10. Stay pt. 1

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ag's pov:
i find myself walking the sidewalks of a town i've never really been in before. My phone is dead and i'm freezing. My head is cloudy and I can't think straight. I thought this was it. I thought that today would have been the day i make her mine. These thoughts ran through my head. Where did I go wrong? Is it me? Did i do something? I was so numb to my feelings. I simply felt empty. My thoughts were interrupted by a honking horn and a friendly face.

"Hey, do you need a ride somewhere?" The girl smiled from inside the car.

I stood there and thought to myself for a second if this is a good idea. I was cold and wet and lost; I nodded my head and got into the car.

"I'm Margot, where are you headed?" She asked with followed by a warm smile

"Anywhere. I just need to get out of these clothes and to charge my phone. Uh- how old are you?" i asked flustered

"I'm 17, I just got done with soccer practice. I live in the town next to this one. I'm almost never here but i needed to pick something up for my dad." She explained

"Are you from here?" she followed

"No. No i'm not. I was just visiting a friend." i said shyly, still upset over the situation

"Ohhh a special someone? what's his name?"

"Oh it's not a him" i said "i'm very much into girls" i explained

"Oh well i guess that's something we have in common then" Margot smiled

"Who were you visiting?"

"Oh it's not relevant. Just a friend. I'm from Kentucky so i really have no idea where i'm at" i babbled

"I'll bring you by my place and you can throw your clothes in the dryer and take a warm shower. You can charger your phone there too and then i can drop you off to where you need to go"

"Thank you, Margot. I appreciate it" i relayed a smile back

Anna's pov:

we've been driving around for an hour now. Ag won't answer her phone and I've never been so worried before. Mia isn't the happiest with me right now.

"I guess i'm just confused on the part where you feel like you guys wouldn't work? i mean shit, you both are so geeked out of your minds for each other. I do not understand the problem here buddy. Explain"

"I really don't know. I really don't. I guess the thought of-"

"Yeah yeah we know, her finding someone else and her being happier and you not wanting to hurt her. Let me ask you a question"

"okay" i replied

"do you love her?"

"yes, of course i do"

"do you truly care about her?"

"yes, even if my life depended on it"

"did you catch feelings before you met her in person?"

"yeah i guess i did."

"so you're telling me that you caught feelings for her when she was 556 miles away- continued to talk to her and caught more feelings even though she was so far away? "

I paused for a moment before replying

"yeah. yeah i guess i did"


Mia paused and looked at me before continuing

"Look Anna, you're gonna look back at this and regret not being with her. You're gonna look back on this after this whole overthinking passes. You're gonna realize that not having her is going to be awful. What's really holding you back? Just overthinking? I understand how much that can take a toll on you. But you can't let it hold you back from being with someone who understands you and your insecurities. She's not just gonna let you go through things alone- you're in this together. She feels just as much for you as you feel for her. She loves you. Don't let fear keep you from being happy."

Mia's words made sense. They made a lot of sense. I hated that she was right. Not being with Ag would make me miserable. Life without her would be so bland and boring and i do not want to imagine it.

"I'm gonna go get my girl." I said with confidence

Ag's pov:

Margot was very pretty and extremely nice. She told me about her dog and how much she loves being active. For a moment I wasn't thinking about what Anna had said. The conversation between Margot and I flowed perfectly- it was relieving. We pulled up to her house and as i got out of the car, she came up to me and hugged me. It surprised me as i was not expecting that to happen. I hugged her back and it felt welcoming. But it wasn't Anna. It almost felt wrong doing this. She kissed my cheek
and I followed her into her house.

Anna's pov:

I turned the corner in the neighboring town looking for Ag up and down every street. she still wasn't answering her phone but i was determined to find her and tell her that she is what i want. As i was driving by a familiar house i saw her figure get out of a car. My heart exploded with happiness as i saw her but quickly faded as i saw Margot Stewart hug my girl. I drove past her house and it felt as if time stopped. I watched her kiss My Girl's cheek and take her hand inside. Was I too late? Why was she with Margot of all people? Mia saw the joy drain out of my face. My heart sank into my stomach as i drove off. We weren't together, she's free to do what she wants with anyone she wants. And i can't stop her because she isn't mine. I was too late.

Part 2 will be out later today
feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions (:

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