Chapter 13

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🌹Sweet Little Lies: Chapter 13🌹
Darry POV
I saw Two Bit and Dally leave. They are taking a while so I'm gonna go see them. Darry:"Soda I'll be back!" Soda:"Okay!" I got in my truck and drove to the store. When I got there there was an accident. I stoped the car and got out. It was Two and and Dal. It must be a hit and run because I don't see any other cars. Soon ambulances and cops came. Police Officer:"Do you know what happened here?" Darry:"No I just got here. They were taking long so I decided to go check on them. And then I see this" Police Officer:"It must be a hit and run" Darry:"Look can you tell me which hospital they will be going to. The rest of us are at camp." Police Officer:"Yeah I will go ask the paramedics" I got closer to Dallas and Two. Two looked okay but I don't know about Dallas. Oh shoot Y/n! She's gonna be a mess. Police Officer:"here this is the address" Darry:"thank you" I ran to my truck and left back to the camp. Darry:"SODA WAKE UP Y/N!" Soda:"Okay but what happened?" Darry:"DALLAS AND TWO GOT IN AN ACCIDENT! GO GET HER" Soda:"okay!" Darry"THE REST OF YOU GO IN MY TRUCK NOW!" Johnny, Pony and Steve got in the back and I waited for Soda and    Y/n.
Soda POV
I was playing cards with Steve until Darry told me to wake up Y/n. Soda:"okay but what happened?" Darry:"DALLAS AND TWO GOT IN AN ACCIDENT! GO GET HER" Soda:"okay!" I ran to their tent. Soda:"Y/n wake up" I said while shaking her awake. Y/n:"what? Why are you waking me up?" Soda:"Dallas and Two got in an accident we have to go to the hospital!" Y/n:"WHAT!" Soda:"cmon I'll carry you" I picked her up bridal style and went to the truck. I sat in the front with Y/n on my lap.
I woke up by Soda shaking me. I didn't know why but then he told me that Dallas and Two got in an accident. We were driving to the hospital and I started to cry really bad. Soda:"Shhhhh shhhhh he's gonna be okay. He's Dallas Winston" Y/n:"W- wha- what if he doesn't" I said between sobs. Soda:"Shhhh don't think about that. He's gonna be okay" I nodded and hugged Soda. He has to be okay. I can't imagine my life without him. We got to the hospital we all ran inside. Darry asked a nurse were they were. Darry:"Two is okay he's awake." Soda:"and Dallas...?" Darry:"they don't know but he's in surgery" Y/n:"Surgery! NO" I fell on the ground crying. Soda picked me up and hugged me. Soda:"Shhhh it's okay" Y/n:" I can't loose him! Not now" Soda:"You won't loose him Y/n." After a while of me crying that felt like forever we went in Two Bits room. Two:"Hey guys" Steve:"Hey Two" Two:"how is Dal?" Soda:"They don't know." Two:"Y/n I'm so so sorry" Y/n:"Two pease don't be sorry it's okay" Darry:"it's not your fault Two, it's the guy that caused the accident." Two:"did they catch him?" Darry:"no" I turned around and saw Johnny crying. Him and Dallas have always been close. I walked up to Johnny and sat down next to him. Y/n:"He's gonna be okay Johnny" Johnny:"I hope..." I hugged him and he cried on my shoulder. I was pretty tired from crying so I laid my head on Johnny's shoulder. Pony:"you look tired. You should take a nap" Y/n:"Yeah I am." Johnny:"I'll wake you up if they have news" Y/n:"okay thanks Johnnycakes" he gave me a small smiled and I closed my eyes. I woke up by Johnny shaking me awake. Johnny:"hey, he's out of surgery" I got up as fast as I could. Y/n:"Were is he?" Darry:"come with me" I followed Darry to his room. When we got there he looked bad. All those tubes sticking out of him and he looked pale. Y/n:"oh my god" I walked up to the side of his bed. I sat down on the chair and took his hand. Y/n:"Dal... I don't know if you can hear me but. Please don't leave not yet. I don't want to loose you not now. Not ever. I want to marry you and I want kids in our future so please don't leave me." I started crying and Darry came up to me. Darry:"it's gonna be okay" he rubbed my shoulder and I gave him a hug. Y/n:"I don't wanna loose him Dar" Darry:"I know. He's gonna be okay" I sat back down next to Dally and I kept tracing my thumb over his hand. Doctor:"you guys must me Dallas's friends" Darry:"Yeah. Will he wake up?" Doctor:"he should be by tomorrow morning. But he got a concussion so he might not remember stuff." Y/n:"please don't forget about me. About us" Doctor:"you must be his girlfriend?" I nodded. Doctor:"I will leave you guys alone. If there's anything come find me" Darry:"Thank you" Y/n:"please wake up" the rest of the gang came to see us. Soda:"hey how are you" he said while kissing my head. Y/n:"I'm okay." Steve:"did the doctor say anything?" Darry:"yeah he's supposed to wake up by tomorrow morning, but he might not remember stuff." Y/n:"he's not gonna remember me" Soda:"he will. He loves you way to much to forget about you"  Y/n:"I hope your right." Soda:"I am" I smiled and hugged Soda. It had been a while and I was alone with Soda. I was sleeping on the chair with Soda.

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