𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 🙊

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Yamaguchi gulp, feeling his heartbeat beating so fast as he walked towards his dad who is sitting on the couch watching a soccer game on tv.

"D-dad..." He softly called him. His dad doesn't seem to hear him so he call out to him again abit loud.

"D-dad!" His dad glared at him

"What?" He said it with anger

"T-tomorrow.. I-i'll be going home late... F-for studies.... Can I?" he stutter, in fear his dad is gonna beat him. His dad clicked his tongue and bring his gaze back to the tv.

"Yah whatever... Now dont disturb me and go away before I beat you up" yamaguchi did what he was told without a second thought. He was happy and relief that his dad doesn't mind or care. He can't wait for tommorow to happened cause it will be his first time visiting at tsukishima's house. He smile and took out his phone, giving tsukishima a text.



I asked my dad just now and he said its okay!

I can't wait for tommorow :DD


Thts good

U dont have to be excited

Its just my house and were gonna be studying there only


Of course Im going to be excited!

Im going visit at my boyfriends house for the first time! :D

Wouldn't you feel the same way too? :1


I guess you're right

I shouldn't have said that

Im sry


Aww tsukki

U dont have to say sry over tht

Its no big deal !

Will any of your family member be there when I visit?


Well, all Ik its obvly my mom

Cause she's a housewife

Idk about my brother

He comes home in a random time



I didnt know you have a brother!

Why didn't u tell me? I:1


The Boy Who Won't Talk - TsukkiYamaWhere stories live. Discover now