Chapter 5; U2, Sweaters, and Butterflies

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I woke up abruptly to the plane's turbulence. It was very slight but was enough to wake me up. I looked at my watch and found that we still had about an hour and a half till landing. I sighed as I closed my eyes again. I then suddenly realized that I wasn't resting my head on my seat. I turned my head slightly to see that I had fallen asleep on Chris's shoulder and then I realized that he had fallen asleep as well, resting his head on mine. It sent chills up my spine but I didn't mind.

I moved into a more comfortable position but unfortunately managed to wake Chris up. He lifted his head off of mine, saddening me, then looked down to me to see if I was awake. He smiled at me when our eyes met, making my insides melt.

"You must have been tired," Chris spoke softly.

"Yeah I was. I don't like getting up early..." Chris laughed quietly.

"Do you know how much longer we have?" I looked down at my watch.

"Like an hour and a half. I guess we didn't sleep as long as I thought we did," I told him. I looked down to see that he still had his hand on top of mine.

As much as I hated planes, I didn't want to get off of this one. I loved spending time with him. I looked back to his eyes. They were beautiful. The most amazing shade of blue. Whenever I looked to his eyes I felt calm, happy.

Chris broke the silence between us.

"Hey I think Aaron actually fell asleep. He hasn't been harassing us for a while..." we both began to laugh but quietly so we wouldn't wake the boys who were sleeping. Or Aaron.

I was determined to hear Chris's voice. "So who do you have on your IPod?"

"Well I got a little Barenaked Ladies, some Jimmy Buffet, U2 and some other stuff. I really only listen to those three though," my face lit up.

"You like U2?"

"Love them! I actually heard that they're releasing a new album in spring 2009," he replied.

"I heard that too!"

I took out my IPod, plugged in the ear phones and we each put one ear phone on. I brought up all my U2 songs and played them on shuffle. Together we sat there for the next hour and a half listening to their songs.

When the plane finally landed, I took my IPod back and tucked it away in my purse. I grabbed my bag from under the seat as he did the same. He backed out of the seat to allow me through then we walked down the isle to the doors.

It was way colder here than I had expected and I regretted not bringing any sort of jacket on the trip. We grabbed our bags and began to walk to the bus. Chris noticed that I was trying to keep myself warm. The wind was blowing and it felt like at least 35. He had on a zip up sweat shirt. He stopped in his tracks, unzipped the sweater, walked behind me, and draped it over my shoulders. It was so warm and cozy. It smelled like him as well which made me adore it even more.

He took my suitcase out of my hand and began to walk again.

"Hey, Chris, thank you. And you don't have to take my luggage!" I said.

"You're very welcome, Hannah, but I don't mind taking this for you," he insisted. I just couldn't argue with him. I just walked along next to him and hopped on the bus with him. I sat with Chris on the bus to the hotel. These seats were a lot smaller than the ones on the plane so it forced us closer together. He smelled incredible and his body warmth kept me warm on the somewhat cold bus.

When we got to the hotel we grabbed our suitcases and made our way into the building. There were many Avs fans here. They would all make faces at the team when they caught one of their eyes. I just rolled my eyes and continued on.

Chris walked me to my room.

"Thanks for keeping me company, Chris. Go make yourself comfortable in your room and rest up a bit," I told him.

"You're welcome. Thanks for keeping me company as well," Chris replied. I began to take his sweater off but he placed his hands on my shoulders, stopping me.

"Hannah, you can keep it for now. You need it more than I do. I'll be the one working my ass off- not you," he said fixing the sweater back on my body.

"Thanks," I said softly.

He moved his hands down my arms to my hands and held them. His palms were sweaty, but I didn't mind. Mine were too. He leaned towards me and kissed my cheek softly. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach. He slowly began to walk backwards, towards his room. Our hands slid out of reach. He turned around and began to walk to his room, smiling. I was too.

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