𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻𝗲 🙊

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Don't read it if you can't handle it


They all are soo annoying

Can't they go away and leave me alone?

"Tsukishima-san! Are you listening to me?" A raven haired girl asked him while pouting.

Looked at her trying to act cute

Wish i could unsee

"No" he bluntly said. The girl didn't seem to care how rude he sound. She smile and boldly hold his hands.

"Oh silly you~ I was asking if you like to go and eat lunch with me later~" tsukishima let out a frustrated sigh.

"No. Now would you please kindly move and get out of my sight? I have a class to attend to. So do you" tsukishima said, snatching his hands away, while giving her a fake smile. The girl glared at him and angrily walkes away. Tsukishima smirk and finally went to class. This always happened to him in school every morning. Whenever he wanted to go to class, random girls will appear infront of him. Asking if he would like to eat or hang with them later and tsukishima will always says his favourite word, no.

Tsukishima sat down at his perspective chair and put on his headphone, pretending to listen to music. Avoiding the stares of the girls looking at him and guys glaring at him out of jealousy.

Pathetic people

He keep his headphones away when the teacher walked in. The teacher was saying something that tsukishima won't bother listening. Staring off into space, he wishes  todays school to end fast.

After 2 lessons, the school bell rang. Tsukishima quickly pack his stuff went out. Trying to avoid the girls who wants to talk to him. He went to his usual quiet spot, which is on the rooftop. People rarely go up there and eat and tsukishima was glad it was. While walking, he was suddenly bump into a guy who was running. Tsukishima manage to balance himself from falling while the other, well, he fell on his butt. Tsukishima glared at him,

"Hey watch it! You blind or something? Why are you running?!" Tsukishima said with an angry tone. The boy who seem timid and small, looked up in fear with tears in his eyes. Suddenly, there were voices shouting. Tsukishima looked up to find three guys running towards their direction. The boy who fell, looked at them in fear and shocked. He was so scared to the point he without thinking, stand up and hid behind tsukishima's back. The boy was holding tightly at the back of tsukishima's shirt. Scaring that tsukishima will leave him. Tsukishima was in shocked.

"Ah! You! Aren't you the popular guy in school?! What's your name? " one of the three boys asked. His friend snickered and playfully beat his back. "Why are you asking? His name is tsukishima! The one who always reject girls!" His other friend asked, "so like, are you gay or something?" The three laugh. Tsukishima just sigh, he doesn't seem to care of what they say. "Anyways, thats not what we're here for. We're here for that guy" they said, referring to the boy hiding behind him. Tsukishima glance behind him and said,

"He seems scared to talk to you guys. I wonder why" tsukishima asked, staring at the three boys who started glaring at him.

"Looked kid. We just want that boy. Better give him to us or else there will be touble" tsukishima smirked

"No problem. I love trouble anyways. Come get him" the three boys looked at each other and charge towards him. Tsukishima swifly dodge one of their punches and step back. He gently push the boy behind him and said,

"Stay here" The boy stared at tsukishima in amaze. Seeing him defeat one by one. Lastly, the last guy knocked out and fell. Joining the two on the floor.

Tsukishima smirked and looked back. He looked at the boy and was about to say something when someone suddenly shouted.

"What the heck happened here?!" One of the teachers came to them.

"You two! In the principal office now!"


"So you're saying those three were bullying this boy and what you did was to protect him?"

"Im not repeating myself" tsukishima bluntly said. The principal sigh and looked at the boy in guilt.

"Im sorry this has happened to you. I will promise that I will punish for those who dare to do this in my school. Of course outside to, well, if they were my student" the boy gave a small nod.

"You guys can dismiss. Don't want to waste your lunch time" both of them nod and walked out. The door closed and tsukishima was about to walked away but felt a sudden tug on his sleeve. He looked back and see the boy putting his hand on the lower mouth and move front. Its like giving him a kiss. Tsukishima looked at him weirdly, not knowing what he did and just said,

"Your welcome..?" The boy looked at him suprised and move his hands more weirdly.

"What..?" The boy stared at him for awhile and sadly looked down. Tsukishima doesn't know what is he doing and why was he sad.

Why the hell does this boy feeling sad all of the sudden

"You know what? Im not gonna waste anymore time. Im gonna head up and eat" tsukishima said and turn to walk away. He glance back to see the guy remain standing there looking down sadly. Like a lonely puppy got kicked out. Tsukishima sigh, feeling irritated of himself for doing this. He turn and asked,

"You wanna join me?" The boy slowly looked up and blush. He gave him a small nod and quickly walked towards him. Both of them walking upstairs to the rooftop in silent. The boy was following him not far behind. Tsukishima couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. He can't help but think that he has tame a small and shy puppy. Making him following him wherever he goes. He also cant help but found the boy cute. If you looked closely, there were freckles on his face and that makes him more adorable.

The Boy Who Won't Talk - TsukkiYamaWhere stories live. Discover now