a date or something."

    "Yeahh well we figured if Will and Blake were out somewhere also then you'd be alone. So we came to annoy you." Nico grinned went to sit on the edge of Leo's bed, Mika joining him.

   "Ahhh, but what about your date? You had all the cute shit planned out."

   "Bro we were together for like two hours before coming here it's ok we wanna hang out with you nowww." Mika flopped back, lying on top of Leo's blanket covered legs. "How long have you been napping i thought you slept in late this morning?"

     "Ehhh when we all finished lunch i came back and worked on a Hermes cabin clock and then napped. Gotta pass the time so i don't have to witness you two being mushy."

     "Your a bitch. Grab a jacket,  we're gonna go annoy Will and Blake until they hangs out with us." Nico dragged Leo up out of bed and handed him the jacket lying over the chair by his table.

    They ended up at the infirmary, finding Will restocking bandages in a drawer. "Hi we're delivering a preschooler for you to babysit." Mika waved his hands in front of Leo like he was presenting an award

   "Who- Oh hi bitch."

   "Hey hoe."

  Nico sat himself on the table, stretching out. "Damn you guys are really nice. Will wheres Blake at?"

    "Oh yeah their back at the cabin just chilling i think, we kinda had a disagreement earlier nothing to worry about though.. Leo you got any food on ya?"

    "Nah i was napping only thing i got is potentially some crumbs in my pocket if you want?"

    "Bitch do your laundry." Will shot a fake disgusted look at Leo. Mika rolled eyes, loving watching the two go back and forth.

       "Mika out of all the people in the room somehow we're the most mature i think this is an accomplishment." Nico and Mika air high-five:, getting dirty looks from the other two.

    Leo flopped onto a chair, watching Will still finishing restocking everything before jumping up again. "Willlll you should pierce my ears again."

    "Your other ones aren't even healed yet."

    "Well like the cartilage maybe come look at earrings with meee."

    "You don't even have cartilage earrings-"

   "But your sister does come onnn she'd probably let me borrow one."

   "Aghh ok i'll look at them with you if she's ok with it. That doesn't mean i'll do the piercing. Let me just finish this up real quick." Will finished the last few drawers before hopping up and leaving the room with Leo.

     "Leo's ears are gonna be swiss cheese by the end of this damn." Mika went to go sit next to Nico, leaning against his side.

   "It makes him actually happy, he's shown me them at least five times as if he just got them done."

    "Ahh good."

    "Oh shit."

   "What-" Nico pointed out the window, Mika looked over, groaning. "Nooo its raining.. WE LEFT THE BLANKETS."


   "WELL LETS GO THEN DAMMIT." The two sprinted out towards the woods. "WAIT-" Mika ran back in and replaced the paper on Wills table before rejoining Nico in the rain. Bye the time they had picked up the blankets and ran back, they were absolutely soaked. The temperature had dropped as well, leaving them freezing even after getting back to the cabin.

    "Oh my gods let's never do a cute picnic thing again."

   "You realize we chose the worst possible day to do one Nico."

    "Yeah but warm weather has bugs."

   "You can raise the literal dead and make them fight and do shit for you but your scared of bugs- weak."

   "Shut up."

   "Love you too."

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