Chapter 12: Tied as One

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So the video above is one of my 3 Youtube videos so check it out and subscribe my channel if you like

Haroka couldn't contain his tears not because of his wife's death but because of his only daughter finding out irrespective of the others it was a crime that he didn't view as bad but the impact of the crime on others

"Haroka, how could you do such a thing and I hide it all this time!" he asked with such surprise!

"It was a dark knight (note that wasn't a mistake I meant it) and we were attacking a buffalo kingdom although they were herbivores it was still hard to attack a kingdom that was made of natural built warriors so we had to betray them just as we betrayed them" he said as his suddenly insultive tone fell due to how repentant he was

"It worked just as it did now we nearly killed the king and queen but we were betrayed by Ena"

"Whose Ena" asked Kion not bothering to jump in

"My wife, Fuli's late mother that I murdered"

"I still can't believe why you killed her now look at how depressed your daughter is"

"Your right, I should go" he said before he sped off

"I better go too" Kion said while he followed Haroka

Simba couldn't help but feel like calling Kion back to apologize after the look he gave him before he left he wanted to apologize but now wasn't the time he had to first take care of this matter that greatly involved the fate of the PrideLands

With Fuli

Fuli was so heartbroken she couldn't believe that her dad was the one who killed her mother, the very same one who stood by her all these times was actually the one who committed the crime

Tears couldn't explain how sad, heartbroken or betrayed she was all she could do was cry


"What are you doing here Dad, leave me alone" she said before she was about to speed off and Haroka held his paw

"Pls just a walk"

Together they walked although Fuli moved quickly since she didn't want to be with her father

Together they reached a meadow that was so quiet and soothing that it even made Fuli calm down

"I found this place while I was scouting the PrideLands, it really helped me clear my conscience for killing your mother"

As soon as he said Fuli couldn't just help but sense remorse from Haroka

"I just hope that your mother would forgive me"

That words open a bar of silence between the 2 but it wasn't an awkward stop but it was more of a kind and soothing relaxation of speaking without using words

"So Fuli pls find a place in our heart to forgive me, I know that I clearly killed your mother but what you said earlier told me otherwise so I wanted to ask you for your forgiveness"

"Of course dad, I know that us reconciling will be the greatest tribute we could give to Mom" while they stared at the stars they couldn't help but feel Ena's spirit presence between them as they both enjoyed the blessings of being part of a family

"Ow! can this prickles get any worse" echoed a familiar voice

"Kion!" Fuli asked in a very surprised but awkward voice

Slowly but carefully Kion came out of the bushes with a scattered mane and thorns all over him

'Haha, just look at yourself' Haroka laughed

Ive never seen you laugh dad what changed"

"Ive always been like this but since I killed your mother my conscience plaqued me showing the character that you guys know me for" he said while trying to conceal how hard he wanted to laugh 😂 (LOL!)

"Yeah needlessly of that I think that you and Fuli has forgiven each other but I think that they are others who need the apology the most

"Oh yeah, the Pride Landers" Haroka said with his once cheerful tone turning back to his normal as he knew what he had to do next

To be continued...

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