Chapter 5: Building Secrets and Betrayals Part 2

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Finally here is the big part hope you like it, thanks for the extra followers and don't be shocked when you're done reading this

Six days later

The Pride Landers gathered at Pride Rock to hear the news about the cheetahs, ever since they came to the Pride lands all the animals have been scared since they were predators after all but the cheetahs were friendly and all the PrideLanders thought of it as awkward since they didnt know why cheetahs were suddenly surrounding them but they were soon to know why

After a few moments Simba, Haroka, Kion, Nala and Kiara were seen, they looked firm because of the news they were about to share it took a few moments before the noise finally died down as they noticed that the Royal Family was present

Simba: Animals of the Pride Lands we have heard that a threat is approaching the Pride Lands and Haroka and his Cheetahs mean no harm they are actually here to stop this threat so there is no need to treat anyone indifferent, we have talked to them about the threat and they said that the only way to stop this threat Is by building a tower and supplying it with artillery in case they come so we are asking you to help build this tower tomorrow , We know that you are very knew to this subject so please feel free to now ask any questions you may have for this topic

Thurston: What is this threat anyways?

Said the proud stupid Zebra

Simba: Its a kingdom whose only goal is to destroy the Circle of Life both here and the rest of the world and they would use any means possible to destroy it

Instantly all the murmuring continued

Simba: Dont worry with this plan we are sure to defeat them and also I am creating an army of the finest, daring, life risking animals to help the Lion Guard protect the Pride Lands and the cheetahs will be of help until the threat is gone, So what do you say Pride Landers! Can we do it?

Pride Landers: Yes

Simba: Great well start work tomorrow and if anyone wants to apply for the army let me know through Kion, this meeting is now over

Next Day

Sorry I would have describe it more but Im really tired of writing that is, its already 12:40 pm and I really need to get some shut eye 😴

2 hrs. later🥱

I've finally got some sleep and im ready to continue writing only problem is that im still in bed writing this on my laptop so text may be less understandable due to me being tired by the way its only 3:19 so technically I slept for 1 hr and 39 minutes

The Pride Lands began building the tower that would save them, every one put in a days work of building as they worked and sang

Others like the elephants trained and joined the Army as such mighty animals could contribute a lot in fighting the Maboya

But Ono was still suspecting the cheetahs and it disturbed him so he decided to go ask Kion whether he could spy a little bit

Ono: Kion I dont trust these cheetahs mind if I take a look to make sure everything seems to be what it seems

Kion: Yeah but dont tell Fuli

Ono: Alright

Ono flew all over the PrideLands and entered into the Cheetahs den

Haroka: Those Pride Landers are such fools now that we have gained their trust we can take over the PrideLands

Ono: I knew it!

Haroka: What was that?

He looked around and saw Ono

Haroka: Guards get that bird

Ono swooped and flew but when he saw that the cheetahs where catching up with him he flew up but then he felt his feathers go numb he tried to flap but he couldnt he then looked back and saw that he was in the cheetahs mouth, The cheetahs bring him up to Haroka

Haroka: Look at how my plan could have just failed in the very beginning

Ono: Fuli will be so betrayed when she finds out about this

Haroka: I dont think so😈

With Kion

Kion was very worried Ono hadnt come for a long time now and he started pacing

Fuli: Whats wrong Kion?

Kion: Oh nothing!

He said nervously

Fuli: Are you sure youre sweating and you have only been pacing

Kion: Yeah

Fuli: Tell it to your face

She said before she left

Just then a sound could be heard and it sounded like a

Kion: Its that a war cry

???: Charge

Immediately cheetahs sprung out and began attacking Beshte, Bunga and the rest of the Pride

Kion: Whats going on?

From what Kion could see, Fuli was part of the cheetahs and he saw her punch Nala in the face 😮

Kion was so confused before he realized that the entire PrideLands was tricked, The cheetahs didnt come here to protect the PrideLands they came to take over it

Just then Haroka, Fuli and Hakari were in Kions vision there were overseeing the surprise attack and they were clearly winning, Kion could see everyone beaten and then with a cheetah passing him they would disappear, Just then Fuli was standing right next to Kion

Kion: Fuli I have the roar and im not afraid to use it so tell me which side are you on?

He said clearly angry

But Fuli responded softly but touching

Fuli: Dont you Know?

Kion was touched, He and Fulis relationship was a strong 💪 relationship built in 5 months together they have strengthened that bond and he was sure that Fuli was the right person for him so he already knew the answer to that question until


Fuli punched him in the stomach causing him to faint

But before he blacked out he muttered

Kion: Fuli why!

.What! Im not even going to say a word🤐 but comment what you think

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