𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 🙊

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"Yes baby?" Yamaguchi blush and smile. Its been 10 days since yama was admitted to the hospital and today was the day he was finally released. Right now, yamaguchi was sitting on his hospital bed watching tsukishima pack his clothes and stuff.

"Nothing… just wanted to hear you call me" tsukishima looked at him and smile. Stopping what he's doing and walked towards him, giving a kiss on his forehead.

"Oh baby there'll be the time where you're gonna call me daddy~" tsukishima whisper as he smirked when he sees yama's face turn bright red.

"W-what-! Don't be such a tease! "Yama push him away while tsukishima just laugh and carry on what he's doing.

"The taxi I've book is gonna come a few minutes. Are you ready?"

"…" yamaguchi looked down and fidget. Tsukishima looked at him and sat beside him.

"Whats wrong?"

"I… I wanted to go home…but at the same time I don't want to…he will beat me again and again tsukki... I don't want to see him. Please tsukki Im scared" yamaguchi looked at him with teary eyes. Tsukishima looked at him sadly and wrap his arms around his shoulder. Bringing his face to his chest. 

"Baby don't cry please… it hurts me to see you like this. Tell you what? Why not you sleep at my house today. Sounds good?" Yamaguchi nod.

'Ding' tsukishima's phone ring.

"Oh the taxi has arrived. Lets go" they both walked out the hospital and went in the taxi. Stopping at the location tsukishima wanted, which is his house. They said thank you and went out.

"…" yamaguchi stared at the house infront of him.

"Anything wrong?" He looked at him and shook his head, smilling.

"No… nothings wrong. The first time i've been here was awkward… " he blush, remembering the scene where they were kissing and he accidently let out a moan.

"Yah... You're right. I'm sorry again by the way..." Yamaguchi shook his head and smile.

"Its fine... I.. I like it so..." He looked away, feeling embarrass to like at him.  Tsukishima looked at him and blush. "L-lets go inside. My mom probably miss you " he nod and they both walked in. As expected, his mom greeted him in excitement when she saw him. Telling him how much he miss him and saying how he's son none stop talking about him. Tsukishima blush and just glared at her, telling her to shut up and he got a smack on  the back of his head in return. Yamaguchi watched them quarrel and smile. Remembering the time where he and his mom use to quarrel about who makes the cookies best. He of course would won if he doesn't purposely make his cookies bad and made her mom win. He loves seeing his mom smile. It's beautiful. Tsukishima and his mom stop and stared at yama. He quickly step forward looking at him in concern.

"Hey are you okay yama? " yamaguchi looked at him confused

"You're crying… issit because of us? " yamaguchi touch his now wet cheeks and quickly wipe it off. He shook his head and smile. He type on his phone,

"I just remembered something. It's okay you don't have to worry "


"Hey yama? Im gonna go shower now. You wait here ok? " yama nod and sat on tsukishima's bed as he watch tsukishima took out his clothes and head out, closing the door. Yamaguchi sigh and look around. Observing tsukishima's room. There were some dinosaurs figurine on top of the shelf. He knows how much tsukki loves dinosaurs. He smile as he stood up and walk around. His eyes caught a picture of a small boy. He awed at the small tsukishima. He was grinning, hugging a soft green dinosaurs in his arms. So cute ~ he wanders if tsukishima still have that plush with him. He was about to take the the picture frame to look closely until his phone notification pop up. He took out his phone and froze as he saw his dad had texted him.


I know you got discharge today

So why the hell are you not home yet?

You better come home now or else

Yamaguchi gulp as he cant find himself to text back. He doesn't know what to say. He must go home but whats the difference if he go now? He will still get beaten. He will still be touch by him anyways. The best he could think of is offing his phone. He doesn't want to have panic attack again. So he sat down on the bed and tried to calm himself by breathing in and out.

"Tsukki.... Tsukki..." Yamaguchi felt himself calming down as he think of him. There was a sudden knock on the door. He heard the door open and look. It was tsukki's mom. She was smilling at him as she walked towards him and sat beside him.

"Hey baby, are you okay? You don't look soo good" yama blush at the nickname. Two people has called him baby. He somehow find it nice. He just nod and smile. She stared at him and smile back. "Remember when I said that my son talk about you alot?" He nod. "He says to me that on the first day you guys meet, he at first find you weird that you didn't talk " yamaguchi frown and look at his now fidget hand. "But at the same time, I for the first time see my son smilling again while he's talking about someone. Someone who is you. He told me at that same day, he weirdly find you cute" yamaguchi stop and looked at her.

"The way he talks about how small your face is. How your freckles on your face reminding him of the stars. He was happy" yama blush and smile. Feeling happy that tsukishima doesn't hate his freckles. "When he was a kid, he was actually a cheerful person. He likes to talk to people. Hang with them and all until one day where his dad die in a car accident. Thats where he start to shut people off. He hates talking with someone. He wants to be alone. He blame himself for his dads death cause that time he was calling him. Telling him that he pass his exam and graduate.  His dad was on his way to see him but... after that accident happened... He can't" yamaguchi remain quiet as he listen. "But ever since you appear in his life, I think you can bring back the old tsukishima again because I can tell how much he's happy being with you" She hold his hand and looked at him as she smile.

"Please take care of my son well ok?"

The Boy Who Won't Talk - TsukkiYamaWhere stories live. Discover now