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  It's been a week since the rebels last attacked. They have either stopped their attacks or it's coming very very soon. Aspen surprisingly was fine with our break up. I am back on the main floor. Maxon comes up to me. "Hello, " Maxon says. "Hi Maxon, " I reply "As you may know Halloween is coming up very soon, " he states. I nod. "We will have another Halloween ball just like last year, " he says. "You will be excused from your duties that night, " Maxon says. I did promise you last year remember?" he says. "Maxon, what will I even do?" I inquire. "You will dance, " he says. "My parents will dance with each other and I was hoping you would dance with me, " Maxon says. "Maxon I don't even have anything to wear and I stink at dancing, " I say. "Lucy Anne and Mary will make you a dress, you know why I want you to dance with me, and Celeste and Marlee will be there, " he says. "Maxon-, " I begin. He cups my face with his hands forcing me to look at him and he kisses me passionately. Ok, I have really missed him. "I love you, " he says in a hushed tone. "Please say it America, " he begs. "Maxon there are so many reasons why we can't be together, " I say. "Like what, " he says. "Your father hates me. I am not fit to be queen. I would have to give up being a guard which I do really enjoys. I am also scared, Maxon okay, " I say. "I don't care what my father thinks. You would be a wonderful queen. The guard think might be a little bit of an issue considering they would all definitely want to kill you but we can figure that out. Scared of what?" he says. "I'm scared that you'll hurt me, Maxon. We would be together right now if you had just let me explain. I know what I did was wrong, but if you had just listened, Maxon. During the choosing ceremony, your main goal was to make me believe that you didn't love me anymore. That shattered my heart, Maxon, " I say. "I am truly sorry America. Will you forgive me?" he asks. "I don't know if can Maxon, " I say. All of a sudden we hear a thud. I start running that way and then I forget about Maxon. I turn back around and tell him to stay there. I see Queen Amberly laying at the bottom of the staircase. I rush over to her. She is fading fast. I pick her up and start running towards the hospital room in the castle from here the fastest way there is if I go back the same way I came. I can feel my bullet wound sting but I don't care. I start running with her in my arms as fast as I can. I see Maxon staring. I keep saying "Stay with me, " to Queen Amberly over and over again. I hear Maxon running behind me. I get her to one of the beds in the hospital and put her down. I keep whispering to her. The doctor comes up and assesses her. She just has a minor concussion.
The next day...
   I am at the entrance to the castle today. Maxon comes to find me again. "They said my mom is fine she just needs rest, " Maxon tells me. "That's good, " I say. He nods. All of a sudden a shot was fired and it hits Maxon. He falls to the ground. No-no-no. I hit the rebel alarm and kneel on the ground next to him. "Maxon please I need you. Stay with me. Maxon, I love you too. I kiss him and he kissed me back. He was shot in the shoulder. I gently pick him up and bring him to the royal family safe room. The doctor and all the equipment that they need are down there. I set him down on the bed. The king and queen are not down here yet. A doctor comes over to Maxon and I run back upstairs to see where they are. Oh no. Queen Amberly is standing in front of King Clarkson and there is a rebel pointing a gun at them about to shoot. I run as fast as I can and stand in front of Queen Amberly(who is standing in front of King Clarkson) and I aim my gun at him. I feel three bullets hit me one in the collarbone area and two in my arm. I shoot the rebel. Then I get Queen Amberly and kIng Clarkson down to the safe room. Maxon is a lot better. He is sitting up which is good. I am not letting these bullets take me down. I go out of the safe room and take down some rebels. A bullet grazed my ear. When the attack is over the royal family comes out of the safe room. They all come up to me. Did I do something wrong! I really need to go to the doctor to get my wounds taken care of. I curtsy and say, "Your majestic. Your highness." "Thank you for saving our lives America, " Queen Amberly says. "Thank you America, " King Clarkson says. "I didn't know you were that selfless, " he says. "Thank you America, " Maxon says. "Are you okay?" Maxon asks. I nod. "If you'll excuse me I need to go, " I say with a curtsy. I quickly go to the hospital wing to get my wounds stitched. They have me rest in one of the beds for an hour as soon as they finish.
Maxon's POV...
   I go to the guard headquarters to ask where America was. "Officer Leger!" I call. "Your Highness, " Aspen Leger says and bows. "Do you know where America is?" I ask. "Hospital wing, " Aspen says. "Is she okay?" I asked panicked. "We don't know yet, " He says. "Thank you, " I say. I rush out to the hospital wing.
America's POV
   The hour is up so I grab my things and I start to walk out. "America, are you okay?!" Maxon asks. "Yeah I'm fine, " I say. I'm in my tank top but I have my uniform jacket in my hand. He can see my wounds because they aren't covered by my top. "Why were you here? " He asks. "Oh I got shot no biggie, " I say. "Where?" he asks. I hold out my left arm which has two and I point to my collarbone which has one. "Are you okay? When did you get shot? How?" he inquiries. "I'm fine. A rebel shot me three times. While I was saving your parents, "  I reply. "I'm sorry, " he says. "It's fine. How are you?" I ask?. "Good, thanks to you, " he says. I blush. "Did you mean what you said when I got shot?" Maxon asks. I nod. "I love you, Maxon, " I say. I look down at the ground. He uses his finger to push my chin up gently so I'm looking at him. "I love you too, " He says. He kisses me. "I understand that you are scared. I promise I won't ever do anything to hurt you, " Maxon says. "Thanks, " I say.

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