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Mikas suspicions were confirmed when he saw Nico walking back from the Apollo table, red faced, after being called over by Will.

      "Did something happen? You look like a strawberry." Mika tried to appear complete oblivious, knowing things would get awkward if he somehow knew exactly what Will had asked.

      "Oh- well no nothing happened don't worry about it. Just a quick question you know. Um so random question how do you feel about going back to New York? I can say your having a hard time again if Chiron won't let us or something i don't know, Leo's gonna be busy though so it'd just be us. I don't know maybe not?" Nicos face kept growing consistently redder, more than Mika thought was possible.

     "Um.. yeah let's do that! But can we not make excuses by saying i'm too mentally unstable to stay here or something. I don't really like that."

     "Oh yeah-  i shouldn't have said that..."

     "It's fineee, i mean your not wrong it would definitely work just wouldn't be very enjoyable. But! I liked New York lets go back! Lets only stay a few days, i'm trying to spend as much time with everyone."

    "Oh ok! Sounds good, wanna go tonight? Oh sorry i didn't even explain Will for some reason booked a hotel room for like three days, and can't use it for some reason he was being suspicious about it. But he said we can use it."

      "Ahhh sounds good yeah let's go tonight!" Mika smiled and started walking back to the cabin, Nico followed him with a grin. Before the pavilion went out of sight, Mika turned and caught Will's eye, he proceeded to flip him off while the son of Apollo mimicked kissing and made hearts with his hands.

         "Ok so your sure you'll be fine shadow traveling yourself? I can bring us both."

      "Nico, do you not remember I did it myself last time? Also you pretty much knocked yourself out bringing you and Leo last time." Mika rolled his eyes at Nico, who was over concerning himself over leaving.

     "Who's the one of us that dropped Leo from a building-"

    "It wasn't the top of the building!"

   "Yeah yeah, let's get going!" Nico hauled his backpack on and brought Mika over to the closest tree with shade. "Let's go!" They both melted into the shadows, reappearing at the same halfway point as last time.

      "I'm good! Are you?" Mika had skipped out, seemingly full of energy. Nico gave a thumbs up and they jumped back in, ready to finish the trip.

     They walked out from the back wall of the hotel, Nico pulled out the card Will had given him.

      "Hello welcome to Harrison Hotels! How can I help you?" The receptionist greeted them with a smile, Nico handing over the keycard.

     "Hello, we have a card with a room reserved, do you know what number it would be?" The man at the desk swiped the card, looking up, confused when the result popped up on the screen.

      "This is for a destination in Vietnam? How'd that happen, we actually have our rooms all filled, there's a event happening nearby, but i can help you guys find a different hotel if you need." Nicos eyes went wide and he stared at the card in the receptionists hand before responding.

     "O-oh, well i went there a few months ago i must've gotten mixed up, we'll be able to find a hotel though thanks for the offer!" The two boys walked out of the hotel quickly, Mika cracking up as soon as the door shut behind him.

      "So your telling me Will gave you the keycard saying he had a room reserved on it?! Did he mention the Vietnam part?!"

     "Well, no. But! I have a better idea now. If your ok with shadow traveling back now-"

    "Hmm.. depends. If we find a coffee place first!"

     "Ok! Thennn coffee, back to camp, and we haul blankets and stuff up and sleep on the roof of the climbing wall."


   Around five hours later an exhausted Mika and Nico finally got the last blanket and pillow onto the spot they were going to spend the night, all the way back at camp.

     "Done! Took us long enough." Mika flopped onto his nest of blankets and pillows he'd created. Nico jumped into his and they say for a minute, appreciating their craftsmanship. "Sooo."

     "Sooo what are you going to confess murder now or something?"

   "Nico! Just cause your a kid of Hades doesn't mean everything's about death. Mr Jack Skellington."

    "Whos the bony one here?"

    "Touché- anyways! You wanna tell me about what Will asked you earlier? Specifically why you looked like a beet for a solid half hour afterwards?" As soon as Mika said this Nico went silent for a few minutes, but eventually answered.

      "Well... He tried to be deep and wise and said some stuff about me and you being super similar in certain ways, and said that it must be nice for both of us, having someone who's experienced similar stuff. And then he skipped to the point then whispered in my ear like a sixth grade girl. He  wanted to know if i like you." Mika was basically hyperventilating mentally but kept it cool on the outside.

     "What did you, the oh so cool seventh grade girl say?"

     "I said you'd have to be Hellen Keller to not notice that i do." Nicos cheeks went pink, but definitely not as red as they had been.

     "Well damn, i gotta get some glasses." Mika scratched his head slightly embarrassed he hadn't noticed.



   "TRUE- well, now that you get to know, do you, my seventh grade crush, like me back?" Nico looked hopeful, however Mika paused, scrunching up his face into thought.

    "I don't know. I honestly haven't thought about liking anyone, much less someone liking me in months, i don't even know if i know what i'm supposed to feel if i like you. And i want to give it time to figure out- i just don't have much of that you know?"

     "Oh well that's fine- still sucks for me, not like i can make your brain like me... but what do you mean not much time?"

   "Fuc- Oh- Jenny's ankle or whatever injury will be healed soon, so, i won't be able to stay here you know?"

   "Oh yeah i almost forgot, well, me and Leo will visit all the time! Like me or not!" Nico grinned and threw a pillow into the air.

      Mika nodded and smiled slightly, he'd been starting to wonder how Hades would let him die, he'd given him so much extra time, would his injuries from last time open  up? Or would he just drop dead randomly after the three months were up?

     "Well... I know what will make everything better, me leaving camp or not." He snapped himself back into the present, silently picking up a pillow.

    "Hmm?" Mika stayed silent for a second, Nico sat up to look over, as soon as he was facing Mika, his face was hit with a pillow, another being thrown at his arm. "HEY! YOU CANT ATTACK ME WHEN IM SO DEFENSELESS." Nico picked up his own pillow and started chasing after Mika, who was already halfway across the top of the rock walls roof.

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