𝗕𝗼𝗻𝘂𝘀 𝘁𝘄𝗼

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Yua watch tsukishima rush to work after their class has ended. She looked beside her to see yama packing his stuff calmly… but what she notice was the sad face on him.

"Hey green bean why you looking sad?" Yama pout at the nickname and shook his head.

"Nothing… Im not sad"

"Yes you are. You look like you've been abandon by someone. Oh wait! Is it saltyshima~?" Yama just grumble.

"I knew it! Why are you sad with him? Did you guys fight? "

"N-no we didn't…its just that um…about his job"

"Why whats wrong?"

"Ever since he join, we don't seem to have time for eachother anymore… he was always busy. One time, he forgets his own mother's birthday. Poor mom… she looks so dejected"


"I mean…of course I support him…but at least lemme hang with my man sometimes" yua smile,

"Im sure your man will feel the same. Hey! Do you see tsukishima in the magazine? He is a model so he probably in one" yama shook his head,

"No I didnt… he seem to gain alot of fans. Like just now this morning? Alot of girls came to him haha…"

"Wow your laugh sound fake"

"Of course its fake! I can't help but feel jealous. If tsukishima gain more fans, he probably have to be like those celebrities who needs to walk with a bodyguard"


"What? Why are you laughing? Im serious! It could happend you know! " yua grin and pinch yama's soft cheeks,

"You're so cute when you're jealous yama~" yamaguchi blush and push her hands away,

"I'm just scared that tsukki will forget about me…" yua sigh,

"Hey yama"


"Just why do you think saltyshima start working?"

"... cause of me…"

"Yup! I guarantee you that tsukishima wont forget about you. I mean, you guys dated like 2 years I think?"

"T-two and a half…"

"Whatever! I'm just saying that tsukishima isn't the type to forgets something he loves… and you're are on his love list" yamaguchi finally smile and nod,

"I-I guess you're right"

"You're lucky you're on his list. Sadly, I wasn't"

"Whats makes you say that?" Yua stop and looked at him expressionless,

"He fcking forgot my name yesterday and today's morning"


"Well, enough about your man! Baby yama, are you not working today?" Yamaguchi blush amd shook his head.

"No… I asked for a day off… later night I want to make a suprised dinner for tsukki"

"Oh thats sweet~"

"Yup! Im going to the convenience store now to buy ingredients. Wanna come?" Yua smile and shook her head,

"Nah I got something to do "

"Alright! Goodbye!"

"Goodbye baby!!" Yamaguchi blush and quickly left the class.

Yamaguchi smile, finally done preparing the food and the table. Now all he has to do is wait for tsukishima to come home. He looked at the time.

He'll be back soon

Yamaguchi sat down on the chair and wait. When he heard keys rustling from outside, he immediately walks to the front door and open the door.

"Oh yama. You scared me a little when the door suddenly open"

"Welcome home tsukki!" Tsukishima walk in and nod,

"Yah im back"

"Here! Lemme untie those shoes for you" tsukishima watch him kneel down,

"You look happy. Did something happened?"

"Nop!" Yamaguchi then stood up and hugged him.

"I just miss you" tsukishima smile and pet his head. Yamaguchi sniff and froze, he slowly pull away and looked at him.

"Y-you smell women perfume…"

"I did?" Tsukishima raised his arms and sniff it,

"Shit, Now I smell like that women" yamaguchi heart ache,

"H-huh…?" Tsukishima quickly looked at him and explain.

"Please don't misunderstand, just now I had to collab with a girl. She wears strong perfume which make everyone who is near her smell like her. I guess I'm one of them"


"Don't worry… I'm not that kind of person baby. You trust me right?" Yamaguchi sigh and nod,

"Yes… yes I trust you. Oh! I had a suprised for you! "

"What is it?" Yamaguchi took his hand and bring him towards the dining table.

"Oh whats this?" Tsukishima asked, seeing candles and a vase of roses on it. There was his favorite dish on the table too. Yamaguchi smile and bring him to his chair. He make him sit down and quickly sit at the opposite.

"This is a suprised dinner for you! "

"Did I miss something? Don't tell me I forgot something… Is it our anniversary?! " yamaguchi laugh,

"There's nothing occasion… I just wanted to do this cause I miss hanging out with you…" tsukishima looked at him and sigh. He took out his phone and texted someone.

"Eh tsukki? Who are you texting?"

"Secret. Anyways, shall we eat? " yamaguchi looked at him and smile.


"E-eh tsukki… w-what are you doing?" Yamaguchi gulp when he felt tsukishima wrap his arms around his waist from the back. He was just washing the dishes after they're done but somehow, tsukishima have become abit touchy.

"Its been awhile" yamaguchi gulp when tsukishima whisper into his ears.

"Wanna do it?"

[Authors note: the bonus sucks I know 💀 Anyways, its up to you guys wether or not you want part 3. ]

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