44.0 The One Where The Only Thing That Matters Is They Love Each Other

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Post Death
Pre Death

Elizabeth Jensen stood behind her brother and boyfriend as they opened an article from the Evergreen County Register online

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Elizabeth Jensen stood behind her brother and boyfriend as they opened an article from the Evergreen County Register online. The girl let out a laugh as she saw the terrible photo they used of Clay. "Of course, that's the picture they chose?"

"Yeah, dude." Justin chuckled as he shared an enthused look with Elizabeth. "That is not your best look." He looked up at Clay and furrowed his eyebrows. "You're not looking too good right now, either. Did you sleep at all?"

"Yeah." Clay stated, obviously lying. He lifted up his coffee mug to take a sip.

Elizabeth pulled a seat over so she could sit with them. "Are you having nightmares again?" She asked her brother.

Clay shook his head. "Not again. They never stopped."

"Shouldn't you be talking to someone?" Justin questioned, placing his hand on Elizabeth's thigh.

"Shouldn't you?" Clay shot back. Justin rolled his eyes before taking a drink of his coffee. "Who do I talk to? What do I say, 'I didn't kill Bryce. I'm not crazy'?" Clay scoffed. "I feel like that actually makes me sound like a crazy person who killed Bryce."

Clay's phone buzzed, and Justin grabbed it, looking down. "Mrs. Baker." Justin looked back up to see Clay glaring at him. "Sorry." Justin handed him the phone.

"Wait, is she back in town?" Elizabeth asked.

"What?" Clay frowned as he glanced down at the phone. He stood up as he read whatever was on his phone in his head.


Justin Foley had been saving his money from his job at Monet's to buy Elizabeth a heart shaped necklace that she had seen while they were shopping. She said it was too expensive and left it at that, but Justin knew how happy Elizabeth would be if she got that necklace. He had finally made enough money to buy the necklace, and he thought it would be a good time to give her the gift because he wanted her to forgive him. She said she had, but he knew Elizabeth. She doesn't like being lied to, especially by Justin.

He had decided to buy the necklace on the way home from work. When he arrived at the Jensen household, he made his way up to Elizabeth's bedroom with the necklace in a box tied with a bow. He held the box behind his back as he knocked on Elizabeth's door. "What is it?" He heard from inside.

"Uh- it's me." Justin spoke from behind the door.

"Come on in."

Justin made his way into Elizabeth's room and saw her sitting on her bed. She had her laptop open. "What am I good at?"

The boy could think of many things, but all were probably too explicit for what she was trying to do. "You're a great friend."

Heartache ~ Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now