𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿 🙊

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4 days of being absent, yamaguchi finally came to school much to tsukishima's relieve. Tsukishima doesn't have time to talk to him cause class was about to start so he decided to talk to him time lunch.

"So.. Yama.. You've been absent for 4 days without telling me anything... You didn't reply my messages I sent you... Any reason..?" Tsukishima looked at him in concern. Yamaguchi shamefully looked down and hugged his knees.

"Its.. Its okay that you don't want to tell... I.. Im just worried you know..? At least send me a small text that you're not coming... " yamaguchi just nod, leaning his head on his knees. Tsukishima sigh, decided to stop talking. He knows yamaguchi wasn't in the mood to talk. He seem rather embarrass and awkward. When he went silent, yamaguchi somehow move closer to him and hugged tsukishima's right arm. He didn't bother to pull away, he was rather curious what he was going to do next. Yamaguchi hid his face using his arm and tsukishima was suprised to feel wet sensation there. Yamaguchi was crying. Tsukishima remain still, letting him getting his snot on his shirt. He doesn't care, what he cares right now is yamaguchi is hurting. Something or someone hurt him. He wanted to pull away and give him a big hug but he knows yamaguchi will not like that. He knows he's to shamefull to show his face. So he remain still and wait for him to calm down. Also not caring that the bell rang and class has started. 15 minute has past and everything went silent. Tsukishima glance behind his arm to see that yamaguchi has somehow fallen alseep, hugging his arm loosely. He smile at the sight and slowly pull his arm away, gently lay yamaguchi down on his lap. He awe at the sight when yamaguchi move his hand to suck at the tip of his thumb. He was now curious, was yamaguchi a 'little'?. He hope so it is. He gently wipe the dried tears on the cheek and was suprised to see a faint dark purple mark on his cheek. Why does this look so new..? It should be gone by now.... Why...? Tsukishima looked at yamaguchi in worried. Hoping that what he thought wasn't true. Was he abuse...?


" sorry you had to skip classes till school end ... Im soo sorry.." Yamaguchi looked at him in guilt as both of them walked in their class to retrieve their bag. Tsukishima shook his head,

" no you don't have to say sorry. I was the one who decided to skip. Besides, you need someone to let it out right..?" Tsukishima glance at him, smiling. Yamaguchi looked down and nod,

"And thank you also for reminding me about the make up wear off. Its a good thing I bought foundation :) " tsukishima just nod, although he desperately wanna asked what happened to him, he restrain himself from doing it. He doesn't want yamaguchi to feel uncomfortable or have panic attacks. Maybe some day he will find the right time and day to asked. They were about to walk past the school gate till they both suddenly heard someone shouting yamaguchi's name from the back. Yamaguchi turn to looked and he was suddenly recieve a big hug from a certain mandarin.

"Yamaguchi! Im miss you so much~~!!" The orange hair guy said as he hugged him tightly. Tsukishima's eye twitch as he watch them. Suddenly feeling the urge to push the boy away from yama but thankfully, a guy with raven hair, pull the boy away from him.

" Oi boke! Give him some space will you? " the boy pout and glared at him.

" oh shut up bakageyama! Im just hugging someone I miss ok?! Go away! Yamaguchi~ looked! This person won't stop bullying me!" The boy now went to his side and hugged his arm. Both the raven boy and tsukishima glared at the arm lock.

"Hi hinata:) nice to see you too. Its been a while isn't it " hinata read and pout,

"Just that? No I miss you or something??"

" Im just kidding ahah :D I miss you too hinata ~♡ "

" Aww you add a heartshape with it! Oh- who is this guy? Your friend...?" The boy asked when he spotted tsukshima glaring at him. Yamaguchi happily introduce him,

" you guys! This is tsukishima! My new friend! Im his first! He is also my hero~!♡♡ " tsukishima smile, seeing the two heart at the end. The boy pout,

"Aww why does he have two and I have one? Is he... Is he special~? Or maybe your boyfriend~?" The boy smirk as both of them blush.

" no he is not hinata. He is special as in, close friends like best friend you know..? " the boy laugh patting his back.

"Im just kidding ahaha. Anyways! My names hinata! Hinata shouyou! This baka right hear is kageyama tobio! You can call him bakageyama!"

"What was that boke?!" Tsukishima sigh annoyingly at the duo and simply said,

"Tsukishima. Tsukishima kei. Just call me tsukishima "

" Only I can call him tsukki! " Yamaguchi happily show the screen to them.

" eh~ is that soo~~? Im glad to see you as yamaguchi's friend! Before this, we were the only one who talks and hang with him but now since you're here, he rarely hang with us hahaha " yamaguchi look at them in guilt,

" im sorry.. I didn't mean to leave you guys like that.. " hinata quickly shook his head,

"What? No no! Its fine! Im actually glad you make new friends! Especially a special one~ Just... Just dont forget us ok yama~?"

" of course i won't forget about you guys. You guys were literally my first friend ! " kageyama nod,

"Glad to know that. Anyways, nice seeing you two here but me and this boke right here has something urgent to do"

"Hey! Im not boke!" Yamaguchi nod, waving both of them goodbye. They both turn and carry on walking home.

" So... What do you think about my friends..? " yamaguchi asked, tsukishima read and shrugged.

"They're ok I guess... But they sure are hella noisy. Especially that hinata guy" yamaguchi smile,

"I called him mandarin cause of his hair! Im kind glad that his personality is like that, cause if it's not, we won't be friends at all.. " tsukishima nod.

" oh yah tsukki. I need to go to the convenient store for awhile. You don't have to acompany me. I can be fine alone :)) " tsukishima hesitantly nod.

"Sure ok.. B-be safe.." He doesn't hide the fact that he is worried. Yamaguchi ignore the looks and wave him goodbye. Walking the other way quickly. He watch yamaguchi slowly disappear in his sight. He couldn't help but feel extremely worried. Hoping the next day yamaguchi is fine.

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