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  America's POV...
Maxon and I are snuggling in his bed this morning. "Darling I have a present for you, " he says. "You didn't have to get me anything." He goes to get up and I moan, " It's not time to get up." He laughs and gets up anyway, but he kisses me before he walks away. He comes back holding an little box. "Here you go darling, " he says while handing it to me. He sits back down with my while I open it. It's a beautiful amethyst ring! "Thank you!" I exclaim. "Its beautiful. What's the occasion?" "I wanted to get you a little gift. We won't have much alone time over the next few days because the French King, Queen, and Princess got here last night, " he explains. I give him a pointy lip and he kisses me. I put my wonderful ring on.
Maxon's POV Later that night...
My America looks so peaceful sleeping I couldn't bear to wake her. So I take a walk around the castle and I'm cornered by Daphne. One of my worst fears, me being alone with her. We both say hello and then she pins me against the wall! No this is not good. I gently push her away. "If you don't let me do this you can forget about America being safe, " Daphne threatens. "You wouldn't." "Try me." She starts kissing me and her leg is wrapped around mine. Her dress sleeve is falling off. It's Celeste all over again. I see a flash of light. Photographers. I push her away. "I'm going to kill you, " I mumble and walk away. I can't believe I fell for that.
America's POV The next morning...
I wake up and Maxon isn't here. He's probably just enjoying a walk around the gardens or something. I dress in this beautiful dress my maids made me.

 I dress in this beautiful dress my maids made me

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With my typical crown. I open the door to get the newspaper and I go back to sit on the bed when I see the front page. It reads, "King of Illèa not satisfied with his wife so he gets together with Princess Daphne of France." I'm fuming. The picture is of them kissing. Her dress sleeve falling off and her leg wrapped around his. I storm out of my room holding the paper and I walk out to the gardens to see Maxon with Daphne. I drop the newspaper and run towards the forest hoping to find some family willing to take me in at least for a night. I finally exit the forest and find a house. It's not a very nice one but I don't care. My guess is that they are probably fives or sixes. We were still working on dissolving the castes. I knock on the door. A lady opens the good probably not too much older than me. "Your Majesty, " she says and drops down in a curtsy. "How can we help you?" "I was wondering if I could stay with you and your family for at least a night?" I ask. "Of course but please it's not very nice in here. We are only fives, " She says. "Thank you." "May I ask why?" "Have you seen the news or newspapers?" She shakes her head. "Turn on the news and you'll see." "Darling who's at the door?" a man calls out walking towards us. "Your Majesty, " he says dropping into a bow. "Please both of you call me America, " I say. They nod. A little girl probably around the age of six to eight runs up and hugs her mother. "Gigi says hello to Queen America, " she says. Her mouth falls open. "Your Queen America?" "Yes, it's an honor to meet you, Gigi." She smiles and hugs me. "Gigi, " her mother scolds. "It's fine really, " I insist. "Oh my goodness you don't even know our names but please come in, " she says. I walk in and we all sit on the sofas. Gigi right next to me. She had beautiful blond hair and green eyes. Her mother has green eyes and blond hair as well. Her father has brown hair and blue eyes. "So I'm Vera. This is my husband Ben. That's our youngest who is almost six years old Giovanni but everyone calls her Gigi. Isabelle is 16 and is the middle child. Last but not least is our oldest, our son, Hunter. We are the Arts, " Vera says. "Izzie! Hunter!" she calls out. They come walking out. So apparently they just appear going but they are a decent bit older than me, the parents. Hunter is very muscular and handsome. His hair a mess which only adds to how cute he is. His hair is blond and he has blue eyes. Isabelle has brown hair and blue eyes. She looks like a model! I hear Isabelle gasp. " You're the queen!" she exclaims. I smile. "Hunter, Bella, Queen America will be staying with us for as long as she likes, " Vera says. "Omg! She can stay with me and my room!" Isabella exclaims. "Please call me America, " I say again. "Wait why are you here? Not that it isn't amazing, " Hunter asks. "Do you have television here?" I ask. They nod. "Turn on the news I'm sure it'll be on there, " I instruct. Ben turns the tv on and there it is. We all sit and watch. Bella and Gigi are on each side of me. Hunter is on the other side of Gigi. His muscles aren't too big but they are still noticeable. Kinda like Aspen's arms. Everyone gasps when they see the pictures of Maxon and Daphne. "America I'm so sorry, " Vera says. I give a weak smile. "Who in their right mind would cheat on you. You are hot!" Hunter exclaims. "Hunter!" Vera and Ben exclaim. I blush. "Well it's true. Plus she's an amazing person, " he says. I blush even more. So after the segment, Ben turns the TV off. "You can stay as long as you like, " Vera says. I don't know why but I grabbed my bag on my way out. Which has all sorts of stuff. Tiaras, money, pants and a shirt, tennis shoes, earrings, rings, necklaces, and three signet rings for guys and like six for girls. "May I use your bathroom to get changed please?" I ask. "Of course, it's down the hall first door to your left, " Vera says. "Thank you, " I say and grab my bag and walk to the bathroom. I finish changing and when I walk out holding the dress I ask, "What size dress do you wear Isabelle?" I ask. "Three, " she says. "Perfect, here I want you to have this, " I say handing her the dress. "I can't take that, " Isabelle refuses. "Yes you can. I insist." "Thank you, " she says tears coming to her eyes. I can see everyone else smiling out of the corner of my eyes. She hugs me and walks away to put the dress up. "Oh you can put your things down in here, " she says. "Thank you, " I say and follow her to her room. We have a grand time.
Maxon's POV...
I walk inside to get away from Daphne to see a newspaper on the ground. No-no-no. I run up to America's room and burst through the door. She's not here. I run all over the palace and I can't find her. I tell one of the guards to pull up the security cameras. It shows America angry running to the entrance of the castle. She sees me with Daphne. She drops the newspaper and rune towards the forest. No! She's not here! I run and get some guards together. We get in a van and drive towards the forest. We have to go on foot once we get to the entrance of the forest.
America's POV...
Hunter, Isabelle, Gigi, and I are playing ball but then their dad comes to say it's time to do their work. Gigi is the artist. The other two are musicians and singers. "America weren't you a musician and singer before you were Queen?" Isabelle asks. "I was. I played all the instruments and loved to sing, " I say. "Would you teach us what you know!" Hunter asks. "Sure, I haven't been able to sing or play in ages due to work, " I respond. They gently pull me to where they practice. Hunter's favorite is the guitar and singing. Isabelle loves every instrument but the guitar. She'll sing the chorus but that's it she told me. With all the excitement and fun I almost forgot about Maxon. Ugh, Maxon. "Will you sing for us?" Isabelle asks. "Oh I am probably not very good anymore, " I say. "Nonsense, " Hunter says. "Please, " Isabelle begs. "Alright, " I concede. They cheer. I sing them a song. "WOW, " they say simultaneously when I finish. "You are amazing, " Isabelle says. "You really are, " Hunter says. "We should do a song together!" Isabelle exclaims. Hunter nods. "I could play drums. Hunter could play guitar and you two can sing together!" Isabelle explains excitedly. Hunter nods in agreement. "Does this count for you guys practicing?" I ask. They nod. "Alright then. We start on a song and their parents and Gigi come to watch. When we finish they applaud. "You two are amazing, " I tell Bella and Hunter. "Us! We are nothing compared to you!" Isabelle exclaims. "We all sounded pretty good together. I have a position for you, " I start. Everyone listens. "Wait first, Ben you are an artist correct? Vera, you are a musician?" I ask. "Yes and I'm a bass player, " Vera says. Ben nods. "What if whenever the palace has parties or gatherings you guys could play there and be compensated. And Ben and Gigi you guys could set up an art area to sell the things you make. Now, this is all if you want, " I offer. "Are you serious?" Vera asks. "Very." "Of course!" Ben says. "Wait we have one condition, " Hunter says speaking for both him and Isabelle. "What would that be?" I ask. "You have to sing with us sometimes, " he says. "You drive a hard bargain did but I accept, " I say. "Oh did I mention that for the palace will buy set supplies brushes all of that and new instruments and sound equipment. Anything you need, " I say. They all gasp. "You are welcome at the palace anytime as well this part pending Maxon and I stay together, " I explain. Vera, Been and Gigi leave to get back to their work. "Do you think you'll get a divorce?" Isabelle asks. "I honestly don't know." She nods. "I have to be off soon to go to the palace, " I say. "Really?" Isabelle inquires. " I don't want to but I have to, " I explain. We finish with music and then we all gather in the den to see me off. "I want to give you all something, " I declare. "Please your company was enough, " Ben says. I hand them all a signet ring. "Arent these only for royalty?" Isabelle asks. "Technically yes, but after spending a day with you guys you are family to me, " I say. "Now, there is more, " I say. I hand Isabelle the crown. I hand Gigi the tiara. I hand Hunter a chain that belonged to my father and say, " I know it's not much but it belonged to my father and I want you to have it, " I say. " It's more than enough, " Hunter says. "One last thing, " say, and I reach into my purse and pull out $8,000 which to the castle is like a dollar and I hand it to Vera. "No this is too much, " she says. "You take it, " I command. Vera starts to cry. "Now I must be off, " I say. I bend down and hug Gigi. Then I hug Vera and Ben. Then Hunter and Isabelle. "I'm going to miss you both so so much, " I say shedding a few tears of my own. "Us too, " they say in unison. "Oh!" I exclaim. I take out my dangle diamond earrings and hand them to Vera. I then pull out five pieces of paper and hand one to each of them. "My personal phone number if you ever need anything or if you just want to talk, " I say. "Oh do you need ours?" Hunter asks. Without waiting for an answer he dashes away and then comes back with a piece of paper. "Please use it, " Gigi begs. "I will. All calls that come from me or if you call me ill make sure are prepaid, " I say. "Thank you, " I say. They all watch from the window as I leave. Someone comes and charges at me. They push me against a tree with a hand around my throat. I scream. I hear a chorus of no's. I try and grapple at him but I have no luck. I see Hunter come out with a gun along with the rest of his family. "What if I shoot her?" I hear him ask. "You won't, " Isabelle says. I see him pull the trigger. The guy falls to the ground. I also fall on my side my hair covering my face. Hunter and Isabelle help me up. "Are you okay?" they ask. "I think so. Thank you so much, " I breathe. "No problem, " Hunter says. "Now I hope to see you all soon, " I say. "Same goes for us. Wait shouldn't we go with you to make sure you get there safely?" Hunter asks. "No need. I do not want any of you to be harmed, " I say. I walk towards the palace. When I get out of the forest I see one of the palace vans. A guard shouts, "Put your hands up." He points a gun at me. I put my hands up and shout back, " It's me America!" It takes him a second to realize it's me and then he drops down into a bow and says, "Forgive me, my Queen." " It's fine!" He shouts to the other guards that I'm with them. A few minutes later Maxon comes running out of the forest. "America!" Great, I was not looking forward to our next conversation.

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