8. Mine

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Mia's pov:

Staying here and hanging out with Anna has been so much fun, but that's not what I wanna talk about. I'm Mia, Ag's best friend. We have been through so much shit together it's insane. I've seen her in her darkest moments and in her most happiest. She deserves so much- she deserves to feel the kind of happiness that she didn't even know was possible to feel. She feels that with Anna, I can see it. Anyone with eyes can. They work perfectly together. I talked to Anna while Ag was busy getting her drawstring together and asked her how she truly felt about Ag. I knew that there was always something there but me being the protective best friend I am, I wanted to make sure that Ag is in good hands and that Anna understands how important she is to Ag.
I have a good feeling about this. I want them both to feel loved and valued- because they are. They deserve each other. I'm watching them sit together pointing at the stars and laughing. If there was one word to describe what I see right now, it would be love; in the purest of forms.

"Hey guys i'll be back in a second, my girl is calling me" I said as I went and sat on my long board.

***play song***
Anna's pov:
We sat in silence for a little while just enjoying each other's company. The stars danced while our hands fit together like puzzle pieces. We didn't need to speak. It was such a comfortable silence to just be with her. We soon just talked about everything. We talked about or greatest fears and our craziest dreams. She sat there and listened to me tell her all the things that have happened in my past- even the ones i wasn't proud of and she sat there and took it all in with no judgement. She accepted me for me. I told her about my past heartbreaks and what i look for in a person. What i look for in a relationship and what I want to give in a relationship. We talked about our dream dates and how much fun it would be to raise a dog. We talked about how much fun it would be if we lived together and waking up next to each other every morning. We talked about how it would be to not have to say goodbye, but simply i'll see you when you get home. Her arms felt like home.

"Hey you wanna know a secret?" I asked her.

"Of course, what's up bubbas?" she said as she shifted her body towards me

"I like you." I said with confidence and it felt so good to say. Officially saying it- the words came out of my mouth so naturally. It was more than just "liking" her. It was so much more than that.

"Hey Anna?" She asked

"Yes?" I replied

"I'm in love with you"

In that moment, my heart filled with euphoria. She embraced me with her welcoming arms and kissed my forehead. I loved her. But the only thing that went through my head after was her leaving. How it would be months before I got to see her again. The joy suddenly left my face as i buried my head into her chest. I felt a slight tear drop down my cheek.

"Hey hey hey woah what's up?" She asked sounding concerned

"I'm scared of losing you. I'm scared that you'll go back home and find someone that can give you all the things i can't simply because i'm not there. I'm scared that i'll mess up and you won't want me anymore. I'm scared that you'll realize you deserve more than me." I explained while more tears formed in my eyes.

"You're not losing me. Anna, the way i feel about you is indescribable. The way i feel about you is so different. It's so new and real- i've never had anything like it before. You have all of my attention. You have my whole heart. You are who I want. This is what I want. I wouldn't change that for the world. I cant explain to you how much you mean to me. I cant explain the way you make me feel because it's so intense. All i know is this"

She stood up and wiped my tears away with her thumb and then grabbed both my hands

"I am in love with you- everything about you. Your fears, your aspirations, your flaws, your laugh, the way you look at me, your dreams, the things that make you excited, the way you look up and point at the stars, the fact that you get so excited when the sky changes colors during the sunset, how your hands fit in my perfectly. Look what i'm saying is, it's you. it's always going to be you. you have my heart. and you are the only person on this planet that makes me feel this way. I cant stress that enough. I love you, and you will always have my heart"

I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. She held me and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm in love with you too" I said as i kissed her lips

The H Word || anna shumate//ag mcdaniel Where stories live. Discover now