Chapter 1

432 6 11

5 months later

This is a time skip from the last chapter in my first book, so the Lion Guard are now adults😁

It was another peaceful day the morning breeze was fresher than ever, Since the Outlanders made peace with the PrideLands peace has been very achievable, The Lion Guard were on patrol humming as they went

Since the 5 months that past, Kion had grown to be a more robust Lion with his full grown mane, Fuli was taller and more slender which made her able to achieve greater speeds than when she was younger, Beshte had become more bigger and stronger and ever since his Father died he was appointed as the next leader of the float, hes the only member except for Ono with kids, Bunga only grew up nothing changed (like 00pkmmthats surprising) while Ono grew more feathers and had a much more sleek and clearer view, things were okay in the PrideLands but Kion decided to have one more check before he called off patrol

Kion: Ono check out the Pride Lands

Ono: Affirmative

Onos POV

I took off and saw some weird activity going on in the backlands so I went to check it out, I flew closer and I saw about 50 cheetahs talking to each other and then a cheetah who seemed to be their leader said Tomorrow morning, we march into the PrideLands , I heard enough I flew back to the PrideLands to inform Kion, while Flying I couldnt help but notice that the leader had a heart shaped spot on his head just like Fulis, it couldnt be her dad or could it, I decided to leave the matter alone for now and report the news to Kion

Kion: Anything Ono!

Ono: Yes I overheard a group of cheetahs saying that they would attack the Pride Lands tomorrow morning

Kion: How many?

Ono: Uhh! About 50 of them

Kion: Well be ready for them, anyways since theres not much I think we can call it a day

Bunga: Alright, I will be in the lair if you need me

Ono: Me too

Kion: Me three

Beshte: I will be going to check the float, being leader of a float and member of the Lion Guard is exhausting anyways see you in the lair

As they left Fuli was still confused about 50 cheetahs attacking the Pride Lands but shrugged it off and followed Kion to the lair

Beshtes float:

Since Beshte dad died, he became the leader of the float he married a beautiful Hippo and gave birth to 2 children Ekan and Igvan

Ekan: Hey Dad!

Beshte: Hey Ekan, is everything okay?

Ekan: Yep!

Beshte then made a large grunt so that rogue hippos would know that hes here but there was no answer

Beshte: Well I have to go

Ekan: Dad!

Beshte: Yes Ekan?

Ekan: Why dont we spend much time together?

Beshte: Ekan, you know im in the Lion Guard and im also leader of the float I cant always be there

Ekan: Oh!

Beshte couldnt say no again to those sad eyes of his son so he decided to open up

Beshte: Tell you what, tomorrow after patrol we will have our very own father and son day

Ekans face lit up immediately, he ran up and hugged his Dad

Ekan: Thanks Dad

Beshte: Youre welcome

The Lion Guard: ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now