𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲 🙊

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It has been 5 days after that incident happened and tsukishima was worried. Very worried cause yamaguchi has been absent till now. He's afraid that the absentee was because of him. He loved yamaguchi soo much. He couldn't help himself but kissed him. Yamaguchi looks soo alluring that he couldn't control himself. He regret to the fullest after what happened and was confuse about what yamaguchi said. The fact that yamaguchi reveal that he couldn't talk was making him guess that maybe he was being control, or worst, being abuse. Tsukishima doesnt want to believe it but he cant help after seeing the obvious hints on his body and face. Tsukishima sigh in frustration as he pack his bag to go home. He was halfway out of the school gate when some girl decided to stop him.

"Tsukishima-san!" He click his tongue. Feeling no mood to talk but he decided to anyways. Putting his fake smile, he turn and greet her.

"Hello, Is there something you need?" She blush and nod,

"B-before you go... I would like to talk to you about something"

"Sure, go ahead and tell me"

"Are you... Are you.. dating someone?" Tsukishima bring down his fake smile and asked,

"When was it your buisness to know whether or not Im dating someone?" She sweat and looked down, feeling ashame.

"I-I was just asking cause... People in school.. has been talking about you with someone.."

"Them and their trashy mouth. Knows how to make false rumors but doesn't know how to pass their exams. Don't listen to what they said. You prefer listening to them or the real person? " she looked up and nod,

"I prefer listening to the real one.."

"Then ignore them. Listen to me as what I was about to say. Im. Not. Dating. Anyone. You see me walking around with a girl? No. Then believe it" tsukishima turn and was about to walk away when he suddenly stop, after hearing what she asked,

"But I wasn't asking whether or not you were dating a girl... I was trying to asked that are you dating someone w-who is a guy..?"

"... What... What makes you think Im dating a guy..?" He looked at her,

"Well.. First off... You dont talk to girls.. and you hate them"

"I hate everyone. Even guys. Your point?"

"You see... Thats the thing! You hate everyone but.. but why do I see you.. and that guy gets along surprisingly..?"

"What the heck? You're saying I can't have friends?"

"No! No please understand! Im trying to say why do you both look oddly close? Like, you and him are more then friends!" Tsukishima clench his fist,

"And which guy are you talking about?"

"The... The weird guy.. The one who doesn't talk... People in school doesn't know why you're hanging out with someone like him and I too wanna know why. Out of all people, why him? He's weird and everything. They started to assume that you guys are dating.." Tsukishima glared at her and step forward, towering her.

"Ok short stuff, here's the thing. I don't fcking care what people say. Them making fake rumors, sure why not? They don't have anything better to do in their poor excuses live anyways. They can talk shitty about me. Called me gay or some shit but lemme warn you this. If you fcking dare to call yamaguchi a weird boy again, i fcking slit you. Dare me and I'll do it. Fine by me if I go to jail or some shit. At least i fcking get to kill you. You got that?" The girl face went pale, and nod her head, too scared to talk now. Tsukishima smirk and step back.

"Besides, Yamaguchi is actually fun when you make friends with him. Dont start to assume his weird. Dont judge him just cause he doesn't talk. You may not know but maybe he has reasons not to. How do you feel if you were in his state?" He watch as the girl looked down, gripping the end of her clothes.

"Well I gotta go now. That was a nice talk. Goodbye and have a good day" he bow and turn around, leaving the girl standing there speechless.


"Yamaguchi.." He stare at the poor boy infront of him. Yamaguchi looked like he was beaten up so badly.

"Yamaguchi.. Who did this to you...?" He walked up and gently hold his hand. Yamaguchi flinch abit at his touch and pull away. He took out his phone and type,

" Had a fight with my brother. He's a real shitty " tsukishima frown,

"Really? Again? Are you sure you're not lying cause you've been absent for five days yama.. And the bruised looked so new..." Yamaguchi step back and look away, tsukishima looked at him sadly and sigh,

"Ok.. I won't talk about it... Shall we go now?" He nod and walked past him. Both of them were walking to school.. but this time, never hold hands. Tsukishima was saddened by it.
They went seperate ways and go to their own class. Tsukishima couldn't help but lose focus everytime he thinks about yamaguchi the whole lesson. Tsukishima stared at the clock, watching it strike 12 and immediately stood up and walk out his class as soon as the teacher released them. He walked towards yamaguchi's class quickly. He saw students coming out but not him. He walked closer to see inside when his eyes turn wide. He looked at yamaguchi who was crying silently while wiping his desk desperately. He comes closer and read the words that written on his desk.










Tsukishima read each one of them and grit his teeth. Feeling his anger rising up inside of him.

"Who was it?" He suddenly asked, suprising yamaguchi since he doesn't know he was here. Yamaguchi stared at him in fear and shame.

"Who... Tell me who...  and I give them a beating.." Yamaguchi let out a small whimper and took out his notebook and write,

" It was nothing tsukki.. This is normal. You don't have to worry "

"Normal? You call that normal? You expect me not to be worried? Yamaguchi! Can't you see they're bullying you? Not physically but mentally! How do you expect me not to be worried?! You... You always hide your feelings from me! Whenever you're in pain... or sad.. You always find an excuse and said that its fine! How do you think I feel when my boyfriend won't trust me and not tell me that he is actually not ok?!" Tsukishima shouted, finally letting all out. There was silence, yamaguchi stared at him in shocked.

"Please.. Yama.. Tell me the truth... Are you really ok or not...? " yamaguchi gulp, shakingly write what he was about to say. Finding himself hard to breath, feeling himself having a panic attack soon. He has no control on his body as he show tsukishima,

" Its none of your buisness tsukki " yamaguchi cried hard, feeling a huge pang in his heart.

"Fck you " is what tsukishima said back as he watch him storm out the class. The girl flinch when she suddenly saw tsukishima storm out, ignoring her. She confusedly looked inside and immediately panic when she saw yamaguchi kneel on the ground, clutching his chest tightly as he puke on the floor.

The Boy Who Won't Talk - TsukkiYamaWhere stories live. Discover now