Chapter 2

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The Next Day

The Lion Guard were awake very early to stop the threat that was approaching the Pride Lands

Kion: Ono are you sure that there would be trouble here

Ono: It should come any moment now

Immediately a stampede could be heard

Kion: Ono, what is it!

Ono: I dont know, its too dusty

Ono: Its coming right here

Kion: Lion Guard hold your ground, whatever it is we can take them

The creatures finally showed themselves and they were 40-50 cheetahs

Kion: Who are you!

Ono: Its the attackers

Fuli looked at Harokas head and noticed the heart shaped spot on his head and quickly realized who it is

Fuli: Dad!

She then ran and hugged him

Kion: What!

Fuli: Oh, im sorry Kion hes my dad

The entire Lion Guard except for Fuli and (my sister) gasped

Haroka: Sorry for the interruption young lion, im Hakiri im looking for The leader of the Lion Guard please inform them we are here and young egret I am not an attacker

He said as he gave him a death glare

Ono: Im going to stay here

He said as he was scared by the cheetahs glare

Kion: Youre looking for the right person im Kion, leader of the Lion Guard

Haroka gasped although it couldnt be heard by anyone, was this the Kion that married his daughter in his dream they even looked familiar

Hakari: It is nice to make your acquaintance

Kion: So why are you here?

Haroka: To warn you about MABAYO

Bunga: What does that mean?

Haroka: Great Evil!

Haroka: For decades they have been our worst rivals taking kingdom after kingdom luckily we have been protecting other kingdoms before they fall slain to this treacherous force, and your kingdom is about to be attacked by that same force so we are here to help

Kion: Oh but I will have to talk to my dad about this before we can negotiate anything with you and your cheetahs

Hakari: Take your time but I advise you hurry there is not much time left

Kion: Alright

They started to head over to Pride Rock, but while going Fuli was left behind Kion noticed and called her

Kion: Fuli lets go

Fuli: Sorry

She turned back and face her Dad

Fuli: Bye

Haroka: So my daughter is in the Lion Guard with that Kion lion

Hakari: Looks like dreams do come true

He smirked in front of his older brother

Haroka: I dont think this one will

Pride Rock

I know I didnt add the Lionesses in my first story but imagine four or five Lions living in a huge rock all alone and in the wild its customary to have a few males with many Lionesses as company and for other private issues😏, just wanted to inform you when I add them

Kion: Dad are you home

Simba: Yes what for

He explained everything to his dad

Simba: Tell him to come with any close family member of his

Kion: Alright

The Lion Guard leaves

Beshte: So Fuli thats your Dad

Fuli: Yup

Bunga: what about your Mom

Fuli froze inside her head she replayed these scenes


Baby Fuli: Mom come on lets go

Ena(Fulis mom): Coming sweetie

She then followed Fuli till they reached a cliff, below the cliff Hakari who was a teenager was still down

Hakari: A little help over here

Ena:*giggles* Fuli go help your uncle

Fuli: Hes more of an annoying cousin

She then ran down to help

Hakari: Thanks goodness

Fuli: Come up here

Just then Hakari saw something in the distance

Hakari: Fuli look!

As they looked up they saw a cheetah wearing a mask made of palm leaves push Ena off the cliff

Fuli: No!

End of Flashback

Fuli screamed to the top of her voice

Fuli: No!

Kion: Fuli are you alright, youve been standing there

Fuli: Its okay, it just that when was very little my mom got murdered

Bunga: Oh im sorry Fuli, I shouldnt have asked

Fuli: Its okay, you didnt know

They kept on walking till they reached where the cheetahs were staying

Kion: Hey Haroka my dad said that you have to meet him with a close family member of yours

Haroka: Where is he?

Kion: Hes inside Pride Rock

Haroka: Alright, Hakari come with me

The both of them then left to Pride Rock

Pride Rock

Haroka: Anybody in?

Simba: You must be Fulis Dad, come on in

They then followed Simba into Pride Rock

Harokas POV

Everything was so magnificent about the place and I saw 10 Lionesses sitting on each side of the walls inside the cave, I followed Simba until we went into a corner of the den

Simba: Sit Haroka

Haroka and Haraki sat down before they started their conversation

Simba: So Haroka, hear about your proposal how do you suggest we stop this MABAYO

Haroka: This force has raged many Kingdoms but they love attacking in surprise so I suggest that we start building a fort so that we can scan the areas we should also put our artillery in it for added protection

Simba: Well start next week

Hakari: Alright

Haroka: I wanted to ask you this but is there something between my daughter and your son

He said after overhearing Kiara and Nala discuss about Kion and Fulis wedding in two weeks

Simba: I almost forgot to tell you about 5 months ago I betrothed the both of them

That was a shockwave to Haroka

Hakari; when exactly is the wedding

Simba: Next 2 weeks and im sorry for betrothing them without your permision

Haroka: What! No

The Lion Guard: ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now