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I wake up at 5 am and I get dressed. I grab my things and I find my post. Two hours later Maxon comes over. He is still in his pajamas and his hair is a mess. "Yes, Maxon?" I inquire. "How long have you been up?" he asks. "Two hours, " I reply. He laughs. "Good morning, " I smile. "Good morning darling, " he says. He kisses me. "Maybe you should get dressed, " I suggest. "You're right...and shouldn't you have given up guarding after we got married, " he suggests. I roll my eyes. He goes to get dressed and Tanner comes up to me. "You're on duty today?" he asks. "Yes, " I say. "Be safe, " he warns. "I will, " I laugh. A few hours later the rebel alarm goes off. We shoot off a few and then my guns are empty. I reach into my pockets to pull out more bullets and the box is empty. Uh-oh. I run and I come face to face with two rebels. I clench my fist ready to fight. "Calm down your highness, " the girl says. "We just wanna talk, " the boy says. "Who are you?" I ask. "Southern rebels...I'm Lucas and this is May, " he says. They both have guns. "But if you are southern rebels don't you just want us dead?" I ask. "we are giving y'all another chance first, " May says. "If we don't get what we want..."Lucas says shaking the gun. "What do you want?" I ask. "Funds...we need you to support the people out there, " Lucas says. "We are doing everything possible...thats what the fundraiser was for, " I say. Aspen turns a corner and holds his gun pointed at them. "Aspen put the gun down, " I say. He looks at me. "If these are the only ones left turn off the alarm, " I order. He hesitates. "Mer..." he says. "Aspen that's an order, " I say. He listens. The alarm goes off and they let people out of the safe rooms. "May and Lucas...I don't know what more I can do, " I say. A boy comes running. "Mom, Dad, please can we just go, " he begs. "No Luka, " May says. Luka looks to be about 15 or so. Lucas points the gun at me. "Would you kill me if I was your daughter...or mother or spouse or sister?" I ask. "How would you feel losing someone in that role? I play all four plus daughter-in-law, " I whisper. "Dad please, " Luka begs. Maxon comes running over. He wraps an arm around me. "Who are you?" Maxon asks. "Maxon they are southern rebels demanding more money for the people, " I say. Luka throws something at me and I catch it. It's bullets. I take one and put it in my gun. I point it at May. "Lucas how would you feel if I shot her...or, " I start moving the gun over to Luka. "Shot him, " I say. Lucas hands over the guns. "I'm sorry, " he says. I nod. "Thank you, " I say. We escort them out. Maxon kisses me and we go see Ahren and Eadlyn.
To be continued...

Sorry this chapter was slow...promise the next will be better...sorry it took so long I've been working on many other books on here and life has been crazy. Please comment your thoughts or ideas. I will give you credit for any ideas. Please vote

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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