19. Michigan Sunsets

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Anna's pov:

Today was really the last day I was going to be able to spend anytime with Mia and Ag. We spent most of the day in my house. It was too wet outside to go do anything and I really didn't have the energy to do so. Ag and I barely spoke to each other. As much as I wanted to just lay in her arms and feel her lips against mine, something inside me stopped it from happening. It was as if every time i got closer to her my body would stop completely. I talked to Mia about what the plans were for tonight but that was about it. I had a weird empty feeling in my chest and nothing was taking my mind off of it.

Ag's pov:

Giving Anna space as been the most difficult thing i've done in such a long time. We went from cuddling and holding each other to sitting across the room from each other. We didn't speak much. There was an awkward feeling that filled the room whenever we made eye contact. Sunset wasn't for another few hours but I was getting impatient. I needed to talk to her. I needed to tell her everything that happened. That Margot is a two faced liar. I needed to explain to her that she is who i wanted. That she is the only person I would ever share those special moments with. That she is the only person that anything feels right with. If it wasn't with her- it felt wrong and out of place. She has my whole heart. Never have I ever been so completely geeked over someone before. I could go on and on about how much she means to me. How she makes me feel and how I see us having a future together. I wanna spend so much time with her- as much as I can. I wanna raise a dog together and wake up next to her every morning. We only have less than a day left together- I hate that I'll be so far from her. Hopefully it'll be different in a few months.

****Time skip to the start of Mia's plan

Anna's pov:
Sunset was in about an hour and we were getting ready to go. I put on one of my oversized hoodies and some shorts. Mia said they had already put blankets in the back and were ready to go. I walked out to the car and got in the passenger seat. Ag came in soon after and say in the drivers seat; she started up the car and put it in drive.

"uhm? where's Mia? Why are we-"

"She's not coming. It's just us." Ag said

"What happened to all of us having one last sunset together?" I asked

"Mia and I both knew you wouldn't have talked to me if we just stayed in your house. So, here we are. You're stuck with me for a few hours. You don't have to talk to me, I just ask that you listen to what I have to say." She explain.

It was a silent car ride to the spot we were going to. I couldn't tell if I was mad or just really annoyed. I really don't have words for her right now. God I know she didn't cheat but it sure felt like she did. Every time i look at her all i see is Margot all over her. I see what should have been me, not her. The thought of it continued to flood my head. The anger and stress of the situation built up so high that I was so close to breaking. I clenched my jaw as I stared out the window. I didn't pay any attention to Ag as we drove to our destination.

Ag's pov:

***play song

Anna wouldn't even acknowledge my existence. It was the quietest car ride i've ever experienced. I pulled up to the pull off spot and backed into it so that the back of the car was facing the sunset. I turned off the ignition and turned to Anna.

"so, can we talk?" I asked as i put my hand on hers.

There was a long pause before she said anything. She continued to look out the window of the car before turning towards me.

"Talk" She responded

I took a deep breath and completely shifted my body towards her.

"I first wanna say that I am so sorry. I am so sorry for over reacting when you were just trying to tell me how you felt. I should have stayed there and listened and comforted you. I am so sorry that I didn't do that. I will do better next time."

Before i could continue she cut me off

"Next time? Next time I tell you how i feel and you go and sleep with someone else? okay." she shot back

"Anna let me finish please." I cleared my throat before i continued

"Nothing happened between Margot and I-" Anna cut me off before i could finish

"How am I supposed to believe that when she had your shirt on? You were at her house. You were there and didn't even call me to let me know you were okay. You let her snapchat me off your phone in your shirt after you texted me that you'd be back soon" Her voice began to rise as she continued

"You let her do that. So excuse me if I don't want a "next time". I Don't want to put myself through that again"

She opened the car door and walked out, slamming the door behind her. I quickly got out and followed her to the back of the car.

"Anna listen to me please!"

"No" she bluntly said turning away from me

"We didn't sleep together Anna. I wouldn't ever do that to you. I care too deeply about you to go and fuck someone else. I care about you too much to just let you go like that. I care about you too much to just watch you slip through my fingers."

I walked closer to her and grabbed her hand

"She tried to get me to sleep with her. She really did. But I didn't let it happen. I didn't want it to happen. I was in the shower while my phone was charging- I didn't know that it was unlocked. I didn't even know she went on my phone. By the time I got out of the shower my mind was so focused on getting to you that I just threw on a hoodie and started running." I explained

"But you knew it was her? You knew it was Margot. I told you about her and what she did. You knew that she was the one that spread rumors about me and tried to turn all my friends on me." Anna's voice gave out as she yelled at me

"Look I know, I'm so sorry. I should have realized it sooner. But nothing. happened. My hands didn't touch her, Anna" I said as I walked closer to her.

"You are the only person that I want. You are the only person that I want to spend my time with. You gotta believe me. Anna, if i didn't care, i wouldn't be here right now trying to fix this. I wouldn't be doing my best to explain that you are the only girl who makes me feel this way. I don't want anyone else, I want you."

Her back faced me. She said nothing to me. I stood there, tears building in my eyes.

"Anna please-" my voice cracked "say something- say anything. If you don't ever wanna talk to me again I get it but please just-"

Before I could finish my sentence, her lips were on mine. Our lips moved in unison, our bodies colliding.

Our lips pulled away as we both looked at each other. My heart began to race as my lips met hers again.

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