Chapter 30; The Stanley Cup Brings More Than One Victory

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Though the other night was hectic for everyone, we had still won the game and were off to the Stanley Cup Finals to face the Pittsburgh Penguins for the first time ever. The fans were ecstatic, as were we. The Red Wings hadn't seen the Stanley Cup since we won it back in 2002. Everyone's energy was radiating.

As disappointed as I was, I wasn't able to make it to the first two games at home. I was still in too much pain and needed to let my body heal so I could go to more games. And it turned out it was painful to stay home. In game one Chris wouldn't let a single shot through. He did have a few close calls but he never faltered. Bear and Hank scored as well as Sammy who put two in. Chris came back to my apartment that night feeling optimistic for the next game. If we kept this play up, the Cup was ours for sure.

Game two was as simple as game one. Homer, Brad, and Val scored for a win of 3-0. Barely a minute after Val's goal I got a call from Juliana telling me how happy she was. I was happy for her, too but inside my head I was saying how proud I was of my own boyfriend. Two shutouts in a row. Again, he came home happy. So happy that he even made our favorite recipe: Chicken Peccata. Lemony chicken. What's not to like? It's perfect.

That night I called up Piet. I wanted to be sure I was able to fly to Pittsburgh with the team to watch game three and four. "So can I go?"

"I'm really not sure, Hannah. If it were a couple days later, I would say go ahead. But it's only been about a week and a half since the accident, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you coming along with us," Piet explained. I felt a lump in my throat.

"Well.. What if..." I sighed. "What if you came over quickly to do a physical exam? To make sure I can or can't go. That way there will be no regrets..."

Piet didn't speak for a moment. All I heard was his steady breathing. Then a sigh. Through the phone I heard him speak to his wife. My face lightened.

"Alright, Hannah. I'll be over there in fifteen minutes. Make this quick, though. This is supposed to be my family night."

"Great! Thanks, Piet! See you soon," I joyfully said, hanging the phone up. I wobbled out of the bedroom and plopped myself down next to Chris. He looked at me suspiciously and smiled.

"What are you so happy aboat?" Chris asked in his Canadian accent.

"I may be able to go to Pittsburgh with you guys! Piet's coming over to give me a physical and see if I'm alright," I explained, smiling wide.

"That would be great! But don't be surprised if you are instructed to stay home. To me, you still look like you're in a lot of pain. And after what happened in Dallas, I don't want to take the risk of getting you hurt again..." Chris said, looking down at his feet.

"Well... We'll just see what Piet says..." I snuggled up next to Chris and we both awaited the arrival of the athletic trainer.

Piet took a final look at me before making the final decision. A sigh seeped between his lips. "I'm sorry, Hannah. Your physical condition really isn't appropriate at the time. But you are healing fast, which is a good sign. If you keep up the good work, you will be able to come to the game back in Detroit- Well, if there is another game back home."

"But that's just it! What if we snag the Cup while you're in Pittsburgh? I promised myself and Chris that I would be there when we win the Stanley Cup! What if we win?!" I began to feel panicky.

"If we win in game four, we will be flying back to Detroit in no time! There is absolutely nothing to worry about!" Piet reassured me.

"Nothing to worry about? Are you crazy? This is the Stanley Cup we're talking about! The trophy everyone dreams of winning! I want to BE THERE when the final buzzer sounds! When Gary Bettman walks out on the carpet and greets Nick! When Chris lifts that cup into the air! This isn't fair at all!"

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