𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 🙊

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People around them stood there quietly as they watch yua helping yamaguchi back up on his feet. The boy who was being punch quickly stood up and glared at both of them.

"Why the hell are you helping him?! He's weird! Don't tell me you're guys are dating haha... " yua ignores him as she takes out her napkin and wipes a few vomits around yama's mouth.

"Hey, I'm talking to you girly!" She stops and stare at him.

"Do you have a problem?"

"Haha what?"

"Like do you need to see a doctor or something? You look like someone who just escape from a mental hospital. Have you eaten your medicine this morning?" The boy stood there speechless as people around them let out a small giggle.

"How dare you--!"

"Oh I dare" yua smirk as she walk closer to him. Even though he is taller than her, she is not afraid.

"I fcking dare myself to beat you up like a crumpled paper. Maybe I could call tsukishima-san to join the fun when he heard this. Wanna try?" The boy gulp as he stood back. She smirk at look at the people around them.

"Same goes to you people. Honestly yall are just disgusting prick. Laughing and bullying at this boy like as if he is a monster. Guess what? You guys are the monster. Don't fcking call yourself a human until you forgive him. Such shameful and disgusting action you guys have. No heart. No wander yall still single and just fck at night. Such failure" she let out a brutal words towards them and hold yama's hand.

"Let's go yama. Lets not waste time over here" she smile at him as they walk away from the crowd. She brought him to the nurse office and tell the nurse what happend. She let both of them stay in here for awhile while she went out and inform the principal. Yua sat down on a chair while yama sat on the bed. She watch yamaguchi silently cry as he fidget his hand. Yua think for a moment and smile. She stood up,

"Im gonna head out for awhile, I'll be back" she went out, leaving a crying yama confuse.


"The fck you're talking about?"

"What Im saying is that we should all hangout together sometime! Like at the beach or at a cafe or something! As a friend!" Hinata pout as he watch tsukishima frown and close his book.

"Look here shrimp. First off, no. Secondly, we're not friends--"

"Yes we are! " tsukishima ignore him and stood up from his desk,

"Thirdly, why not you hang with that boyfriend of yours" Hinata frown,

"Boyfriend? Wait- you mean bakageyama? What the heck- he is not my boyfriend. We're not dating to begin with" tsukishima roll his eyes and walk out his class.

"Yah ok shrimp, keep telling yourself that" He felt annoyed that one of yama's friend decided to ruin his peace.  As he was heading to yama's class, he was stop by somewhat a familiar voice calling for him. He turn to see the same girl he met at the school gate.

"You again? What? Do you want to have a nice talk again?" Yua laugh, remembering how he had threaten her.

"Wish we could but nows not the right time"

"And why is that" he watch as her expression turn serious.

"Yamaguchi needs you right now" as soon as he heard that, he quickly walked closer to her, grabbing her collar.

"What the fck did you do? Did you hurt him? I swear if you do-" yua immediately push him away,

"Hey back off! Listen to me first before you start to accuse me! He got bullied ok? He got punch, everyone was laughing, making him puke on the floor. He was about to get punch again but I stop them from doing so. Right now his at the infirmary, crying. Thats why I called you. He needs you right now" tsukishima walk past her without saying anything. She looked back and shook her head.

"At least say sorry or something"

Yamaguchi wipe his tears, trying to stop himself from crying but he can't. He was humiliated. He was ashamed. He can't believe he make a fool out of himself. He wanted to disappear. The door slam open, showing a worried tsukishima.

"Yama!" He shouted as soon as he saw him.

"Baby are you okay?" He whisper in worry. Seeing the bruise on yama's cheek angers him but he needs to stay calm for his boyfriend.

"Hey its okay. Shh dont cry" he wrap his arms around him and hug him. Yama just hug him back. Feeling himself finally calm down abit.

"Ts-tsukki I--"

"Shh its okay. You don't have to say anything. I know already. Now I just want you to calm down for me ok baby? Im here. Dont worry" tsukishima gently pet him. He heard someone walk in but he doesn't care about that right now.  Yua watch them as they hug. She can tell that they're dating. It's obvious. Her heart ache seeing her crush hugging someone he truly loves dearly. Yes. She loves tsukishima. She was at first felt jealous hearing about him and yama but seeing how much yamaguchi was suffering, she can tell he needs him more than her.

I love you tsukishima-san.

"Ahem" both yama and tsukki pull away and look at her way.

"Am i interrupting? Should I go or...? "

"Yes" tsukishima said immediately. Yamaguchi playfully hit his chest and smile at her. Patting the space beside, wanting her to join. He took out his notebook and write,

"tsukki, this is yua! Yua yaiba. She save me from those bullies"

"Oh i know her. I know her before that happened" yua nod as she playfully wrap her arms around tsukki's.

"Yup! We're friends! " the sudden action make yama feel uncomfortable. Tsukishima pull his arm away and glared at her.

"Don't touch me" she pout and went to sit back.

"So yama..? What happened back there? Why was everyone crowding around you? There must be a reason" she asked and yamaguchi gulp. Tsukishima sense the uneasiness and said,

"I think you should just go to class and mind your own buisness.  He already had enough for today so I think you shouldn't asked question. Thanks for saving him but please go" yua pout and went out the room. Tsukishima turn to yama and softly push his fringe out of the way and sweetly kiss yama's forehead. "Im sorry I wasn't there to save you"

"Its okay tsukki... You're here with me right now.." He whisper as tsukishima slowly kiss down his cheek to his neck.

"Does it still hurt?" He pull away and softly rub the bruise on his cheek.

"Abit.. but I think my dad did it more worse than him.." Tsukishima sigh and pull yama into a hug.

"Hey yama?"


"Do you want a therapy? "

The Boy Who Won't Talk - TsukkiYamaWhere stories live. Discover now