Lady Brice is Your What?!

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  So it's a week after Maxon got shot and he's feeling a lot better. Maxon and I are both in our separate offices working. I'm supposed to be meeting Amberly in a little bit, but I wanted to finish my work first. I have a question for Maxon so I start walking to his office and hear him talking to our assistant, Lady Brice. "Sister listens to me, " Maxon says aggravated. "You shouldn't call me that, " Lady Brice scolds. Maxon sighs ever so clearly agitated. Was she his sister? Did he never tell me?! We promised no more secrets! He still has one! They continue to bicker. The sibling thing slips once more! That's it I've had it! I take a step to where I'm in the doorway. I look at both of them. I'm hurt but furious. My face says it all. Brice looks at me surprised yet scared. Maxon seeing her head turn looks my way. "What is going on here, " I demand. "America..." Mason starts. "You two are siblings, " I yell. "And you've never even bothered to tell me. We promised to not have secrets anymore. I told you about my father and Kriss being a rebel. I have no more secrets!" I yell. "You still do though." "Whats you're the last name Brice?" I ask. "It depends on whether you are going off of my mother's or father's," she responds. "Father's, " I command. "Schreave, " she says. I look at Maxon in disgust. "I thought you'd be happy about having a sister-in-law, " he says. "I am. I'm angry and hurt that you never bothered to tell me you have a sister, " I yell. Maxon tells me about how Brice is the daughter of Clarkson and his mistress. Making her the half-sister to Maxon. How she should have been dead. "Does Amberly know?" I ask. "She does now, " I hear a voice behind me say. They both look that way and I whip my head around. It's Amberly. "Is this true?" she asks. "Mom, I'm sorry but it's true, " Maxon apologizes. "Those 'random' gifts he got you was him apologizing to you before he saw her that night, " he explains. She looks hurt. "But you have are his daughter?" she asks. Brice nods. "Well welcome to the family, " Amberly greets. I heard that when I was leaving the room. Nobody had noticed yet so I bolted down the hall to the garden. Maxon lied to me. A few minutes later I hear him yelling my name. I turn to see him as someone yells, "Rebels are inside the palace." Maxon sees me. I bolt towards the forest losing my shoes. I turn to see rebels chasing me and Maxon trying to run after me but his advisors are pulling him to the safe room. It's what happened during the selection all over again except I'm being chased by southern rebels this time. The guards are firing at them. Maxon's yelling at them to stand down. I get to the middle of the forest but the rebels find me. They tie a rope around my neck and hang me from a tree. I'm grappling for the tree trying to not did here. They left me figuring I would give up and die. Finally, after so much struggle I just stop. I try to keep the rope loose around my neck but I conserve the rest of my energy. I close my eyes and take deep breaths. I hear voices yelling my name. I'm barely hanging in there. I can't speak. I have to conserve my energy. I do know it's dark out. I can't hold myself up anymore. I blackout.
Aspen's POV...
"Make sure to look at the ground in case they buried her. Look in the air in case they thing her, " I command. I hope she's not dead. She can't be. Maxon is calming down Marlee and Amberly at the palace. He really wanted to come but it was too dangerous for him to be out here and if America was dead Eadlyn and Ahren need him. "I found her!" Tanner yells. We all go rushing over to see America hanging. No, it can't be. She cannot be dead! Tanner climbs the tree along with Officer Brandon Brandt. Carter and I catch her when they untie the rope. We lay her on the ground to see if she has a pulse. Carter has the most medical knowledge so he checks. He looks up at me and says, "If she has one it is very weak. Let's hope it's just weak and not gone." I pick her up and we run back to the palace. She's limp in my arms. Head hanging. Arms and legs as well. As soon as we get to the palace I start running to the hospital wing. Maxon is there waiting. I stop in my tracks when I see him. He looks heartbroken. He stares at her. "Put her here!" Dr. Ashlar yells. I run over there and put her down. Ashlar hooks her up to a heart rate monitor. Carter was right her pulse is so weak it's barely even there. The doctor does an assessment on her and then informs Maxon, Carter, Tanner, Brandon, and me. We haven't left yet so nobody else knows she's even back here. "Alright how did you find her in the forest?" Ashlar inquires. "Hanging." Ashlar nods. "Ok here's the weird thing. She had rope burn on her arms and hands. Her fingers are really tight. The scratches aren't a surprise considering she was in a forest. She doesn't have marks on her neck as she should from hanging that long, " Ashlar explains. "Will she be okay?" Maxon asks. "Hard to say for sure, but it appears that she was only out for a few minutes before you got to her. She had a lack of oxygen but she never stopped breathing, " Dr. Ashlar explains. "How is that even possible?" Tanner asks. "What if-now this is only a theory- she was holding herself up until she couldn't anymore, " I offer. "That sounds like her, " Carter says. Maxon rests his head in his hands. "Your Majesty, she'll be okay. She's a fighter. She's not going out that easily, " Carter says. "Would you like me to inform Lady Amberly and Lady Marlee?" Brandon asks. "Lady Brice, Anne, Mary, and Lucy as well, " he says. Brandon nods and leaves.

Will America survive or will Maxon be left without a wife. They didn't even part on good terms either. Will Maxon be able to cope if he loses her. Find out in the next chapter! Please comment on what you thought and feel free to tell me some good ideas to put in the story I promise I'll give you credit! Vote for my chapters, please! Love y'all!

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