𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 🙊

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" Yama... " tsukishima was suprised as he listen to yamaguchi,

"P-please save me tsukki *hic* I can't stand here anymore! I hate this! I hate this world! I wanna die! Everyone hates me! I'm a fag! I'm a whore! I'm disgusting! I have no point in living anymore! I wanna die tsukki! I really do!  I wanna be with my m-mom... *hic* " yamaguchi let it all out as he cried. Cried that he finally says it. Cried that he speaks when was he told not to do so. Tsukishima quickly hugged him. Softly petting his head as he tried to calm him down.

"Hey hey... Its okay shh.. Don't cry.. Im here... Im here for you yama. I don't hate you.. Not everyone hates you... Baby.. Im here... I love you so much... Please dont think of killing yourself. There's alot of ways to solve this and suicide wasn't an answer baby... It will just make people depress…"

"Oh yah like who?" Tsukishima pull away and stared down at him. Having both his hands besides yama's head.

"Well me of course... Hinata.. Kageyama... They will feel sad if they found they just lose a friend... While me.. I'll be depress as shit, blaming myself that I've done this…"

"…" tsukishima gently cupped his cheek,

"And most probably your mom right…? Im sure she wants to see you live longer... " yamaguchi eyes turn wide. He didn't think of that. He was so desperate of dieing without knowing how his mom will feel.

"Won't your mom feel sad? Sad that you're doing this to yourself… She loves you yama… "

"*sniff* I… I just wanna be with her…" tsukishima gave him a sad smile and softly kiss his forehead.

"If you want to be with her… that means you have to leave me…"

"No… no i want tsukki… I w-want tsukki with me… please stay with me…" yamaguchi hold his hand. Tsukishima lean down closer and whisper "Then please promise me not to harm yourself again… can you do that baby? I'll help you…I'll save you… promise me you won't leave me ok…?"

"Y-yes…" tsukishima smile and finally kissed him on the lips. Yamaguchi felt himself calming down and kissed back. Liking the feeling of it. Missing the warmth of his lips. He wrap around tsukishima's neck, pulling him closer.

Tsukki is gonna save me

I know he can

I love him and he loves me too

Were gonna help eachother



"Here…" tsukishima came in the room and gave him a can of drink.

"T-thank you…" yama whisper… not use to the fact that he's talking to someone using his voice. Tsukishima sense his uneasiness and smile,

"Hey its okay, you don't have to talk if you feel uncomfortable. I don't mind" yamaguchi watch him sit back on his chair beside his bed and smile back.

"So... I know it's not the right time but… I wanna asked a few question to confirm things. May I…?" Yamaguchi was hesitant but nod.

Tsukki must know everything if I want him to save me

"Thanks… um.. Im guessing your mom is gone right? You lied to me that time where she scold you about you and your brother fight etc… all was that was a lie right…?" Yamaguchi looked down and nod.

"I-im sorry…" he said softly,

"Hey hey no it's okay! You don't have to apologise. I get it. I understand…so don't be ok baby? " yamaguchi blush at the nickname and nod.

"Your 'brother' doesn't exist right? " he nod again.

"All the bruises on your body was…actually from your…dad… am I right?" Yamaguchi looked away, feeling ashamed as he nod.

"Yama baby hey… you don't have to be scared or ashame… "

"H-how wouldn't I feel ashamed tsukki? H-how? He beat me. Kick me. R-rape me… h-how am I not ashamed of m-myself…? I'm disgusting tsukki. This body of mine is dirty. I've been touch by lots and l-lots of man… do you still wanna be with me and love m-me?" Tsukishima stared at him in shock. The eyes yamaguchi gave him was so painful. He look so... so broken. His heart ache seeing him this fragile and vulnerable. Why..? Why him? He don't deserve this. Tsukishima just stand up and kissed him. Giving him a passionate kiss. Showing him how much he loves him and still wanna be with him. Action speaks louder than words. He may be angry at the fact that someone touch him with their disgusting hands but it wasn't yama's fault. He wasn't angry of him. He was angry at them. He so badly wanna know who was it and kill them. Yamaguchi slowly pull away and gave him a small smile.

"T-thank you tsukki… for loving who I truly am…" tsukishima just nod and kissed him again. They promise to never leave eachother again. Promise to never hide things from eachother anymore.

The Boy Who Won't Talk - TsukkiYamaWhere stories live. Discover now